~Lady Grey TF - Monday June 22nd~




OK so my account is back up and running, and my wife will be on from now on. So if you could, Luna, sign me up for either a controller or and emp and my wife for Unique Destruction: lvl 50 Ill/Emp controller.



my wife will be on our friend's account from now on

[/ QUOTE ] I'm glad you got things switched around so you can continue to join us, but I have to comment on this..

It might not always be a good idea to advertise things like that, because:
10. You may not advertise the intent to or commit the act of buying, selling, trading, sharing, or transferring access to any City of Heroes account. (Don't worry, I wont report ya. lol)

Obviously many people do it anyway, but I'd hate to see you (or your friend) get in trouble for it. Even though they say it's for our own protection, they really just want the money for the extra subscriptions.. otherwise it'd just be a strong suggestion, not a rule that can "result in the permanent termination of an account". lol

By the way, if you want any of your inf back, or need a hand in any way, just let me know. I knew you shouldn't have given everything away.. so silly.

(And you forgot to change your forum name to match your new global... haha)

And Welcome Back Alt.. I mean Joe! See you Monday!



My friend has already decided that he will not be coming back to CoX, he is tired of playing it and actually likes CO. I do appreciate your concern though MB. Either way they will still be happy, because it will probably be next week when she turns hers back on, so either I pay for his or hers they still get two accounts I'm paying for As for the influence, not worried about it, all of my toons are set where I want them and it's not hard to get it back, I left a million on all of them besides my level 14 since he is for the next wave of Task Forces. Yeah I probably should change all of those names, huh?



My friend has already decided that he will not be coming back to CoX, he is tired of playing it and actually likes CO. I do appreciate your concern though MB. Either way they will still be happy, because it will probably be next week when she turns hers back on, so either I pay for his or hers they still get two accounts I'm paying for

[/ QUOTE ] "Transferring" is included in that rule too. Just be careful, that's all.

As for the influence, not worried about it, all of my toons are set where I want them and it's not hard to get it back, I left a million on all of them besides my level 14 since he is for the next wave of Task Forces.

[/ QUOTE ] No problem. I certainly didn't need the money either, but I don't mind holding onto it for ya. Maybe your wife (or a new toon) could use it sometime? Well, whatever you decide.. it's here for you any time.

Yeah I probably should change all of those names, huh?

[/ QUOTE ] Well.. like you said.. people might not recognize who you are if you change everything all at once.. I'll consider this a transition period. lol



Ok to make things confusing im going to pull out from pulling out of this TF :P

So I will definately be there with Angeliscar Archery/Nrg Blaster



Ok sorry again...Im still coming but can I change that to Widowers Revenge lvl 50 widow?
He doesnt have the badge :P....sorry to be a pain...and lemme know if its not cool


ummmm sorry

Sorry for the sorries :P



Ok sorry again...Im still coming but can I change that to Widowers Revenge lvl 50 widow?
He doesnt have the badge :P....sorry to be a pain...and lemme know if its not cool


ummmm sorry

Sorry for the sorries :P

[/ QUOTE ]

lol, Not a problem =) I'll get it fixed on the list here in a minute. Glad you can make it!


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Updating the roster since the edit window is now past. This is TONIGHT! Three Spots still open if everyone shows up!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mission: The Lady Grey Task Force
Contact: Lady Grey
Location: Rikti War Zone

Date & Time: Monday, June 22nd @ 10:00PM Eastern/9:00PM Central/8:00PM Mountain/7:00PM Pacific.

Level Range: 45-50

Villains: Devouring Earth, Psychic Clockwork, Rikti

EB's and AV's: Clockwork King, War, Famine, Pestilence, Death, Dra'Gon, Weakened Hamidon, Hro'Dthoz, Honoree

Current Team Roster:

1: DarkestFrost: Dark/Ice Defender
2: Phanta-Rad: Illusion/Rad Controller
3: Xort: TBA
4: FreezeUnder: Ice/Kin Controller
5: Flames of Mr E: Fire/Shield Scrapper
6: Max Shields: Shield/SS Tank
7: Grimnor: Fire/MM Blaster
8: Frost Victim: Ice/Ice Blaster
9: Dragao: Invul/SS Tank
10: King Sac: Energy/Energy Blaster
11: Roxona: TBA (Iffy)
12: Dark Elfen: Ice/Dark Corr
13: Earthmender: Earth/Emp Controller
14: Hatake Kasumi: Widow
15: Shadowrush: MA/SR Scrapper
16: Flashin Blaze: Fire/Kin Corr
17: Widowers Revenge: Widow
18: General Gintoki: WP/SS Tank
19: Tacit Blue: Crab Spider
20: My Name is Joe: TBA (Controller or Emp)
21: Unique Destruction: Ill/Emp Controller

