The best DPS?




Just to put this in perspective /ment has a 3750 point dot attack that does not need aim or build up and takes 1.33 seconds to cast. Nothing on the scrapper side or any other blaster secondary comes close

[/ QUOTE ]

Too bad it's -regen not actual damage. -Regen is only great in the absence of other people to help you attack and other -regen. Dropping regen below 0% doesn't make the target start losing health.

The issue with DPS calculations in general is that they're built around dealing damage, not functional damage (which would include -regen effects), at least where Blasters, Scrappers, and Tankers are concerned. Defenders and Controllers generally scale up a bit simply because that's the single largest contributive power they've got at their disposal for the purposes of EB/AV/GM soloing and, because of it, makes them disproportionately effective against those targets while less effective against all others.



A scrapper built to solo a Pylon could outdamage a blaster built to do the same, because part of soloing a pylon is surviving it, and a scrapper can do a much easier job of it. A blaster built for max survivability will likely have to sacrifice a bit of DPS in the process.

Take that out of the equation and there's no way a scrapper should outdamage a blaster built for pure DPS, unless you're talking about like a Dark/Shields vs. Sonic/Dev or some silly mismatch.

[/ QUOTE ]

Any /Ment properly built will outdamage any scrapper against a pylon. /Ment produces by far the most damage for any one click against hard targets. Its so lopsided that I don't know when I will stop laughing at people that made the claim that fire/elec or Fire/energy had the best DPS.

Just to put this in perspective /ment has a 3750 point dot attack that does not need aim or build up and takes 1.33 seconds to cast. Nothing on the scrapper side or any other blaster secondary comes close

[/ QUOTE ]

Ya in a solo test -regen tends to be very good, but that same fire/elec is going to produces heaps more damage in the event that other damage buffers, -res debuffers, or someone else flatlines the regen.

It is a weird situation because the only time "long term" dps matters is vs very high hp targets, of which most have significant regen. And most people measure the dps in a solo scenario, which just so happens to be the best time for a -regen power to shine.

But many people want to discount -regen powers because simply put (and like you said) they are so dang powerful, but they don't scale very well because once you stop regen it can't go further.

I think it would be good (though might require some rebalancing) if -regen could actually lower hp like it does in guildwars.

It would make -regen more useful against EB's and lower where in the current game -regen does next to nothing against them. It would also make more -regen users scale better because two Lingering rads would actually start to subtract health rather than just halt it.



Scrappers don't out-DPS blasters because of crits.

IF scrappers out-DPS blasters it is generally because of one of two things:

1) Scrapper spent a billion on the build, and Blaster did not, or
2) Blaster is not using all the tools they have.

I suppose there is case
3) Blaster is dead on floor in the first two runthroughs of the attack chain.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then there's the whole single vs. multiple target issue. A blapper might max out DPS including their fire sword or whatever, but some blasters, myself included, don't take it, preferring to take anything that helps with ranged instead. After all, the only thing that lasts long enough to be worth it is an AV, and I'd rather be in the rear with the gear than risk it adding a few percent to the DPS. You croak, the DPS of the group tends to go way, way down.

[/ QUOTE ]

You gotta risk it to get the biscuit!

(so ashamed I just admitted I've seen the movie that is from).



Too bad it's -regen not actual damage. -Regen is only great in the absence of other people to help you attack and other -regen. Dropping regen below 0% doesn't make the target start losing health.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well lets look at that.

Attacking minions it just doesn't matter. Any blaster is going to kill them before you can blink. Lieutenants much the same. In both these cases if you hit they are down. Its Aim->BU->Tier3->Tier2->tier1 they are down. If you are calculating DPS against these targets with melee attacks, the melee attacker is going to lose against the pure ranged because he has to move into position to use it, whereas the ranged chain can probably kill them before he gets into position.

After those we have bosses, elite bosses, AVs, Deadly objects, Reichsman. I really wish they would remove reichsman as he is just boring. Thats off topic though.

