After installing new patch test server not working

Ad Astra



Good point ,Leech. However can you imagine the outcry if it was live? This needs to be corrected ASAP regardless that its on test server.

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Well then... good thing it's not Live.

This sort of thing? Kinda common in the closed betas I've been a part of. It's the exact reason why we have betas.

Everyone going a bit nutty about how bad and awful it is? Welcome to what the beta testers have been experiencing every time. It's not fun, but in the end, it makes for a better game.

The issue will get fixed as soon as it can be.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



I just send Nivienne a PM about this, and said she'd get it looked into. It's entirely possible that no one over there has any idea of what's going on.



Yay! I ran the updater multiple times (including full verify) and nothing got nuked! Thanks Avatea!



becuase there are so many posts from them waring users about it or even telling us it is happening...

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But then, it's not live.

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C'mon Leech, we all know the devs get paid to post on the forums all day! Forget those silly Community Rep people!

Speaking of which, thanks for the update Avatea



You got PMS or something, HotFlash? No need to be rude or catty. Please do not presume to tell me what I think.

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Did HotFlash do a stealth edit or something? Because the post I'm seeing you respond to does not warrant this remark at all.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



The issue should now be resolved, please re-launch your Training room client and let us know if you encounter any further problem with that! Thanks!

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I've been dealing with this since last night. I need to go to bed but i hope by the time I wake up it's ok! I REALLY love doms so this is driving me bonkers lol.



Same with me. PC, and I got a message saying I had to reinstall the client for test!



It's working!!! Thanks devs! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!