Happy Birthday Niviene!
Cause Niv is hiding, that's why, no one saw the cake!
Here's hoping she got a day-pass away from the loony bin that is 'the forums'.
Actually, she's down in Comics Culture - challenging peeps there to come fight her Brute!
(cute little game we are playing in that forum)
OK - this is my Brute, but Niv has a tough gal there, too! Happy Birthday, Niv, you thug, you!
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Actually, she's down in Comics Culture - challenging peeps there to come fight her Brute!
(cute little game we are playing in that forum)
OK - this is my Brute, but Niv has a tough gal there, too! Happy Birthday, Niv, you thug, you!
[/ QUOTE ]
All I have to say, Ad Astra, is that "You are EVIL!"
Well well, happy birthday!
I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.
Late cake is better than no cake at all!
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Happy birthday, Niv! ;grin:
Happy Belated B-Day Niv!
Thanks Everyone!
Happy belated birthday, Niviene.
Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Hope you had a great birthday!
Arc 185502: Who Killed Snow Globe? a mini mystery Put together the clues to solve the case!
Arc 22832: And Hell Hath No Fury (extreme)
Will you be the key to the Knives of Artemis' survival? or the instrument of their destruction?
j/k , Happy happy!
Climbing the ladder, doing the bull dance, feeling the flow.
It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.
Happy belated birthday
I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.
happy belated b-day from me too
There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"
Happy Belated Bday!
@Aoide Muse
Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web
Hau`oli la hanau Niv...sorry it's belated!
I'm a bad TA!
Happy Belated woman! Now get back to work
How did the day go by without people giving a shout out?!?
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Angel Red
"We're heroes. Fighting injustice is the thing we do." ~Rebel Scum