Task Force Stats & Info:

<ul type="square">[*]This task force is open to both Heroes and Villains.[*]This task force requires 8 to start. We will be running 2-3 teams depending on interest. If you are willing to lead the third team please let me know. [*]We will wait to form teams until close to 10pm Eastern. This will allow us to get a better idea of what builds we have present. Anyone not at the contact, or that has not sent me a tell letting me know they are on their way will not be included.[*]We have use of the chat channel Freedom TF Chat for these TF's. [*]Sidekicks and Exemplars are welcome![*]5 Missions total[*]Badge: Apocalyptic [*]Merit Reward: 39 [/list]
Come &amp; join in the fun! Sign-up here or send a global message to @Luna de Nocturne

Red Tomax Guide: The Lady Grey Task Force
Paragon Wiki Guide: The Lady Grey Task Force

** Sign-up layout stolen from Mr. E! Thank you! **

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Can i come? 48 PB. Please lemme know Lady Kya. I'll be on the rest of the night probably



MB's Lady Grey TF Team:
1: Phanta-Rad : Ill/Rad Controller
2: Max Shields : Shield/SS Tanker
3: Hatake Kasumi : Arachnos Widow
4: fire con : Fire/Kin Controller
5: Positronic Nemesis : Robot/Dark MM
6: Volcanic Boulder : Stone/Fire Tanker (DC'd during 3rd mission)
7: Bloodfire : Rad/Rad Corruptor
8: Drummer Hoff : AR/Dev Blaster

[/ QUOTE ]
+ 39 Reward Merits
+ Apocalyptic Badge
Finished in 59:09
29 deaths.

*Contemplates running a secret mission with our spare time...



Mr E-Man's Lady Grey Team

Flames of Mr E
Widowers Revenge
Tacit Blue
King Sac
Dark Elfen
General Gintoki

We were not the quickest at 1 hr 43 minutes, but we probably had he least amount of deaths at just 7 defeats!

We pretty much cleared as we went for the first three missions. No mission failures...purposeful or otherwise...

For Hami, we used a new (well at least for me it was new) strategy...we destroyed the pylons &amp; left the Rikti alive so they would follow us into the goo &amp; cause a distraction...

Seemed to work pretty well, but it could have just been the team - we were plowing through everything...

For the last mission, King Sac was able to stealth to the end hall &amp; tp us.

We pulled Hro'Dtohz &amp; then the Honoree...both went down quite easily.

General Gintoki &amp; King Sac did the Generator destruction honors while the rest of the team took care of the ambushes.

We stayed for a bit aferward &amp; cleared all of the ambushes &amp; then the big platform in the end chamber.

LGTF: 6/22/09 Stat Box

Lots of fun as always! Thanks for putting your organizational skills to good use Luna.

See everyone on Wednesday for Sister Airlia's Arcs!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



MB's "Underground STF" Team:
1: Phanta-Rad : Ill/Rad Controller
2: Takeo : Cold/Ice Defender
3: Angeliscar : Archery/NRG Blaster
4: General Gintoki : WP/SS Tanker
5: fire con : Fire/Kin Controller
6: Madam Shadow : Dark/Dark Defender
7: Motorpsycho Nitemare : Psychic/Mental Blaster
8: CKSHIVER : Ice/NRG Blaster

[/ QUOTE ]+ 38 Reward Merits
+ Diplomat Badge
+ Heatseeker Badge
+ Peerless Badge
+ Saved The World Badge
Finished in 1:59:04
20 deaths.

After the quick LGTF, a few of us decided to stick together and do an STF. We were recruiting a few off the other LG teams as well, so we did some PI missions while we waited. We then picked up the last member from a quick RF2009 advertisement.

Well I didn't know what to expect from this team, but we actually did quite well. It wasn't until the beginning of the 4th mission that we had our 1st death (Alt was AFK). We gave him the "I phail" award. lol

We got the key on the first Security Chief and flew through the AVs, and even Dr. Aeon went down like paper.

We then made our way to GW. I pulled, and things seemed fine, but GW finally broke through and held Gintoki.. and we had our second death. My Phantom Army kept her at bay while I rezzed him and we got back on track, taking her down, and then Scirocco (who also came with the first pull).

My next pull brought BS by himself.. took him down easy. Mako came over on his own and we managed to take him down without much trouble.

The flier had just respawned, so it was perfect timing to take it down and move on to LR. Red tower went down fine. Blue was almost down and inspirations ran thin, and we finally had our 3rd death, then 4th.. and epic-phail-age. lol. Luckly a few people held out and defeated the Blue tower as LR started running around picking us off, one-by-one.

