Hecatomb: where to put it?

Dark Ether



Purpling out my main: Currently have 5 Hecatombs in Incadescent Strike, but I've read some say that they work better in Radiant Strike, because the Proc will fire more often. Gonna respec soon and not sure if I should move them all to Radiant? I do like the higher values being in Incadescent (bit faster recharge, etc), but if the proc makes that much difference maybe there's something too it.

What would you guys do?



Seeing as IStrike is such a slower power (to animate and to recharge) but is a Hold, I personally would slot it as a Hold and put the Hecatombs either in RStrike or my White Dwarf single-target attacks... but I'm a TriFormPB... so YMMV

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I'm all for putting them in whatever you can fire off the most to give yourself the best chance.

The other option, if you're undecided, is to pass them along to me for safe keeping.

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No worries - they're already slotted. Just wondering about 're-slotting' when I to a respec



You consider slotting RS with the proc and slotting IS with the other 5?



You consider slotting RS with the proc and slotting IS with the other 5?

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Well I only have 5 Heca's at the moment, but that is an idea for when I get the 6th. Have to decide if the 5% Toxic resist is worth giving up, along with the 3.75% Range defense from the set in RS right now.... Hmmmm



I'm not sure that Toxic is common enough to warrant 6-slotting that - generally the recharge is what you want. That 5% isn't gonna amount to much of anything unless you have several other sets giving you a boost there, too.

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I personally would slot it as a Hold

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I personally would slot it as a Hold

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I like holds, so I'd personally slot IStrike as I would a Hold with one of the Hold-IO sets.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



but...why? that's like slotting Total Focus for Stun instead of damage o.O unless...you're doing Acc/Mez and Dam/Mez Hami's o.o



Well, after much consideration, I re-slotted *All* of Hecatomb in Radiant Strike - and the results have been pleasing. If the Proc goes off it'll one-shot a minion and get most of a Lts Health (also will if I precede it with Build Up, and I can often get in two RS's before BuildUp expires). And that's soloing. On teams, with Cosmic Balance...well you guys know the math.

Inc. Strike now is 6-slotted with the Mako's that were in RS, and it's still a Devastating Attack. No regrets so far, and if I do, I still have two more freespecs



I'm glad to hear it. I was following this thread with as close to rapt attention as I could.



but...why? that's like slotting Total Focus for Stun instead of damage o.O unless...you're doing Acc/Mez and Dam/Mez Hami's o.o

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Because that's how I play? I like to mez my enemies and defeat them slowly while their friends are watching helplessly!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I'm glad to hear it. I was following this thread with as close to rapt attention as I could.

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The only *tiny* issue I have is the Proc from Mako's in IS. In Incadescent Strike (slower recharge, slow animation) it doesn't get the oppurtunity to go off that often, and when it does, it's kinda like adding a nickel to a dollar (ie., not that much extra considering the attack). I even thought about putting in a 'hold' IO in it's place, inspired by Lord Xenite.

Still, that 3.75 Ranged Defense (from having 6 Mako's) is hard to give up - I'll just leave things be for a while...



I'm glad to hear it. I was following this thread with as close to rapt attention as I could.

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The only *tiny* issue I have is the Proc from Mako's in IS. In Incadescent Strike (slower recharge, slow animation) it doesn't get the oppurtunity to go off that often, and when it does, it's kinda like adding a nickel to a dollar (ie., not that much extra considering the attack). I even thought about putting in a 'hold' IO in it's place, inspired by Lord Xenite.

Still, that 3.75 Ranged Defense (from having 6 Mako's) is hard to give up - I'll just leave things be for a while...

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Yeah, but if you add a nickel, and add a nickel, and.... then pretty soon you have ten cents!

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