Suppress Pain




It activates every 4 seconds.
Does it just heal you passively or do you have to see green numbers every 4 seconds?



You see the Green.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



You see the Green.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's [censored]...but oh well.



The Mastermind version does Regen instead (Corruptor version will in PVP only). Not sure why...

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Necro bump!

Has there ever been a dev stated reason as to why we get the lolAura instead of the MM version? Or is it just "devs hate us" :P



Originally Posted by Miyabi View Post
Necro bump!

Has there ever been a dev stated reason as to why we get the lolAura instead of the MM version? Or is it just "devs hate us" :P
Since the Corr version is more powerful than the MM version... well, yeah. I guess they just hate Corrs.

Trufax: MMs originally had the ticking heal version too. It made them unkillable so it was changed to the +Regen version.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

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+Regen scales with the recipient's Health, whereas healing ticks don't.

Since a Mastermind is made up of the character themselves and 3 different tier pets all of whom have different HP (I think?) then +Regen means that all of them will go from say half health to full in the same time barring other influences.
A ticking heal like Corrupters get would heal the low hit point characters to full first.

I've always figured that this is why Masterminds get +Regen.

As for why Corrupters get healing ticks - it works better on low hp teammtes and not as well on Brutes? Doesn't seem like a great reason. Maybe enough +Regen to match the current healing ticks on the Corrupter themsleves would make too many Brute teammates unkillable within the aura?



And just to throw in my 2 cents on why the toggle for corruptors changes to regen in PvP, imagine getting travel suppressed every 4 seconds...

I am PL in RL.

Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic



Originally Posted by Sinistar6000 View Post
And just to throw in my 2 cents on why the toggle for corruptors changes to regen in PvP, imagine getting travel suppressed every 4 seconds...
Heal suppression. That 30 point heal would prevent your real heal from doing it's job when you need it.

@ Sfort
Post may sarcasm
Leet speak, and generally difficult to read posts will be not be read.



Well, Pain Dom was brought out pretending to be a new and improved redside Empathy. My first guess when I saw that power was: "Oh, they're giving players an HA that rocks itself, but does so silently and annoyance-free."

I've only played the corruptor version, but I could see how it could ease the aura-rocking syndrome a bit and make teaming with "dedicated healers" a lot more bearable.



Originally Posted by MonkeySpirit View Post
Well, Pain Dom was brought out pretending to be a new and improved redside Empathy. My first guess when I saw that power was: "Oh, they're giving players an HA that rocks itself, but does so silently and annoyance-free."

I've only played the corruptor version, but I could see how it could ease the aura-rocking syndrome a bit and make teaming with "dedicated healers" a lot more bearable.
Incorrect, no Dev ever stated it was a new and improved Empathy. Pain was a revision of empathy with a villainous feel. Personally I find Pain more fun to play and I have both a Rad/Pain and Merc/Pain at 50.

My Rad/Pain is a powerful toon, he's fully IO'd and can provide heals and heavy debuffs (AC + Rad Blast all slotted with Achilles Heel -res). He can also take the damage, Tough + Perma WoP + Dark Embrace.

I don't have Suppress Pain on my toon and found the little ticks to be useless in PvE. With teammates speeding around, they are rarely standing in the aura. Waste of a power choice IMO. However I have the power on my MM as it buffs the regen of pets which helps quite a bit. The aura being left as a heal as opposed to regen buff on MMs would be overpowered IMO.

Empathy vs Pain: Old argument and should be left as "Two unique sets with some powers in common"

Edit: For the record, I'd take the power if corrs had the regen version. I mean think about all that resist + regen