Small Noobish Question
LoTG = Luck of the Gambler. It's an Invention enhancement set.
Specifically, it is sometimes used just to refer to the +Recharge Global IO from that set.
Hope that helps!
Edit -> Also, welcome to the game and to the forums!
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Luck of the IO set.
Alrighty guys thanks for the help, and thanks for that warm welcome! I'm about to respec into bane spider and I heard abunch of people saying to take all your merits, buy LoTGs and sell them to afford some good buffing IO's.
Now that you know what it _is_ you probably still don't know why people are talking about it.
One of the things about the Invention System is that if you warp your build, and spend a godzillion inf, you can get some impressive things. One of those impressive things is "Very, very high global recharge"- the equivalent of two, or three, or five Recharge Reduction SO's in every power before you slot any recharge.
The Luck of the Gambler +Recharge Global IO is a crucial part of this strategy. As a result it is very, very expensive. If you get one through play, you can buy a swimming pool and fill it with inf and swim around like Scrooge McDuck.
If you want one, you have to first acquire a swimming pool full of inf. If you want five? Five swimming pools.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Im understanding they go for like 200 merits? I have well over a thousand merits, not new to the game. I've just had a pretty powerful 50 but I didn't have to use all these special IO's. I heard banes have some weakness though that need to be covered. I took a look at this one guys build and he said it cost about 200-300 mil but he got half of that from 2 LoTGs. With my merits I think i can afford about 4-5. amirite?
Sounds right, and sounds like you'll end up with roughly 4-5 hundred million inf if you sell them...though I haven't priced LoTG in a while. Also, you'll spend more if you actually craft them, but you'll usually more than make up the difference when you sell the crafted enhancement.
I haz 87 Clouded Points
Thanks! Does anyone have a rough idea of how much I should sell the ones from the vendor for, I was thinking 80mil?
The Black Market rate for them has dropped slightly to around 80 mil as of 4 days ago. They can go for 90 million+.
I would not list it below an amount you would not be satisfied getting. There are those that like to get lucky bids in and get them for 50-60 mil.
I see, Well I'm going to play it safe and compare the rates, I think I'd like to for 80 mil. Pushing 90 seems a little dangerous when it comes to sell.
Whenever I bring up merits and buying LotG anywhere people always tell me to just go for the rare recipe roll (only 20 merits, yup, 1 zero), so I ran an ITF with my 50 a few days ago, had a little over 20merits on him and went "meh, im impatient, rather than grinding out itf's I'll take the roll", first recipe, LotG +recharge . (2nd was a Mako's Bite: Chance for Lethal). Supposedly the majority of rare rolls you take at 50 will be good moneymakers on WW if you don't want them, then you'll get up inf for buying the specifics you want off the market.
I've just recently started paying attention to the merit reward vendors, after randomly digging through it while broke and find a performance shifter:chance for +end in it instead of the mils on WW. So the only thing I can confirm from my experience is the awesome drops of a rare roll as compared to saving up and choosing.

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online
Many abbreviations and colloquialisms.
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I see, Well I'm going to play it safe and compare the rates, I think I'd like to for 80 mil. Pushing 90 seems a little dangerous when it comes to sell.
[/ QUOTE ]
The CH has a "Last Five Sales" field that lists the last five sales, and the date and time they occurred. Check that out. And don't check it out once, if you want to make the most money. Check the "Last Five Sales" for both the recipes, as well as the enhancements, at the level you are offering the enhancement. Also, check the weekend vs. midweek as well. Things cost more (and you can make more) on weekends, generally.
Or, ask on your server boards or on your server global channels. If you can negotiate a sale one-on-one, you can completely circumvent the 10% market fee.
If you're on Virtue, I'm interested.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Whenever I bring up merits and buying LotG anywhere people always tell me to just go for the rare recipe roll (only 20 merits, yup, 1 zero), so I ran an ITF with my 50 a few days ago, had a little over 20merits on him and went "meh, im impatient, rather than grinding out itf's I'll take the roll", first recipe, LotG +recharge . (2nd was a Mako's Bite: Chance for Lethal). Supposedly the majority of rare rolls you take at 50 will be good moneymakers on WW if you don't want them, then you'll get up inf for buying the specifics you want off the market.
I've just recently started paying attention to the merit reward vendors, after randomly digging through it while broke and find a performance shifter:chance for +end in it instead of the mils on WW. So the only thing I can confirm from my experience is the awesome drops of a rare roll as compared to saving up and choosing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now that the rare recipe rolls (Rare Merit roll and Golden Ticket roll) are 'weighted' toward the more used recipes, rolling for rares is is a good thing. The exception would be if you're creating a build that will be exemplaring often and you specifically want the lowest level or a particular level of recipe; then the best thing would be to buy that specific level of recipe with Merits.
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Yes, the weighted rolls certainly made them more appealing to me. I still buy many proc IOs though, simply so I can set the level - I'm often getting them for characters other than the one I'm playing and don't particularly want to have to wait until level 47 to slot them.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
So rare drops are good as well to invest in....interesting. I'm going to check the average rate of LoTGs and decide whats more worth my time. P.S Dumbleberry, Yeah I'm on Virtue if you want to meetup I can sell you a few.
We on the market forums used to have a spreadsheet for that, but it doesn't work anymore, because we don't know the weighting.
I'm a big fan of random rolls, because in 10 rolls you will "usually" get something as valuable as a LoTG, plus a lot of other stuff (mostly crap). Nobody knows if that's true anymore since they put in the weighted rolls, but if you do roll- the 35-39 band is considered to be the most financially prudent.
Random roll, as they say, is random- I've seen 3 rolls of which one was a "big 3" item, I've seen 16 rolls where nothing was worth more than 10 million.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Random roll, as they say, is random- I've seen 3 rolls of which two were a "big 3" item, I've seen 16 rolls where nothing was worth more than 100 thousand.
[/ QUOTE ]
Edited to reflect my experience.
That, and being able to specify exactly what level recipe I want, are the reasons that I go for specific recipes when looking for rare/unique procs. I don't particularly want a level 40 Miracle +recovery, level 50 Numina's +regen/+recovery, or level 50 Luck of the Gambler +recharge. I want them available sooner than that, and it's easier to get merits on the characters that are already levelled up and IO'd out.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Yeah, the random rolls really are random. I once rolled about 600 merits worth of rare rolls (30 of them) and the total value of everything I got was only about 50 million.
Saturday, I rolled 2 rare rolls on my level 28 blaster and got a miracle +recovery and a numina unique.
Random roll is random.
Siolfir: That's why I pay people fixed sums of money per IO to roll anywhere between level 32 and 40. There's too much supply at 50 and not enough below that. Current price: 6 million inf per roll. Anyone wanna sell me some?
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Hi guys, I'm not very good with the abbreviations for words but I can usually figure them out, this is one word I have no clue what it stands for. LoTGs? Can someone help me out here?