Girls Night on Vent!




The more, the merrier!



I have the strange desire to come and listen in.

What do you mean, women only?


Fine, I'll get the wig...

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Hi Flea.



Sadly Flea, We "guys" are excluded... sigh... plants a garden

global id @Panzer



Aww. We just don't the boys to hear the secret girl stuff that we all keep secret. If we let a male member of the species know, we have to turn in our girl cards and give up the rights to wearing sexy shoes forever.



*nods head* She's right, sorry boys...



Aww. We just don't the boys to hear the secret girl stuff that we all keep secret. If we let a male member of the species know, we have to turn in our girl cards and give up the rights to wearing sexy shoes forever.

[/ QUOTE ]

As a male member (O.o) of the Victory community, I find it difficult to believe that you need cards to verify you are girls.

However, in the interest of honest relations between the sexes, I'm volunteering to verify personally that you all are of the female persuasion. This could be a potentially hazardous mission, but I definitely feel up to the task.

Details can be worked out on a case by case basis...

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.



Case by case? Does that mean one by one? Can't handle...verifying two of us at once?




As a male member (O.o) of the Victory community, I find it difficult to believe that you need cards to verify you are girls.

However, in the interest of honest relations between the sexes, I'm volunteering to verify personally that you all are of the female persuasion. This could be a potentially hazardous mission, but I definitely feel up to the task.

Details can be worked out on a case by case basis...

[/ QUOTE ]




Case by case? Does that mean one by one? Can't handle...verifying two of us at once?

[/ QUOTE ]

Now, I never said that.

I believe all my...ah..verifications should be special and each one should be done properly to ensure the highest degree of satisfaction..err..authentication.

However, In the interest of expediency, I would be more than willing to verify two girls at the same time. Assuming, of course, that all parties are agreeable to that.

In fact, I feel that it could definitely enhance the verification process.

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.





I belive the rules would mean that only women could talk, nothing about men listening.

So, as long as we aren't too noisy, we should be fine!

Always remember, we were Heroes.



I think Hero will be tested...

And it is girls only. Unless MP is selling spots.



I'd buy that for a dollar!

Always remember, we were Heroes.



I am gonna say no boys allowed for this time! If girls night goes well, I'll do a girls night two and sell muted spots to boys. All proceeds to go to PERC and PVPEC prize funds

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



I am gonna say no boys allowed for this time! If girls night goes well, I'll do a girls night two and sell muted spots to boys. All proceeds to go to PERC and PVPEC prize funds

[/ QUOTE ]

*thumbs up*



I am gonna say no boys allowed for this time!

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds fair. Leaves room for men to still sit in. I'm probably busy that night though, so if you can actually find another on this server, maybe he can have the spot.


I've already forgotten about most of you



Hmm. Trust Voodoo to wistfully believe that the server is filled with boys....

Makes me wonder if I should call his local PD and ensure that he is living more than 1000 feet away from any elementary schools.

This, of course, assumes that his local law enforcement hasn't already been informed of his whereabouts.

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.



Anyone in the know, including the local po-po, know better than to mess with voodoo.

I've already forgotten about most of you



I am gonna say no boys allowed for this time! If girls night goes well, I'll do a girls night two and sell muted spots to boys. All proceeds to go to PERC and PVPEC prize funds

[/ QUOTE ]

We'll maybe we "boys" , should have free beer and wings night. I'll bring the heineken.

global id @Panzer



I find it funny that most of the people posting in this thread aren't women.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trust me....most of the toons attending this "woman's" night won't be women.



I find it funny that most of the people posting in this thread aren't women.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trust me....most of the toons attending this "woman's" night won't be women.

[/ QUOTE ] realize we'll be using Vent, right? So we'll be able to HEAR each other? And only people on Vent will be teamed together?



I find it funny that most of the people posting in this thread aren't women.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trust me....most of the toons attending this "woman's" night won't be women.

[/ QUOTE ] realize we'll be using Vent, right? So we'll be able to HEAR each other? And only people on Vent will be teamed together?

[/ QUOTE ]

Definetly a trap then.

[Ackbar] ITS A TRAP! [\Ackbar]



I find it funny that most of the people posting in this thread aren't women.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trust me....most of the toons attending this "woman's" night won't be women.

[/ QUOTE ] realize we'll be using Vent, right? So we'll be able to HEAR each other? And only people on Vent will be teamed together?

[/ QUOTE ]

Voice Modulators FTW.



I find it funny that most of the people posting in this thread aren't women.

[/ QUOTE ]

Trust me....most of the toons attending this "woman's" night won't be women.

[/ QUOTE ] realize we'll be using Vent, right? So we'll be able to HEAR each other? And only people on Vent will be teamed together?

[/ QUOTE ]

Voice Modulators FTW.

[/ QUOTE ] know we know how Masque is getting in....