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I'd like to run this as just a regular old TF. P.S I've been contacting Nocturne about a little surprise so make sure your there!
Lady Kya Lvl 49 ((should hit 50 by than)) PB
Hey Guys, I was looking for an AT/Primary/Secondary that would be good for soloing, I'm up for anything but a MM.
Can i come? 48 PB. Please lemme know Lady Kya. I'll be on the rest of the night probably
I'm printscreening and pasting but its coming out solid black.
Hey guy's i've been trying to take a picture recently ingame and Whenever I use the snipping tool or Prntscreen it comes out solid black. I'm with Vista and I wanted to know how you guys are doing your pictures so well.
Well as I figure out how to upload my build, my playstyle is I'm more of a solo'r. I want to be able to handle at least some Bosses or EB's. I tend to tank at times but I can keep it ranged if needed.
Alright guys I have a little question, I'm busy working on my PB and shes hit 39 going on 40 very soon. Now my question is could anyone recommend a few sets of IO's that are good to invest in being a PB? I'm really looking for set bonuses as well.
Alright hey guys, This is my first PB and I suppose I went alittle crazy and got Dwarf/Human/and Nova. I wasnt really thinking more in the heat of the moment lets try out everything. I'm going to modify my next build so I'm asking for someone to post a decent build I can.....no pun intended build off of. I'd also perfer to know some good IO sets for us PB's.
Yes....Yes burn me, BURN ME. No seriously if I'm working on a bane odds are....I'VE HIT 50 BEFORE, I'm not trying to rip anyone off, I just have to get alot of IO's to help my bane out and to do that, Infamy is key. Don't buy from me than if ya don't trust me.
Hey guys....hoping this is the right forum. Anywho I've come across some LoTGs from the merit vendors and I was intending on posting them on the BM but I decided to announce on this forum if anyone would like to purchase them directly. 80 Mil each, they're the Recharge ones you get from the merit vendor. I can meet you anywhere red side in Virtue
Hey guys, I've come across afew LoTGs from the Merit Vendor and instead of bothering with the BM I'd decided to help you guys out. Red-Side only. I was going to list them up for 80mil each but post your name in here and I'll email you if your interested.
So rare drops are good as well to invest in....interesting. I'm going to check the average rate of LoTGs and decide whats more worth my time. P.S Dumbleberry, Yeah I'm on Virtue if you want to meetup I can sell you a few.
I see, Well I'm going to play it safe and compare the rates, I think I'd like to for 80 mil. Pushing 90 seems a little dangerous when it comes to sell.
Thanks! Does anyone have a rough idea of how much I should sell the ones from the vendor for, I was thinking 80mil?
Im understanding they go for like 200 merits? I have well over a thousand merits, not new to the game. I've just had a pretty powerful 50 but I didn't have to use all these special IO's. I heard banes have some weakness though that need to be covered. I took a look at this one guys build and he said it cost about 200-300 mil but he got half of that from 2 LoTGs. With my merits I think i can afford about 4-5. amirite?
Alrighty guys thanks for the help, and thanks for that warm welcome! I'm about to respec into bane spider and I heard abunch of people saying to take all your merits, buy LoTGs and sell them to afford some good buffing IO's.
Hi guys, I'm not very good with the abbreviations for words but I can usually figure them out, this is one word I have no clue what it stands for. LoTGs? Can someone help me out here?
Alrighty thanks, I'm going to try and see if I can get some of those LotGs, Whats the avearge marketing price for them? I have a little over a thousand merits so i can get about 4-6
How much do those IO's added up cost roughly? I have a few merits i can try to sell
Anyone mind uploading a build? Can't seem to find that guide.
Sounds decent, Mind posting your build up and the link to that guide? I have like 64 mil infamy I don't know if thats enough for a few decent IO's because I'm like you not into that marketing game. I just gather my money from kills
Alrighty guys, I'm usually on my own soloing, not that I hate teamwork just sometimes It's harder than others to find a good team. Now I'm going into Bane Spider respecing alittle late at level 41. I'd like to know a good build for mostly PvE, I was considering the crab spider but the whole backpack thing really steered me away. Any advice/good builds you guys could show me here?