Recluse Victory Zone Patrol - Tue Jun 30th
hmm....... In Bloody Bay, you collected Shivan Shards. In Warburg, you collected missiles.
Are you going to take 1,000 pillboxes?
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
RV has pillboxes?
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
hmm....... In Bloody Bay, you collected Shivan Shards. In Warburg, you collected missiles.
Are you going to take 1,000 pillboxes?
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There's a badge for taking 5,000.
I will be there in one form or another. Hopefully Icy will be 40 by then, but if not, I have others who are 40+.
hmm....... In Bloody Bay, you collected Shivan Shards. In Warburg, you collected missiles.
Are you going to take 1,000 pillboxes?
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There's a badge for taking 5,000.
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There are 3 badges for pillboxes and the last one is for OVER NINE THOUSAND! (I mean 1,000.)
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I was aware of the badges for pillboxes. Myself, I dislike farming a given activity. It's more pleasant to obtain these badges through the course of regular play with friends (i.e., task forces, contact missions, and so forth). <smile>
Teaming with friends is essentially what we're doing on Tuesday nights as well. In contrast, I find it tedious to (say) farm around a given zone in search of a particular type of enemy.
Johny, i will defintly challange you to winning the zone for tuesday. weeing that im a btter PvE spec on most toons, turrets would be a batter choice then al out PvPing
I'd hate to say it, but good luck taking down the AVs. I'm giving it all I've got to bring you a heck of a challenge ^_-
I was there as a hero last time to help escort. This time, I'll be bringing my new Corrupter to challenge the heroes for the zone. I'll be there around 9:30.....
Score one for the Villains!
It was fun in RV. The villains definitely had us heroes at a disadvantage. Wish I could have stayed until the end.. but a long distance phone call from an old friend pulled me away from the computer. Thanks Ghost Blader and MightyIsis for your help.
Well I think the villains put up a credible show of resistance that time! Nice to see that with the dom buffs I can actually put a dent or two into a health bar, but I felt like I had a giant 'kick me' sign taped to my back or something the whole time - when you're the only non-(stalker/brute/mm/veat/non-squishy) you sure seem to usually be the first target! Gotta get me a dom with some real PvP sets though - ice/ and /ice are about the farthest from that as you can get at the moment. Still, twas fun, and nice to see enough villains to put up a fight.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
i should have had my team split and swap sides. it was brutle. that is until someone kept TPing us to the drones. that's when i lost some team members.
all in all, it was helpfull for redside tho, even tho that was your plan taxi's, i was able to bring people that had never been to a pvp zone there. actly, i had one person that didnt even know what RV was o.0
I hope your teams got the explor badges at least. i set up at 8EST so as not to run into pvp issues when grabbing badges
Was wondering why Taxis were in RV last night. Fridgerifica is my Ice Tank.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
It wasn't too bad last night. Before I headed out, a /whoall listed about three dozen assorted red- and blue-side people. I would have liked more pillbox action to get people their badges, but there you go.
i should have had my team split and swap sides. it was brutle. that is until someone kept TPing us to the drones. that's when i lost some team members.
all in all, it was helpfull for redside tho, even tho that was your plan taxi's, i was able to bring people that had never been to a pvp zone there. actly, i had one person that didnt even know what RV was o.0
I hope your teams got the explor badges at least. i set up at 8EST so as not to run into pvp issues when grabbing badges
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Nice going Arch! Thanks for introducing more people to PvP! What do we think about holding zone battles every other week under the PvPEC banner -- would this be a good way to introduce people to PvP? Or would something more structured like bi-weekly kickball or a 2v2 ladder be better? I'm looking for ideas to get more people to PvP and some help from the Infinity PvP community to make it happen.
Thanks in advance!
I think that's a good idea, Isis. I enjoyed the adventure even though I was defeated many, MANY times. I'd like to see a PvP build for a electric/energy blaster, or for a fire/fire blaster. I can probably afford to have one of them with a second build. So, if you know anyone who has a working PvP build, please have them post his/or her build on the boards.
im not sure, i can run it past a few team red and blue this weekend, and ill reply on monday with the over all reply
it up to you, i can get people that would like a royal battle in RV every now and then. i wouldnt run it to often though, or it will die. like a MJ song on the radio
Restoring Atlas Past!
Tuesday June 30th 8:30pm EST (7:30pm CST) (5:30pm PST)
Meet in Recluse's Victory at the Longbow base
Team Lead is Taxibot Vixen ( @Taxibot Vixen )
This is a Recluse's Victory activity, which pits Good versus Evil for control of a potential future for Primal Earth. This future is determined by the capture and control of several Temporal Anchors, each defended by a pillbox. The Paragon Taxi Service is organizing teams to restore the timeline, and to prevent Arachnos from advancing their war machine. Whether or not you are a taxi, assist us in deterring the Arachnos forces!
<ul type="square">[*]Minimum level is 40, with everyone at an effective level of 50. In addition to getting badges for defeating AVs, we will collect exploration badges whilst we're there.
[*]The entrance to Recluse's Victory is through Atlas Park. If you've never been there before, then rest assured that our teams are organized and we will give you guidance.
[*]Make sure you arrive early because we are starting at the designated time. If you post your toon name in this thread, then we'll know you're coming and be able to locate you quickly (you're effectively reserving your spot).
[*]It would be good if a red-side team works on pillboxes as well, thereby providing competition for "winning the zone."[/list]