AVS, Pylons, Reichsman ETC regenerat at 125 or so HP/sec. So you can do 300 points/sec with your chain but it will only be a net of 175 and thats what counts. Going back to reichsman those high damage attack chains Fire/Elec and Fire/energy are quite low in net damage. He has large resistances to all the damage types and a .05% regen off 226000 hp. Roughly the same numbers hold for other AVs they have less HP but a higher base regen, the same for Pylons and the like. For perspective recently I ran a Khan tf with my fire ment. I hadnt realized that there were no serious debuffers just 2 emp defenders. My Drain Psyche contributed about 50K of the damage needed to kill him over a 10 minute fight.

This leaves us with bosses and elite bosses to consider. Bosses are going to be at 2500 hp or so with a regeneration rate of .22 for about 5.1 points a second. This places DP at 160 damage over 30 seconds or 160 damage/1.33 activation. If that were all of it it would be unimpressive. Seeing as this is in the context of a lone blaster unteamed, the added survivability makes certain the blaster stays alive to deliver the chain.

In the case of the EB you are talking about roughly double the HP of a boss giving you 300 points for that 1.33 second click.

For the small stuff fire doesn't need anything else and for the big stuff where you need high consitent damage nothing else comes close.



We're talking about two different things in this thread. The OP is asking for pure DPS output, and that puts Fire/Elec ahead. I first mentioned "effective" DPS, which is what you're talking about. As a matter of practicality, both have different uses. If you're looking to solo pylons and AVs or even help in those fights, your effective DPS including all debuffs will matter more. If you're beating up on a lot of minions, pure DPS output matters more. Then again, for this latter, you should care more about AoE output anyway--my responses of Fire/Elec have been from a purely academic PoV, because I happen to find such calculations interesting.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



I actually asked about the best dps in all far the best pure dps is fire/elec, best effective is fire/ment?

now, what about AoE?



fire/fire, though fire/ment is much more surviable and does very high aoe as well.

Arch offers a lot of burst aoe damage that is up very often with rain of arrows, but considering how it will wipe the whole group (or very close to it) you end up having to wait on it for the next group. Thankfully a solid arch build can have the thing recharging in like 20 seconds.. so bout every 25 seconds with the cast time factored in.



Not sure that the OP has such a build--if you do, please show us soloing a Pylon in 3:43, cuz that's what a DPS of 300 could do. We might even provide the necessary mitigation if required so that you can just do damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, killing a pylon in 3:43 isn't 300 dps. Pylons have 30675 hp. 300 dps would kill that in under 2 minutes. (Just to be nit-picky)

My ill/rad troller just solo'd a pylon, and I timed it with a stopwatch to 4:58. That's just over 100 dps.

The Mastermind Project
Leveling every primary/secondary to 50!
50: Bot/FF, Bot/Dark, Ninja/Trap, Merc/Pain, Necro/Dark, Thug/Dark
Works in Progress: Thug/TA, Merc/Poison, Thug/Pain, Ninja/Pain, Thug/Storm



Not everyone gets a perma -regen power. You have to consider pylon regen (and resistances) for real DPS, otherwise the number you end with is meaningless for anything but pylon soloing.



Not sure that the OP has such a build--if you do, please show us soloing a Pylon in 3:43, cuz that's what a DPS of 300 could do. We might even provide the necessary mitigation if required so that you can just do damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, killing a pylon in 3:43 isn't 300 dps. Pylons have 30675 hp. 300 dps would kill that in under 2 minutes. (Just to be nit-picky)

My ill/rad troller just solo'd a pylon, and I timed it with a stopwatch to 4:58. That's just over 100 dps.

[/ QUOTE ]

No freaking way that's just over just 100 dps, that is closer to 250 dps.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Not sure that the OP has such a build--if you do, please show us soloing a Pylon in 3:43, cuz that's what a DPS of 300 could do. We might even provide the necessary mitigation if required so that you can just do damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, killing a pylon in 3:43 isn't 300 dps. Pylons have 30675 hp. 300 dps would kill that in under 2 minutes. (Just to be nit-picky)

My ill/rad troller just solo'd a pylon, and I timed it with a stopwatch to 4:58. That's just over 100 dps.

[/ QUOTE ]

Goes back to how you are calculating DPS.

