What dom did you roll?
Earth/Energy and Grav/Elec
22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.
Still playing for reasons unknown.
I already have a mind/elec,mind/fire,ice/ice,mind/thorn,plant/psi,ice/psi...i rolled a earth/nrg, and fire/nrg to mess with
Used to play on Champion, pvp'd there.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

None I already had 4 that I been playing for a few years.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
I've already got a Grav/Elec in progress, but with the new changes, Earth/EA sounds really sexy to me. The lack of +ToHit is nearly nonexistent due to PB -Def plus Stoney is sexy, as is the new TF.
I've got a Mind/Psi Mind/Fire Fire/Psi but of all of them I think the Grav/Elec or Earth/EA will be my favorite.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

I get that you can get away with no aim/bu on an earth/ea, but how does that make the build better than mind/elec or fire/elec or w/e - don't the latter still do better damage? I really have no idea but would like to make a dom.
With the recent changes /EA does near /Elec dmg plus it has knockback. I'd say Mind/Elec and Fire/Elec have more burst dmg thanks to BU but Earth/EA does look nice with all that kb, Stoney and -Def.
Damn you Mel, now I have another toon to add to the list of ones to PL/IO.
The question is should I lvl my Psi/Em first or the Earth/EA?
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

Add to it the -Res from the AH proc, and I'm taking BS so I can hit them with Poisonous Ray, I think it'd be a solid build.
And hi Boomie.
that Mind/Psi and Grav/Elec is going to really hurt people...
Add to it the -Res from the AH proc, and I'm taking BS so I can hit them with Poisonous Ray, I think it'd be a solid build.
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Could go Lev for water spout(which takes AH proc), shark skin and hibernoob.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

Plus you just get to trow sharks...
Plus you just get to trow sharks...
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not in the dom version
I really like my mind/elec atm.. Yesterday I hit a scrapper for nearly 1k damage with BU, Posi Ray, and then Thunder Strike..
I might roll a Grav/Fire or Ice/Psi..
Plus you just get to trow sharks...
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not in the dom version
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So for all the new Doms out there, what are you going for your Patron?
With my Earth/EA I can't decide if I want Tactics/Hibernate, Phase/Mace, or Tactics/Mace.
Mace brings PFF, but lol PFF, so that means you will probably want Phase, but if you take Phase, you have no ToHit and no +Percep. If you go Hibernate, you lose Poisonous Ray with it's huge amounts of damage, and -res.
So troubled.
22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.
Still playing for reasons unknown.
Poisonous Ray into PFF seems to be the way to go for me...I'll have tactics with it. While PFF may not be the awesome it was before, it still provides some mitigation if you have no -def on you or if the person isn't using Aim+BU.
I don't like hiber simply cause it's just an oh [censored] button, that leaves you stationary for ambush the minute you come out of it...all it takes is toggle debuffs on your or an AoE Debuff or attack dropped to start Movement suppression and then you just get wrecked afterwards.
If doms had tanker HP it'd be ok to sit and get ganked outta hiber but yea...the 1500hp I'm runnin with won't sustain me through that.
Bah. I'm so torn. I have mind/elec who's 50, a fire/psi who's 46, a earth/fire. I can't make up my mind between mind/fire, mind/em, or grave/em.
Being told grav/em would be terribad 'cause I'd roll it for the kb/ku in pvp, and grav has a -kb. :/
Mind/Elec or Mind/Fire.
I'm just going to make a Grav/Ice for the lols.
The -KB is in the hold only from what I understand, so if somebody is held I don't wanna KB them anyway, so it's negligible as far as I'm concerned.
Gravity distortion?
Aye...the Singy uses it too, so that's the only time your KB would get wrecked.
If any. :P Already have a fire/psi, a mind/elec, and working on a earth/fire, though I did just roll a mind/fire. Wondering if I've shoulda gone grav/em.