Idea for tanker taunt to suppress Knockbacks




Maybe if Tanks had some sort of melee range -kb buff for hostiles...


Posted doesn't make sense thematically or even practically.

I mean sure KB's are annoying, but they can be helpful planned or unplanned.

We have holds and immobilizes for this sort of thing anyways, and adding a -KB ability to taunt just doesn't seem necessary or even needed.



There are already two ways to deal with unwanted KB, the "kick" button and the "quit" button. If one doesn't work, the other will.



I think kick is the better solution to knockback.



I want a Kinetic Storm defender. Then I can hurricane/gale/tornado/lightning storm every time the scrapper/tank takes a step, and then speedboost him/her.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson



I'm curious as the whether mez effect conversion is even possible within the confines of the game engine. AFAIK, there isn't any existing conversion functionality that exists between multiple discrete mez types (KB and KU) nor is there a way to default the magnitude of a mez effect to a specific value (KB to KD).

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Theoretically, it would be possible for Taunt to grant its targets an extremely large Knockback Resistance buff, which would reduce any Knockback into Knockdown (since Knockdown is just Knockback with a <1 mag). Not that this would be a good idea, but it might be possible.

We'll always have Paragon.



Theoretically, it would be possible for Taunt to grant its targets an extremely large Knockback Resistance buff, which would reduce any Knockback into Knockdown (since Knockdown is just Knockback with a <1 mag). Not that this would be a good idea, but it might be possible.

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The problem with this is that it's going to be turning high mag KB into KD (KD with mag < .75) and low mag KB into nothing (KD needs to have mag over a certain threshold to have any effect at all, iirc).

The reason for this is that KB resistance actually affects the magnitude of the power. Making it high enough to turn a mag 12 KB into a < .75 mag KD (1600% resistance) would also turn a KD into nothing (.67/16 = .041 mag), which why I stated the need for either mez conversion or mez mag defaulting (neither of which exists atm).



We all know that trying to tank in a team with a bunch of KnockBack sucks, but a reduction to other AT's KB powers isn't fair to them soooo.

Add a "KB to KD/KU" conversion aspect to Taunt/Guantlet so that anything under the influence of a tanker's taunt effect isn't sent flying away.

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If the knockback is coming from something like energy torrent, then I think it is the best if you simply communicate with the team. Either they have to stop using it or you have to adjust to other people's tactics. Knockback is not always bad (it's not always good or necessary either no matter how skilful the user is), it depends on the situation. It's probably not a good idea just to taunt and shut down the tactics.

If the knockback is coming from something like energy blast, the user may actually don't want to knockback but there is no choice. For this case, I think something can be done about it. I'm not sure if the suggested taunt is the way to do it, and it is strange thematically also.



If you don't want to send people flying with Energy blasts line up so a wall is behind the target or learn to fly.



low mag KB into nothing (KD needs to have mag over a certain threshold to have any effect at all, iirc).

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Ah, did not know that. I always assumed that as long as the mag was >0, the effect would go off. In that case, yes, that would not work.

We'll always have Paragon.



If you don't want to send people flying with Energy blasts line up so a wall is behind the target or learn to fly.

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I know the typical answer. The typical reply is that you don't always have a wall close by, or the ceiling is low. There are workaround for the problem, but if kd is the better effect for the situation, it's better if we can just choose to use kd to start with.



hehe one tray of powers set to KB and another of them set to KD. That'd be awesome.



This thread is about using taunt to suppress kb, so I don't want to discuss different things. But you can take a look at the thread How to fix kb issues. I think the ideas there are ok. Probably two trays of the same powers are a bit too much, I think.



I'd be happy for this or they could increase the duration of knockback protection in controllers aoe immobilize powers. Something that should be done anyway.

Unfortunately they already can and do frequently. Many holds and immobilizes provide effective immunity to KBs to their targets. (Ice and Stone are the two that come immediately to mind).

I've frequently had issues with my Martial Arts scrappers when a controller throws down an AoE immobilize on the targets I'm fighting which provides me no mitigation, yet takes away all the mitigation dragon's tail provides. Irks me to no end, and doesn't really make sense anyhow since the immunity runs out before the power usually does, so you still end up kicking people encased in stone across the room. Which is hardly immersion breaking, and was a terrible reason for them to add this "feature" to some controls in the first place.

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Combos like plant/storm would suffer without knockback protection as people would get pissed every time you use tornado or lightning storm.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



A better change might be, to get rid of knock back, and replace it with knock "down"