Effective DPS = Damage done to target + Any healing prevented on targeted.

You prevented the pylon from repairing itself for the full time adding about 128 DPS to your effective DPS.

A blaster without a -regen power would have had to to do an addition 128 DPS to match your time.



Not sure that the OP has such a build--if you do, please show us soloing a Pylon in 3:43, cuz that's what a DPS of 300 could do. We might even provide the necessary mitigation if required so that you can just do damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, killing a pylon in 3:43 isn't 300 dps. Pylons have 30675 hp. 300 dps would kill that in under 2 minutes. (Just to be nit-picky)

My ill/rad troller just solo'd a pylon, and I timed it with a stopwatch to 4:58. That's just over 100 dps.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, it's not. Pylons don't just have a pile of HPs; they have regen and your Ill/Rad has debuffs as well.

DPS = 38343.75 / seconds to solo pylon + 127.8125.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



so, theoretically Umby's build could do it in about 4:20?



so, theoretically Umby's build could do it in about 4:20?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah he could but he'd be using inspirations in order to survive.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



so, theoretically Umby's build could do it in about 4:20?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah he could but he'd be using inspirations in order to survive.

[/ QUOTE ]

What are the rules on this ?

I thought the point on this was to see how much damage a chain could inflict. Survival insps would seem to be legitimate here.



so, theoretically Umby's build could do it in about 4:20?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah he could but he'd be using inspirations in order to survive.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would actually expect the offer of "If you can manage a build that does this, we'll get you survivability assists to make sure that you do" still stands. It's not a question of DPS while solo, which is a completely separate issue. It's not a question of functional DPS which is a completely separate issue and only really important in the absence of any other -regen effects. It was simply a question of pure DPS in an environment ignorant of survivability issues.



what is the current scrapper record?



Umby, think you could beat it with your build if someone offered like a FFer?

(hey, the scrapper got to use monkies )



Umby, think you could beat it with your build if someone offered like a FFer?

(hey, the scrapper got to use monkies )

[/ QUOTE ]

Considering I don't have a Fire/Elec, much less one decked out in a rather expensive build, I doubt it. The build was simply a demonstration of number crunching.

(And stop calling me Umby. I'm a Scrapper not a house pet. )




anywho, someone should make the Umbral build...if so, we could beat teh scrapper record <.<



what is the current scrapper record?

[/ QUOTE ]

Fire/Shield with monkeys saturating AAO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Keep in mind, that's w/no help, no temps, no insps. For this "challenge", absolutely, employ any defensive help you want (FF defender would help a lot), but if we can't really compare fairly to a self-sufficient scrapper build.

BTW, Fire/Rad controllers have done it under 4:10, also no temps, no insps.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee




I have done some number crunching, and decided to evaluate the sets on a basic lvl for the heck of it.

By basic I mean Base Numbers, no enhancements, No IO bonuses.

Just the tier 1, 2 and 3 blasts.

For AR and Elec, Ignite and Voltaic Sentinel will fill these roles, the results are as follows:

[u]T1 and T2 Comparison[u]
Snap Shot: Rech=2sec, Dam=52.6, End=3.54
DPS: 16.5 DPA: 44.28 DPE: 14.86
Aimed Shot: Rech=6sec, Dam=82.6, End=5.2
DPS: 10.52 DPA: 44.69 DPE: 15.88

Flares: Rech=2.18sec, Dam=63.2, End=3.69
DPS: 18.76 DPA: 53.2 DPE: 17.13
Fire Blast: Rech= 4sec, Dam=92.6, End=5.2
DPS: 15.83 DPA: 50.11 DPE: 17.8

[u]Assault Rifle:[u]
Burst: Rech=4sec, Dam=67.6, End=5.2
DPS: 13.03 DPA: 56.9 DPE: 13
Slug: Rech=8sec, Dam=102.6, End=8.53
DPS: 10.42 DPA: 55.52 DPE: 12.03

[u]Energy Blast:[u]
Power Bolt: Rech=4sec, Dam=62.6, End=5.2
DPS: 12.06 DPA: 52.69 DPE: 12.04
Power Blast: Rech=8sec, Dam=102.6, End=8.53
DPS: 10.42 DPA: 55.52 DPE: 12.03

