~Lady Grey TF - Monday June 22nd~




The upcoming schedule is Statesman next Monday (6/29), Mendor Silos (7/6), The 3rd Hero Respec (7/13) and then it all RESTARTS with Positron on (7/20).

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Will we be running the i15 TF in there somewhere? I'd expect it to be live by July.



The upcoming schedule is Statesman next Monday (6/29), Mendor Silos (7/6), The 3rd Hero Respec (7/13) and then it all RESTARTS with Positron on (7/20).

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Will we be running the i15 TF in there somewhere? I'd expect it to be live by July.

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good catch!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



The upcoming schedule is Statesman next Monday (6/29), Mendor Silos (7/6), The 3rd Hero Respec (7/13) and then it all RESTARTS with Positron on (7/20).

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Will we be running the i15 TF in there somewhere? I'd expect it to be live by July.

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Yeah I'm definately going to be running the new TF, but since I have no idea when its going live, I think I'll just set up a special night for it. Is Sunday nights still good for all the regulars at 10 or 10:30pm Eastern? That way once it goes live, we'll get it set up! And I don't have to twiddle my thumbs and take a guess about when that might happen! So somewhere in July, as soon as it's released, we'll get some teams set up for it!


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Sounds like a plan to me.

Thanks again for running the TFs last night. The STF went quite well; I was sure we were gonna go without a death until the AFK incident! lol



Yeah, never gonna live down dead batteries. Oh well. Luna if you need a third leader I can run it, I'll bring Alt if there are enough for 3 teams. Otherwise I'll bring Joe Glow Emp/Rad defender lvl 50.



Yeah, never gonna live down dead batteries. Oh well. Luna if you need a third leader I can run it, I'll bring Alt if there are enough for 3 teams. Otherwise I'll bring Joe Glow Emp/Rad defender lvl 50.

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Great! Thanks Alter/Joe/whatever you want to be called now (your new name is too long!).

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



ehh whatever name works

(intentionally left open for MB's comment)



ehh whatever name works

(intentionally left open for MB's comment)

[/ QUOTE ] ty Bob, but I don't really have anything to say.



I enjoyed the LGTF run. It was a bit longer than usual, but was quite interesting and fun nonetheless. Yes, there were many deaths. I think a lot of it was because of failed stealth attempts due to the abundance of drones. And we were a bit disorganized and indecisive a few times on what we wanted to do.

But still it was fun, even with the deaths. Even Shadowrush wasn't immune and actually died once during this TF (in the Hamidon mission, friggin non-positional hamidon mito attacks >_&lt. He rarely dies anymore on regular teams, TF's and AV fights, so it was pretty humbling.

My approach at that point was to just go in and blast the generators (everone) until they went down. And it worked... then the whole team except Shadowrush died I think! What a spectacular and appropriate way to end the Task Force

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Hehe funny thing about that. On the generators, when everyone went for the generators on the left, I decided to have my hand in soloing the generators on the right. (I've always wanted to try) I was able to take out the two right generators on my own, then tried to head to the rest of the team as they took out the last generator on the left side, but they started faceplanting. They took out the last generator and most of the team died before I got to them. (I think there was another one that survived aside from Shadowrush.)

But for some weird reason... I kinda felt left out from the almost-team-wipe ending. Never before had I felt, I wish I had died with my team, as the TF Complete message appeared.



The upcoming schedule is Statesman next Monday (6/29), Mendor Silos (7/6), The 3rd Hero Respec (7/13) and then it all RESTARTS with Positron on (7/20).

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What times are these held at?



The upcoming schedule is Statesman next Monday (6/29), Mendor Silos (7/6), The 3rd Hero Respec (7/13) and then it all RESTARTS with Positron on (7/20).

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What times are these held at?

[/ QUOTE ] Our Monday night TFs have a standing appointment at 10pm Eastern Time, just like this one was.



Even Shadowrush wasn't immune and actually died once during this TF (in the Hamidon mission, friggin non-positional hamidon mito attacks >_&lt.

[/ QUOTE ] Don't worry.. Hami can even kill an Illusionist Controller's Decoys pretty easily (the ones that can not be harmed, healed, nor buffed by anything.. except apparently Hami, and maybe the Crystal Titan. lol)



I enjoyed the LGTF run. It was a bit longer than usual, but was quite interesting and fun nonetheless. Yes, there were many deaths. I think a lot of it was because of failed stealth attempts due to the abundance of drones. And we were a bit disorganized and indecisive a few times on what we wanted to do.

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Yeah sorry about that. These TF runs are pretty much my first attempt at leading most of these TF's. Some of them I've only played a few times. Normally I have E-Man on my team to speak up when I get lost, but he had to lead the third team that night.

It's kinda hard to lead and say where to go, when every time you've done the TF people have TP'd you right to where you need to be.

It's still a learning process. Sorry it took so long, but thanks for putting up with us


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)