Offline Base Building Tool




Hi... hopefully I am just missing the information and it is here somewhere... but has anyone developed an offline base building tool... like a mids for base building... it would be a lot easier to layout your grids and rooms and stuff offline to get it all perfect and then go into coh and edit the base 1-2-3




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Actually, I have an old excel spreadsheet I used to use. It's horribly out-dated now insofar as prestige costs and all, and I can't even remember where I got it from, but if you want I can email it to you. Just tell me in-game at @SinnerSaint.

edited to add: Also, it's so old it may be missing a couple plot sizes that were added later.
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I used one....its called....

wait for it....

Graph Paper!

not meaning to sound snarky here, but using that to layout rooms and the overall plot is pretty easy and low tech. I even got a little high tech and over a few lunch breaks at work I layed it out in AutoCad 2009 so I could get some room concepts mapped out.

But a pencil and graph paper is cheap and easy to use....come on let your inner architect out man!



yeah I started to do something in Illustrator... but obvsiously there is no reason to recreate the wheel if its already been done



I use an incredibly high tech tool for offline base layouts.

It's called Notepad.
Comes free with Windoze.

Seriously, all you need is a text editor that keeps the spacing of the text characters uniform regardless of actual character width.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I think the excel sheet is good for calulation costs. I wouldn't mind getting it and updating it. Maybe use it as part of a tutorial.

Edit: btw...I use my base. Seems like that's why its there...



As I've said before. I made paper cut outs with graph paper and used Excel for Base Pricings and stuff.

No need to build a program to do it offline when this works just fine.

(Although, if someone out there wants to tackle the job of setting up all of the graphics and stuff so that it functions just like when you're in the editor, I'd have no objections.)

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I used to use graph paper too, but now I use a miniCAD program for my rough base designs.



As I've said before. I made paper cut outs with graph paper and used Excel for Base Pricings and stuff.

No need to build a program to do it offline when this works just fine.

(Although, if someone out there wants to tackle the job of setting up all of the graphics and stuff so that it functions just like when you're in the editor, I'd have no objections.)

[/ QUOTE ]
Paper cutouts don't calculate costs though. Nothing wrong with someone developing a program for it. You always have the option to not use it.