[u]Ice Blast:[u]
Ice Bolt: Rech=4sec, Dam=62.6, End=5.2
DPS: 12.06 DPA: 52.69 DPE: 12.04
Ice Blast: Rech=8sec, Dam=102.6, End=8.53
DPS: 10.42 DPA: 55.52 DPE: 12.03

[u]Sonic Attack:[u]
Shriek: Rech=3sec, Dam=52.6, End=4.37
DPS: 12.56 DPA: 44.28 DPE: 12.04
Scream: Rech=6sec, Dam=82.6(91.19 seeing as the-res applies during the DoT damage), End=6.86
DPS: 10.52(11.62) DPA: 44.69(49.35) DPE: 12.04(13.29)

[u]Psychic Blast:[u]
Psionic Dart: Rech=4sec, Dam=62.6, End=5.2
DPS: 12.06 DPA: 52.69 DPE: 12.04
Mental Blast: Rech=8sec, Dam=102.6, End=8.53
DPS: 10.42 DPA: 55.52 DPE: 12.03

[u]Electrical Blast:[u]
Charged Bolts: Rech=4sec, Dam=62.6, End=5.2(4.42 averaged with discount)
DPS: 12.06 DPA: 52.69 DPE: 14.16
Lightning Bolt: Rech=8sec, Dam=102.6, End=8.53(7.25)
DPS: 10.42 DPA: 55.52 DPE: 14.15

Now, gathering the data up, I will assort them from best, to worst:

[u]Tier 1 attacks[u]
Flares: 18.76
Snap Shot: 16.5
Burst: 13.03
Shriek: 12.56
Other: 12.06
[u]Tier 2 attacks[u]
Fire Blast: 15.83
Scream: 11.62
Aimed Shot: 10.52
Other: 10.42

[u]Tier 1 attacks[u]
Burst: 56.9
Flares: 53.2
Other: 52.69
Snap Shot & Shriek: 44.28
[u]Tier 2 attacks[u]
Other: 55.52
Fire Blast: 50.11
Scream: 49.35
Aimed Shot: 44.69

[u]Tier 1 attacks[u]
Flares: 17.13
Snap Shot: 14.86
Charged Bolts: 14.16
Burst: 13
Other: 12.04
[u]Tier 2 attacks[u]
Fire Blast: 17.8
Aimed Shot: 15.88
Lightning Bolt: 14.15
Scream: 13.29
Other: 12.03

This list will be determined by the power's ranking on the previous lists. there are 8 powers, so each will be assigned a score from 8 (best) to 1 (worst)

[u]Tier 1 attacks[u]
8+7+8=23 (Flares)
6+8+5=19 (Burst)
7+5+7=19 (Snap)
4+6+6=16 (Ch.Bolt)
5+5+4=14 (Shriek)
4+6+4=14 (P.Bolt, I. Bolt, P. Dart)
[u]Tier 2 attacks[u]
8+7+8=23 (F.Blast)
5+8+6=19 (L.Bolt)
7+6+5=18 (Scream)
6+5+7=18 (A.Shot)
5+8+4=17 (Slug, P.Blast, I.Blast, M.Blast)
23+23=46 (Fire)
19+18=37 (Arch)
19+17=36 (AR)
16+19=35 (Elec)
14+18=32 (Sonic)
14+17=31 (Nrg, Ice, Psi)

At the moment, to no surprise, Fire is the leader, followed by Archery, then, surprisingly by Ar and Elec, the two supposed bad ST sets, then sonic, Nrg, Ice and Psi bring up the rear.

now, onto the Tier 3's.

