Secondary build




So I just noticed the whole secondary build option. Very cool. My question is...what Archetype (blue side) can best take advantage of that option?

I'm thinking a dedicated team build and a dedicated solo build. What power sets have the most option for specialization?

For example, a tank might take taunt for a team build and not for a solo build. Or looking at the shield secondary it looks like some powers benefit the character only while a few help the team out (I know little about this secondary, so don't cut me up if I'm wrong). But, along those lines. What power sets/archetypes could really specialize for team/solo use of secondary builds?





A while back I was wanting to make a human only Warshade, but I already had my lvl 50 tri-form and wasn't sure I wanted to re-level a Warshade when there were other sets I wanted to try. With this I can now have both a tri-form and human only, and in my case, the added benefit of a lvl 50's income to slot it out.

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We often speak your name;
There is nothing left to answer,
But your photo in the frame.



I'm using the secondary build for my Empathy/Archery Defender.

First build is her team build. Second is her solo build.



I'd say team+solo is the most common, with a few pve+pvp for those who enjoy it. I'd say my defenders and controllers get the most use out of it, as many powers in those archetypes have a specific team only application. Typically my tanker would just not take taunt, which isn't really enough for me to justify making a whole 'nother build. Blasters and Scrappers pretty much play exactly the same solo or on a team.

Kheldians are a bit unique though, in that there are many ways to build a Kheldian. I wanted to try a human/dwarf and a tri-build, but didn't feel like leveling an entire other character to do it.



Also, My Widow will be using dual builds. One will be as a Fortunata, the other as a Night Widow.

I'm not going to do this with my Spiders though, since I do not want Never-Moore to be stuck with the Crab Spider backpack on all costumes. In this case, I am having two individual Spiders: Never-Moore the Bane Spider, And Scuttle-Bot, the Crab Spider



simple its up to you but the Vet AT are common to have a 2nd build and team/solo players. also for instance i have a scrapper that has a build for specific SG and works well with others in that sg but solo or on a norn\mal tean he needs another build. so its great for trying diffrent things



Personally I use it for a "level 35-50" or my normal build and an "exemp below 32" build... it allows me to concentrate all my slots into powers taken below 32 for when I'm exemp'd. So far the only character I've bothered to do this with is CMA, my Inv/Stone tanker. My "lowbie" build maintains some pretty impressive numbers down to level 20 on the second build.

On all my other characters it's a question of economics... paying for one set IO build per level 50 is tough enough much less two although I have been working up a second build for my 50 Fire/Rad controller... one for normal teaming and one for our 6 man Fire/Rad superteam. I still have a lot of IO's to get for that second build though.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



I have a few with Team/Solo builds, especially on Controllers with team centric secondaries that get no benefit from them pre-pets. I also have a Crab/Bane, and a Bane/Huntsman.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I have a team/solo build on my Rad/Rad Defender.

I am going to make a Widow/Fortunata build on my Widow.

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