It's Purple and Blue!




If I was gonna play Star Trek Online I'd want to be Guy ... I forgot his last name.

Bad news for ya Plasma, the new Star Trek movie is canon, cause they're including the destruction of Romulus in the game. All the stuff involved with the time-traveling due to the destruction has been omitted though.


Talia, you are EVIL.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can stop right there next time DR, that about sums it alllllllllll up.



from teh website (too lazy to link):

Q: Will everyone be the Captain of their own ship?
A: Yes, but you will have to earn the responsibility and skill to command larger and more powerful vessels. Remember, in Star Trek as well as naval tradition, whoever commands the ship is the "Captain," even if it is not your current rank.


Q: Can I play something other than a Captain like a Doctor or an Engineer?
A: Everyone is a Captain, (remember, if you command a ship, you are automatically a Captain), and you will command a crew, but that does not limit your role. Your character will still be able to choose from a variety of career paths, such as Engineer, Tactical Officer, Doctor, Science Officer, etc. Your career path is your root, and will affect your skills, and how you command your crew. Consider Jean-Luc Picard, Beverly Crusher, Worf and Kathryn Janeway. Picard was an archeologist and diplomat, Crusher was a doctor, Worf a security/tactical officer, and Janeway was a scientist. Each eventually chose a career in command and became ship captains. This does not mean the game will limit your ship choices based on your profession – far from it. The examples are simply an example of how the game design was inspired.

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Timeline included to show the current movie but therefore talks about Romulus being destroyed and Spock sent back in time (ugh):

How do Star Trek Online and the new movie interact, and where does the timeline diverge?

*diagram that makes your heart break*
In the movie, two characters travel back in time from the year 2387. When Nero arrives in the year 2233, he disrupts the time continuum, creating an alternate reality from the point of his arrival. Star Trek (the new movie) takes place in this alternate reality. This is explained in the film in a conversation between Uhura and Spock on the bridge of the Enterprise.
Star Trek Online is set in the "prime" Star Trek reality. This is the timeline of the five television series and the first 10 movies. It is the world in which the Gorn attacked Cestus III, Kirk fought Khan in the Mutara Nebula, Picard explored the galaxy, the Federation fought the Dominion War, Voyager was stranded in the Delta Quadrant and Captain Archer and the crew of the NX-01 showed us how it all began.
Events in the movie that happened in the prime timeline (the destruction of Romulus, and the disappearance of Spock and Nero) have affected STO. You can learn more about the aftermath of these events in the Path to 2409 and in STO itself.
So how can the movie and STO be in different realities? When working on Star Trek, screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman referenced the theory of quantum mechanics, which allows for the simultaneous existence of parallel timelines and universes. Parallel universes are self-contained, separate realities that exist as a consequence of different choices and outcomes. This concept was explored in the TNG episode "Parallels," in which there were thousands of alternate timelines (and thousands of Enterprises!). It also is seen in the Mirror Universe, which is a darker take on the world of the Federation.
There are many, many stories to tell in the prime universe. The fallout of the destruction of Romulus and the upheaval that causes in the Alpha and Beta quadrants creates storytelling opportunities that we at Cryptic didn't even imagine when we first began working on STO. We're excited by the possibilities, and fans should be as well. The best is yet to come.

[/ QUOTE ]

Double ugh. To try and insert Archer's timeline into the canon is even lamer. Time travel is such a weak plot device that the writers for Star Trek may as well make N.C.C. 74M3-0H Shark with Captain Fonz at the helm. The only other storyline that was destroyed more thoroughly is NBC's "Heroes".



Everybody is a Captain sets my interest a lot lower. No away missions?!



from teh website (too lazy to link):

Q: Will everyone be the Captain of their own ship?
A: Yes, but you will have to earn the responsibility and skill to command larger and more powerful vessels. Remember, in Star Trek as well as naval tradition, whoever commands the ship is the "Captain," even if it is not your current rank.


Q: Can I play something other than a Captain like a Doctor or an Engineer?
A: Everyone is a Captain, (remember, if you command a ship, you are automatically a Captain), and you will command a crew, but that does not limit your role. Your character will still be able to choose from a variety of career paths, such as Engineer, Tactical Officer, Doctor, Science Officer, etc. Your career path is your root, and will affect your skills, and how you command your crew. Consider Jean-Luc Picard, Beverly Crusher, Worf and Kathryn Janeway. Picard was an archeologist and diplomat, Crusher was a doctor, Worf a security/tactical officer, and Janeway was a scientist. Each eventually chose a career in command and became ship captains. This does not mean the game will limit your ship choices based on your profession – far from it. The examples are simply an example of how the game design was inspired.

