Inf: Prestige matching offer




Thank you Fulmens! You helped us achieve teleporters in our SG.



I get a number of things out of this:

1) Knowledge. Do people who hate 500:1 feel that 250:1 is a fair ratio? So far I don't think they do- people who take 250:1 seem to be people who are also OK with 500:1 . If 250:1 got me a ton of offers I'd potentially be able to make a case for changing the infrestige ratio. As it is... nope.

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Back in Issue 9 a level 50 earned prestige at 100 Inf : 1 prestige. Since the (a) XP/INF smoothing, and (b) the 50% cap on Inf lost while in group mode means that level 50s can earn at a bit more than 50 Inf : 1 prestige rate.

Yes, the conversion rate sucks that much. So instead of converting at ten times the regular earned rate, you are offering at five times the earned rate.

Sorry, but the Registrars are committing grand larceny. People that have done the research will tend to avoid doing that conversion.

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If the Devs would bring the conversion down to 50:1, in line with the Lvl 50 earning potentials you mention, I would start sinking a metric chuckload of inf into my SG/VGs. It would also be more accessible for SG/VG Mates to donate their Inf to the group, because right now there's little reason to conribute to the group.

The mentality I see is "Gimme Gimme Gimme Me Me Me Me Me" and "What can your group do for Me while I stay out of SG Mode to afford those purples I've got my panties in a twist over..."

So yeah, 50:1 would probably result in me turning half my personal assets into prestige, in addition to running in SG Mode 24/7 like I already do on all my alts.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



A belated thanks to Fulmens who matched my 400M with 400M of his own to add 1.6M Prestige to my SG. Thanks, Fulmens!!!



Considering the amount of time that has passed and the major restructuring of base costs over the years I feel the 500:1 conversion ratio is out of date for all sorts of reasons now.

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Due to the huge inflationary pressures in the market, the conversion is starting to look not as bad as before. While not a completely accurate gauge, the prices for INF being email spammed on a daily bases from RMT is a relatively good indicator of inflation in the market. In a span of just 6 months, 1 billion inf has gone from over $100 to now slightly over $30 and dropping every week.

What this means is that the same "effort" now will earn someone much more absolute inf than 6 months ago. For example, someone spending a certain amout of time marketeering 6 months ago may get X amount of inf/time. The same effort now may get say 3X amount of inf/time. Since (certain) items also cost significantly more in WW, earning 3X the amount of inf/time wouldn't necessarily allow someone to buy 3X more items (i.e. buying power isn't increased).

However, since the 500:1 conversion ratio is fixed (i.e. not adjusted to some sort of inflation index), the ratio actually becomes cheaper over time as our ability to generate inf/time increases due to inflation.

My assumption is, of course, that players do participate in WW, even if not actively marketeering. Even just crafting enhancements from recipe drops nets a pretty decent profit that were much smaller just 6 months ago.

On a personal note: SG mode really puts a damper on one's ability to get the inf badge. I do hope the devs would factor in the "lost" inf towards badge progress while in SG mode.



And another big Thanks! to Fulmens for helping me get the Prestige to upgrade my SG's base from that silly little Combo unit to some *real* Energy and Control systems.

(100mil matched)