We regrouped.. I assured Gintoki that he wouldn't have a problem tanking LR with those two towers down, and we continued. If I was paying attention to the clock, we would have taken the flier down again, but no sooner did we start on the Orange tower and it respawned again, taking down a few people.

Gintoki didn't have much trouble keeping LR at the doors and the rest of us held strong and came back from the hospital one by one again, ignoring the Flier and finished off the two remaining towers, and then LR... finishing with a total of 20 deaths.. nearly all of them from the LR encounter. lol

Gintoki... A WP tank without an Emp... did great as his first time tanking (only 2nd time ever running this TF)... and to think.. Tabby inspired him to make his tank.
I feel so proud of him. lol

Everybody did a great job! This was a ton of fun. I'm glad we decided to run it.. Replay is next Monday when we get 3 teams on LR! w00t!



First I wanna say the LGTF was alot of fun, its been a long time since i fought that one out. I have just been banging thru it and thats fun when you are trying to get a best time but I am a tank so I love my smashing. The clearing at the end was fun as hell, mad hectic.

Second was the STF I was mad nervous since I was the only Tank and its my 2nd one ever and I didnt have a clue if I could hold up for the team. But it was extremely fun, I died three times . That dam GW snapped me up with her hold and bam was on floor crying for a medic. Then LR got me twice, once with a long range that did me in with like 1 hit LOL owned. The second I ran out of inspirations and got owned. But the team pushed through and regrouped without missing a step and got me a nice Goo drop.

This was the 2nd and 3rd TF i did since signing up on the forums and I am hating myself for not signing up earlier. AE is fine to kill time when no one is on but I love playing TF's, Ship raids, Hami raids, GM hunting. So consider me in all the time on red or blue.




This was the 2nd and 3rd TF i did since signing up on the forums and I am hating myself for not signing up earlier. AE is fine to kill time when no one is on but I love playing TF's, Ship raids, Hami raids, GM hunting. So consider me in all the time on red or blue.

[/ QUOTE ]

We are glad to have you along Just amongst the "Freedom Horde" we run a TF every Monday night at 10pm Eastern on Hero Side, something Villainous every Wed night at 10:30pm Eastern (usually, time sometimes shifts a little), and usually something on a Friday or Sat night at 10:30 or 11pm by Mr. E-Man. That's just the "regular" stuff. There is always other stuff popping up as well! Once we finish the current run of Hero Side TF's (We've been running them in level order mostly) we'll be restarting them on July 20th with Positron. Several of us have gotten our toons from 10-50 on these Monday night TF's. Myself and MB should level to 50 this coming week! Maybe we'll have some more people level as well! I'm not sure where everyone stands. So just keep an eye out in the forums or the chat channel "Freedom TF Chat" to see what's going on!


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



MB's "Underground STF" Team:

[/ QUOTE ]

Glad you had a good run on the STF - I considered joining, but I started to fall asleep right before MB got to Statesman to form up the team.

I wound up falling asleep, leaning back in my chair after I did my write-up...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Well I didn't know what to expect from this team, but we actually did quite well. It wasn't until the beginning of the 4th mission that we had our 1st death (Alt was AFK). We gave him the "I phail" award. lol

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't technically AFK since i had my board in hand grabbing new batteries for it. I sit a was back from tower to see monitor and cant see the little light on the receiver blinking so when they die they just die. I will however take the "I phail" award and wear it with pride. Who else can die like I can in the easiest of places.



Was a good night. Got Dark Elfen 8 bubs and level 50. Gen Gintoki did a great job tanking for us last night.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



Had a great time, as always. As stated, we pretty much mowed through everything we came across. I had a blast, even though I started feeling oddly sleepy halfway through the first mish. Damn silly work, making me tired.

See ya'll next Monday!



The I phail award is actually a lucky one, My_name_is_joe (I should know ). You'll be getting MoSTF with your next try.

@Viper Kinji
Currently working on:
Turtle Snapper - SD/MA/Ice Tanker



Thank you everyone for coming out and joining us last night! It was little slow to setup, because we had a no-show and someone else back out at the last minute, plus we were already 3 people short. But we were finally able to recruit enough people to fill three teams! I must say, the guy who kept asking each of us to invite him to our raid team was getting on my nerves. He even PM'd me and wanted to know why my team wasn't doing a raid and inviting him to it . There are other things to do ya know. What a wheenie!

Of the three teams that ran, Mr. E started first, followed by my team, followed by MB. MB *of course* finished first, then Mr. E, and finally my team.

My team finished in 2:18:56 with 70 deaths. lol

I think I should officially rename my team from Team Luna to "Team Death". It's a good thing, really! It means we're playing hard and havin fun!