[u]T3 Comparison[u]
[u]Blazing Arrow:[u]
Rech=10sec, Dam=161.7, End=10.2, Act=1.98
DPS: 13.5 DPA: 81.67 DPE: 15.85

[u]Blaze: [u]
Rech=10sec, Dam=188.9, End=10.4, Act=1.188
DPS: 16.88 DPA: 159.01 DPE: 18.16

[u]Ignite: [u]
Rech=20sec, Dam=283.6, End=5.2, Act=4.224
DPS: 11.71 DPA: 67.14 DPE: 54.54

[u]Power Burst: [u]
Rech=10sec, Dam=132.6, End=10.4, Act=2.244
DPS: 10.83 DPA: 59.09 DPE: 12.69

[u]Bitter Ice Blast: [u]
Rech=12sec, Dam=142.6, End=13, Act=1.32
DPS: 10.71 DPA: 108.03 DPE: 10.97

[u]Shout: [u]
Rech=11sec, Dam=132.6, End=11, Act=3.036
DPS: 9.45 DPA: 43.68 DPE: 12.06

[u]Telekinetic Blast: [u]
Rech=10sec, Dam=122.6, End=10.2, Act=1.188
DPS: 10.96 DPA: 103.2 DPE: 12.02

[u]Voltaic Sentinel(attack): [u]
Rech=2.5sec, Dam=44.5, Act=1.32
DPS: 11.65 DPA: 33.71 DPE:44.5(11.65x60=699/26=26.88)
(Rech=60sec, Dam=+20.5%, End=26, Act=3.3)

Same as before:

Blaze: 16.88
Blazing Arrow: 13.5
Ignite: 11.71
Voltaic Sentinel: 11.65
Telekinetic Blast: 10.96
Power Burst: 10.83
Bitter Ice Blast; 10.71
Shout: 9.45

OMGWTFBBlaze: 159.01
Bitter Ice Blast: 108.03
Telekinetic Blast: 103.2
Blazing Arrow: 81.67
Ignite: 67.14
Power Burst: 59.09
Shout: 43.68
Voltaic Sentinel: 33.71

Ignite: 54.54
Voltaic Sentinel: 44.5 (or 26.88)
Blaze: 18.16
Blazing Arrow: 15.85
Power Burst: 12.69
Shout: 12.06
Telekinetic Blast: 12.02
Bitter Ice Blast: 10.97

[u]Tier 3 attacks[u]
8+8+6=22 (Blaze)
6+4+8=18 (Ignite)
7+5+5=17 (B.Arrow)
5+1+7=13 (V. Sentinel)
4+6+2=12 (TK Blast)
3+3+4=10 (P. Burst)
2+7+1=10 (B.I.B)
1+2+3=6 (Shout)
46+22=68 (Fire)
37+17=54 (Arch)
36+18=54 (AR)
35+13=48 (Elec)
31=12=43 (Psi)
31+10=41 (Nrg, Ice)
32+6=38 (Sonic)

now that we have evaluated Tier 3's, not much has changed.

Fire is still on top, the weapon sets are at a tie, followed by Electric. Psi is doing better, Ice and Nrg are unchanged, and Sonic is at the bottom of the barrel.

Now that all the powers are evaluated, let's make a simple chain to see what turns out. We will compare DPS and DPE of the chains, and factor in Defiance, and in Sonic's case, -res:

[u]ARCHERY[u]: Snap-B.Arrow-Aimed
52.6+(161.7x1.066)+(82.6x1.187) = 323.01 / 5.016 = 64.39 DPS 323.01 / 18.94 = 17.05 DPE

[u]FIRE BLAST[u]: Flares-F.Blast-Blaze
63.2+(92.6x1.066)+(188.9x1.176) = 384.06 / 4.224= 90.92 DPS 384.06 / 19.29 = 19.91 DPE

[u]ASSAULT RIFLE[u]: Ignite-Burst-Slug
283.6+(67.6x1.151)+(102.6x1.217) = 486.27 / 7.26 = 66.98 DPS 486.27 / 18.93 = 25.69 DPE

[u]ENERGY BLAST[u]: P.Bolt-P.Burst-P.Blast
62.6+(132.6x1.066)+(102.6x1.198) = 326.86 / 5.26 = 62.14 DPS 326.86 / 24.13= 13.55 DPE

[u]ICE ICE BABY[u]: I.Bolt-I.Blast-B.I.B.
62.6+(102.6x1.066)+(142.6x1.176) = 339.67 / 4.356 = 77.97 DPS 339.67 / 26.73= 12.71 DPE

