Good Magic Monday Mornings




/e looks out the window into the early grey morning light and notices a strange short Norseman in spear and magic helmet and a rabbit dressed in Rhinemaiden garb.

Hrmmm..... I don't think we are in Kansas anymore. Ok who moved the building to a cartoon universe?

/e noms on a cartoon pamcake while listening to a merry lil melodie, the notes floating upwards before softly popping into the air.

Honestly I blame Chuck Jones for all this. :P

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



*stumbles out of bed from between Detra and Wyld, trips over Fey at the end of the bed and regains her balance* Hmmm, musta had a really fun night ... too bad I drank too much to remember

*washes face and hands, brushes teeth, then showers and gets dressed and ready for work, donning a white blouse with a light, airy, flowing black skirt and a pair of black strappy sandals. Pulls hair up in a ponytail and applies dark, heavy black eyeliner and mascara. Puts on her glasses and clicky-clacks down the stairs to the kitchen and sets all the CHEFBOTS and the COFFEETRON 9000 to "Monday"*

Good morning Rooky and everyone else. I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was very busy and I wasn't in game as much as I had planned. I didn't even get one lvl on any toon I had.

*gets a gi-normous mug of coffee-flavored coffee and a bagel with cream cheese, then sits in an over-sized FBBC*

Have a great day everyone.



Struts in whistling, legs expanding and contracting rhythmically instead of actually dancing, holding a steamboat wheel.

<sings> Maint'nence sure came eaaaarlyyy
Happy patch day! Happy patch day!
Myyy your hair is cuuuurly
Happy patch day! Happy patch day!



Ooo Magic... bring on the Magic origin folks!



Nice one TigressViolet and good morning to you and to Stryph!

Good Morning Emmi! Thanks for double opening this morning, that's more than likely what shunted us to cartoon land which isn't a BAD thing. :P

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Course most can get the picture with me and my relation to mythos!

-struts in wearing a red coat, twirling a large two handed sword effortlessly with his right hand-

For I am here, to reclaaaaaaim what is rightfully mine!

cool for school.



Devil May Cry? I had to look it up actually I never played those. Are they any good?

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Slowly recovers from the shock of Emmi stumbling into the shower with her and never even noticing she was there and towels off, dries her hair and brushes it, applies sensible makeup and dresses quickly. Heads down for coffee and grins at Emmi waving and not saying a word.

Morning all Gosh what a week I barely spent much time on at all aside from the Static team on Tuesday. Did manage to get Zat my Ill/Emp to 50 but she was only 5 bars away and had a ton of Patrol XP to help. Looking forward to tomorrow night.

Hmmm I wonder if at some point today Emmi will notice she's wearing my undies not hers? Shrugs and stares out the window, sipping her coffee, at the small yellow birdie that keeps saying "I tot I taw a Puddy Tat"

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Well if you're a fan of Bloodrayne, DMC is one of the harder action game franchises. Bloodrayne, God of War, etc.

I dig it, has some cool elements and concepts.



Slowly recovers from the shock of Emmi stumbling into the shower with her and never even noticing she was there and towels off, dries her hair and brushes it, applies sensible makeup and dresses quickly. Heads down for coffee and grins at Emmi waving and not saying a word.

Morning all Gosh what a week I barely spent much time on at all aside from the Static team on Tuesday. Did manage to get Zat my Ill/Emp to 50 but she was only 5 bars away and had a ton of Patrol XP to help. Looking forward to tomorrow night.

Hmmm I wonder if at some point today Emmi will notice she's wearing my undies not hers? Shrugs and stares out the window, sipping her coffee, at the small yellow birdie that keeps saying "I tot I taw a Puddy Tat"

[/ QUOTE ]

No wonder they were so tight ...

*runs back up to her room and changes real quick*

Sorry Wendy! I'll wash them before I return them.



/e watches Emmi and Oh So Wicked Wendy's exchange and grins.


Morning Wendy!

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Good tune for a fun game :3

Little metal-ish so if you don't like it.... too bad.



The first one was good but lacking in animation :P

Second was blocked by work. My internet filters are very very strange.

Got to get a laptop and wireless.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Second one was featuring Forget to Remember by Mudvayne with footage of Prototype. I don't care for Mudvayne too much, my favorite tune by them being Not Falling (from the Ghost Ship OST) but the tune fit well with what was actually going on in the game.



Not Falling for those of you unfamiliar :3



No youtube allowed at work durnit.



Well page two remember!

A song, I actually like by Sick Puppies. >.>;

Man nothing says, "I pwn zombies" like corpse sliding on one and then kicking it into another one. xD



A strange looking wabbit wanders buy standing upright and munching on a carrot as Wendy feeds the yellow birdie crumbs from a day old cookie

"what up doc?" he smiles at her and she grins back wondering who the short bald man with the shot gun is that appears to be stalking da wabbit.

Is there something funny in the coffee today? Animals keep talking to me and there is small small kid named Cartman at the door selling day old cookies. Kids swears like a Marine an I swear he has shoes but no legs that I can see.

hehe Don't worry about it Emmi they were old ones and most of the time I let Ramone wear them anyway. Keep him from stretching out my good stuff.

Wait! what was the black flash I just saw? You know what? "I did, I did, I did see a Puddy Tat!"

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



That's a pretty interesting game demo too. I like the tossed suburban at the helicopter at the end. :P

Good to see its a PC game too. Song definately fit the action in the game.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Well my dear, if Ramone wears them and they're tight on me, then he must be one very petite man ... not that there's anything wrong with that



*stumbles down the stairs completely confused at the fact that neither emmi or wicked wendy noticed he was in that shower b4 either of them.*

Um good morning everyone. Emmi and Wendy we may need to talk.....

I would really like to know which one of you has my Machetty? It was there with me in the shower, then you two came in, left and it was gone. Is it payment of some sort for the shower show?



Wendy's boy toy Ramone might have it. You might need to talk to him about your machete.




*slices through an apple with a fiery scimitar, then eats it for breakfast*




*gives everyone big squishy boobie hugz™!!!*

YaY!! Good morning..

*notices the cartoon reality & the panty swapping*

I <3 the Rookery.!!!



<-----wants a whip emote! (checks off list, thank you Going Rogue! *smooches*)
<-----wants female & customizable MM pets!

[Local] Free.Fall: Detra TF.. timed. last 30 minutes with handcuffs one has collected the badge yet..