My team was:
DarkestFrost: Dark/Ice Defender
Thorium 232: Rad/Rad Defender
FreezeUnder: Ice/Kin Controller
Dragao: Invul/SS Tank
Diva Doom: Fire/Dark Corruptor
Shadowrush: MA/SR Scrapper
Grimnor: Fire/MM Blaster
Frost Victim: Ice/Ice Blaster

I think 3 of our team was 50's the rest were not. Everyone that was below 50 gained at least 1, if not 2 levels last night.

Oh and while I'm thinking about it, Congrats MARVEL for another 50! Woohoo

I think my team did okay considering how lost I was in some of the missions. I had notes from Mr. E, but I did get turned around a few times, and well.... If you knew me in real life, you'd know that I'm directionally challenged, lol.

In the first mission, we followed E's advice and cleared our way in. It seemed to take forever, but after rescuing Penny, I'm glad we did clear on the way in.

In mission 2, other than a few stealthing problems, we really didn't have any issues. The final room went better than it has on some of the other runs I've been on!

In Mission 3, we started out with the plan to let the hostages die to fail the mission... mostly because of a vote by our villainous team mate . But there was so many Rikti, that we ended up clearing most of that floor to get to her because of stealthing issues again, so by that point, I did the typical female thing and changed me mind. We saved the hostage, and her dorky sister too! After some more death, we stealthed to what I though was the final room. D'oh! WRONG! Finally Scruffy piped up and said he thought this other room was the final room! So down the AV went. Yay! One thing I want to know is what was with the 800 million Rikti drones in this mission? Normaly one drone is enough to mess up stealthing, and I swear, there was tons of those things in certain parts of the map. Which in turn led to a lot of death on anyone trying to stealth.

Mission 4 went pretty well in my opinion. I was expecting a lot of death, but there really wasn't much of it. Most of it was caused by my husband and chain lightning. He wouldn't get away from everyone when it was on him... We targeted thru Dragao (sorry to put ya on the spot!) and took down the Mito's and then Hami.

The final mission went pretty well. Again me and Roxona died trying to stealth thanks to those stupid drones. But luckily Xort was able to get to the end and TP us in. He then pulled the AV's for us, and they went down pretty quickly. My approach at that point was to just go in and blast the generators (everone) until they went down. And it worked... then the whole team except Shadowrush died I think! What a spectacular and appropriate way to end the Task Force

Thanks for joining everyone! Lots of fun (and death!)!

Next week is Statesman. If there is enough interest, we'll run 3 teams, but I need someone to lead that third team. I'm going to be greedy and keep Mr. E on my team so he's not available

The upcoming schedule is Statesman next Monday (6/29), Mendor Silos (7/6), The 3rd Hero Respec (7/13) and then it all RESTARTS with Positron on (7/20).

So now is the time to start working on new lowbie heroes if you are going to be joining us with new toons for the next run! It's not required that you have a lowbie toon, but it has been a really great way to level up for several of us!


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



The I phail award is actually a lucky one, My_name_is_joe (I should know ). You'll be getting MoSTF with your next try.

[/ QUOTE ] That's Alt.. He changed his name. He was with us when we got it just a couple weeks ago

And we didn't really try for MoSTF last night.. so there wasn't really anything to "phail", other than being the one that broke the streak. lol

oh yeah, and.. Viper FTW! lol



There are other things to do ya know. What a wheenie!

[/ QUOTE ] Did somebody say weenie again?



There are other things to do ya know. What a wheenie!

[/ QUOTE ] Did somebody say weenie again?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol, Yep I was hoping you'd post that again .

[/ QUOTE ] Just don't ask me where the meat comes from... I have to go out and get my own supplies because I can't rely on the Devs to stock the fridge. Inside that little shop, there is a small can of "US Army Rations" on the counter, and the cupboard is empty! lol

BTW.. when I went into my picture album, I realized that I still forgot to make my Calendar for July.. I have to get moving, It's coming fast! lol

I wanted to use the Hero1 room from the new TF, but I haven't had a chance to go get screenshots. I might have to change my mind.



Last night's run with Luna and the gang was fun. I decided to break out my...ahem...villainous corruptor! Yes, it was I, on Diva Doom, who was rallying the team to let those two sissy, whiny nobody's fall to their doom...but they wouldn't die! I even stopped healing the team so they would die...but NOOOO! Everything I tried to do to foul them up wouldn't work and even though Luna THINKS she changed her mind, in reality they FORCED the team to save them! I swear if Galacia asked me one more time if Manticore and Sister Psyche got together I was going to bang my head on the wall! Double drat!

But I digress...

Even though I was the only villain on the team (and I did feel a little out numbered thank you very much), the team welcomed me and my evil ways with opened arms. Scruffy even tried to make me feel at home by smearing blood all over his keyboard! How thoughtful of him!