[u]SONIC ATTACK[u]: Shriek-Shout-Scream
52.6+(132.6x(1.066+.13))+(91.19x(1.242+.26)) = 348.15 / 6.072 = 57.34 DPS 348.15 / 22.23= 15.66 DPE

[u]PSYCHIC BLAST[u]: Dart-M.blast-TK.Blast
62.6+(102.6x1.066)+(122.6x1.176) = 316.15/ 4.224=74.85 DPS 316.15 / 23.93= 13.21 DPE

[u]ELECTRICAL BLAST[u]: (V.S.) C.Bolt-L.Bolt
{11.65DPS}+(102.6x1.205)+(62.6x1.315) = 205.95 / 3.036 = 67.84 + 11.65 = 79.49 DPS (with VS cast=44.16)
(Sparky Cycle=1shot per 3.82sec)= 205.95+44.5= 250.45 / 11.67= 21.46 DPE (with VS cost=6.65)

Elec is odd in that it fluctuates whether you actually count the cast/cost of VS, but seeing as you would summon before combat, we will disclude that.

Fire: 90.92
Elec: 79.49
Ice: 77.97
Psi: 74.85
AR: 66.98
Arch: 64.39
Nrg: 62.14
Sonic: 57.34

AR: 25.69
Elec: 21.46
Fire: 19.91
Arch: 17.05
Sonic: 15.66
Nrg: 13.55
Psi: 13.21
Ice: 12.71

68+8+6=82 (Fire)
54+4+8=66 (AR)
54+3+5=62 (Arch)
48+7+7=62 (Elec)
43+5+2=50 (Psi)
41+6+1=48 (Ice)
41+2+3=46 (Nrg)
38+1+4=43 (Sonic)

Well, not entirely, but seeing as the last chart needed for this section is DIRECTLY ABOVE THE YELLOW PART, I assume it's ok

using the "Points" scale as a measuring stick, we can say the following as it concerns to damage (at a basic level at least):

[u]FIRE BLAST[u] is the bar none best set there is for damage. No fancy-smancy utility tricks, just raw output in all fields.

[u]ASSAULT RIFLE[u] is the runner up in the damage dept from a numbers perspective (lethal is very much resited). The jewels of the set are Ignite and Burst, with their great DPE and DPAs.

[u]ARCHERY[u] is next on the list, being slightly above average in all the areas mentioned, and only outshone by fire in some comparisons.

[u]ELECTRICAL BLAST[u] is a surprise, often thought to be underperforming, is actually about as good as archery when ST is the concern. It's great DPS and DPE keeps it ahead of the pack.

[u]PSYCHIC BLAST[u] is probably an even bigger surprise than Elec, seeing as it is often viewed as the WORST blaster set. However, the #'s show it to be only slightly below average, mainly due to average stats, and a T3 that lacks significant numbers. That being said, Psionic Damage is heavily, heavily resisted by PvE mobs, and that brings it even more down in-game.

[u]ICE BLAST[u] is sureley the biggest upset according to the charts. It used to be on top, possibly even better than Fire Blast. Yet, it's abysmal DPE and slow/costly T3 are it's downfall after Ice Blast was slowed for defiance.

[u]ENERGY BLAST[u] seems like the oddball here. All it's stats are so average, that any minor perk shown by the other sets brings them ahead, leaving Energy in the dust.

[u]SONIC ATTACK[u], according to the data, is actually the worst in this comparison. It has ok DPS in the T1 and T2, but it all goes downhill from there, falling behind other sets in DPE and DPA. Having the WORST T3 doesnt help either, Shout is so slow for the damage it does, its no wonder it dragged sonic to the bottom. Perhaps in the long run however, stacking -res can pull it ahead to the lvl of Ice, but as of now, it simply has no outstanding stats.

So this is, compared on a Tier 1-3 basis, how well the sets perform on paper.

Now, theres a catch: Not all powers were used.

Of course, some sets may change based on using AoE powers to fill a chain, or by having AIM (poor AR...).

But I dont see them differentiating much other than Nrg and Ice rising, AR falling and fire just getting so far ahead it would be unfair to compare the sets to it.