[/ QUOTE ]

Timeline included to show the current movie but therefore talks about Romulus being destroyed and Spock sent back in time (ugh):

How do Star Trek Online and the new movie interact, and where does the timeline diverge?

*diagram that makes your heart break*
In the movie, two characters travel back in time from the year 2387. When Nero arrives in the year 2233, he disrupts the time continuum, creating an alternate reality from the point of his arrival. Star Trek (the new movie) takes place in this alternate reality. This is explained in the film in a conversation between Uhura and Spock on the bridge of the Enterprise.
Star Trek Online is set in the "prime" Star Trek reality. This is the timeline of the five television series and the first 10 movies. It is the world in which the Gorn attacked Cestus III, Kirk fought Khan in the Mutara Nebula, Picard explored the galaxy, the Federation fought the Dominion War, Voyager was stranded in the Delta Quadrant and Captain Archer and the crew of the NX-01 showed us how it all began.
Events in the movie that happened in the prime timeline (the destruction of Romulus, and the disappearance of Spock and Nero) have affected STO. You can learn more about the aftermath of these events in the Path to 2409 and in STO itself.
So how can the movie and STO be in different realities? When working on Star Trek, screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman referenced the theory of quantum mechanics, which allows for the simultaneous existence of parallel timelines and universes. Parallel universes are self-contained, separate realities that exist as a consequence of different choices and outcomes. This concept was explored in the TNG episode "Parallels," in which there were thousands of alternate timelines (and thousands of Enterprises!). It also is seen in the Mirror Universe, which is a darker take on the world of the Federation.
There are many, many stories to tell in the prime universe. The fallout of the destruction of Romulus and the upheaval that causes in the Alpha and Beta quadrants creates storytelling opportunities that we at Cryptic didn't even imagine when we first began working on STO. We're excited by the possibilities, and fans should be as well. The best is yet to come.

[/ QUOTE ]

Double ugh. To try and insert Archer's timeline into the canon is even lamer. Time travel is such a weak plot device that the writers for Star Trek may as well make N.C.C. 74M3-0H Shark with Captain Fonz at the helm. The only other storyline that was destroyed more thoroughly is NBC's "Heroes".

[/ QUOTE ]

I think... I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
And I was looking forward to this game, too, dammit. Then they go and [censored] it all up for me.
GJ, Cryptic. Epic fail ^2.

My beef is simple: According to the Federation Space RPG's official wiki, among other sites I've searched, the Romulan star, Eisn, is identified as a G9 star. A G9 Star, according to this table, is listed as being 0.8 solar masses, 4/5ths the size of our own sun. And since the minimum mass for a star to go supernova is 1.4 solar masses, there's no way Eisn could ever go supernova and destroy Romulus.

I therefore DEMAND that this abomination of a movie be expunged from the Star Trek canon since the scriptwriters can't be bothered to do 10 minutes worth of research to make sure their story holds water among FORTY YEARS of legacy.

*polishes his Geek Badge of Honor*



I think you can do away missions with friends but I think you have to take over positions from the other person's crew or somesuch. To be honest I wasn't really paying attention after reading the timeline junk.



I think... I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
And I was looking forward to this game, too, dammit. Then they go and [censored] it all up for me.
GJ, Cryptic. Epic fail ^2.

My beef is simple: According to the Federation Space RPG's official wiki, among other sites I've searched, the Romulan star, Eisn, is identified as a G9 star. A G9 Star, according to this table, is listed as being 0.8 solar masses, 4/5ths the size of our own sun. And since the minimum mass for a star to go supernova is 1.4 solar masses, there's no way Eisn could ever go supernova and destroy Romulus.

I therefore DEMAND that this abomination of a movie be expunged from the Star Trek canon since the scriptwriters can't be bothered to do 10 minutes worth of research to make sure their story holds water among FORTY YEARS of legacy.

*polishes his Geek Badge of Honor*

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't worry. They'll just explain it away by saying, well that's why the Romulans weren't expecting it either! Who knew?!!?

I don't think Cryptic screwed up the timeline. As much as I'd love to blame them for their mistakes that they've made on their own, this one goes straight to the Paramount/Star Trek idiots. From what I remember about the interviews from the BSG people who also starred in various ST episodes, you couldn't say one word off script in ST without going through a whole layer of bureaucracy.

Cryptic works within the timeline/confines of Star Trek, I doubt if they got to invent any canon without the express permission of Berman and whoever those idiots are now.



Just because we don't THINK it's possible for a star to go supernova does NOT mean it could not happen. We're still trying to explore our own oceans, after all.



Oil and waste are the best exploratory tools we have. We're lagging behind.

Failure inspires winners. And failure defeats losers. - Robert Kiyosaki

Kryphon BS/SR/DM 50
Jarku Plant/En/Mace 50
Rant and Rave Storm/Psi/Elec 50