Holy Llamas in the Rookery Batman!
His name is DONUT!
*From the rafters comes a safari sackperson, kitted out for the adventures in the wild.*
Blimey, e's a biggun. Llamas can be REAL dangerous in the wild.
*Snugs Madisen.*
Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)
I vote an homage, Tina. Tina the llama.
In other news, one day back and I've already pushed my beloved stone/fire tanker, Meteor Hammer, to 50. Hooray AE.
EDIT: He? Prove it. Er, on second thought, don't.
Good morning Warrior, hi there Missterious. Donuts are on the counter, pamcakes near the robo-griddle and the pool is out back. Beware the attic, there's a Pogo up there with his strange inventions.
Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)
Ooh I just realised I havent taught my friends kids the Llama song I feel its my duty in this life to teach as many children as possible that delightfull song so that they can enrich their parents lives with it
*gets out a big tube of frosting and runs over to the llama pen*
Ladies, gentlemen, and undecided, I present to you "glazed donut"
*runs from angry llama and llama fans*
<insert fluff posting #1 here>
Good Morning Madisen and Fedor and Warrior Brutus and Missterious and Hawkes.
And good morning Donut.....aw look, he's eating the paint off the wooden pirate girl.
I just got super busy this morning and had no time to start one earlier.
/e munches on an orange.
Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall
Morning everyone who has come in!
Who frosted the Llama??? lol
Fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluf!!
*Snugs Em*
Morning Em, Rooky, naughty Hawkes. Now we need to run the llama through the car wash.
Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)
On a game-related topic (cuz y'all know if we don't post about the game the haters will flame us): I played CoH last night
Also, nice teaming with you this weekend Fed You're a good teammate.
Morning all! =^.^=
I just want to bump my post count so.... hmmm... ((PLEASE note the sarcasm.))
Frosted fluffy llamas!
I didn't play last night, I was busy packing. pfft
Oooo I'm a "rookie"!
Morning everyone who hopped on while I was making breakfast. /wave
*stretches and yawns, looking up*
Who put a llama in my bed? Oh well, shove over there Donut Tina. G'morning everyone.
SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.
It was fun Em, too bad we started soooo late. Must start earlier next time.
Morning Tarby
*From the shadows he POUNCES the Neko for a beginning of the week tussle while doing a Crocodile Hunter impression.*
Cor, this is the wiley Rookery Kitteh subspecies known as the Nekocutieface. She's a good tussler and even better at hiding under the couch. Now this is gonna be dangerous, but let's see if we can't subdue her!
Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)
*tussles a bit with Fedor, but turns dejectedly back to work*
ugh ugh ugh. Will the problems never cease?
Okay.. so my company's ISP had some major failure or another late last Sunday (not yesterday, but last week). The major upshot was that something went kablooey, and at first we had no internet access at all. And they couldn't get the parts they needed for their old systems. So much frantic panicing and work was had by all, and many of our clients who tried to send us files during the time overnight that the internet was down and we didn't know about it all failed. Monday morning was complete crazy chaos.
Well, work arounds were set into place. We couldn't use the usual static IP addresses while the ISP was fixing things, so temporary IPs were set up so our clients could send us files and access their databases on the web, all that sort of thing.
It took the ISP until Friday to get things straightened out on their end, and we changed our IP addresses to the original ones, and sent out messages to our clients Friday afternoon to use those instead of the temporary ones, which were then disabled.
Of course, both of my contacts at the client companies apparently decided to leave early Friday afternoon....
So in a lovely repeat of last week, everything they tried to send us this weekend failed, now we've got to try to get them resent so we can do our job. ugh.
In retrospect, I should have had them hold off on changing things back until today, or at least gotten some confirmation that the clients knew what was going to happen before having the IP addresses changed back to avoid this. But I didn't. I mean, I check my work email all the time, and I don't leave work early. So it didn't occur to me that this would happen.
So. Much. Fun.
SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.
ooOOoo Grae fluffed his postcount!
And, to make this on topic, Oh, wait, fluffing postcounts IS ontopic for the Rookery.
*comes out of Emmi's room* Morning all. And I have no comment on the threads yesterday other then to say I have no comment
Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality
Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM
pssst! Fey!
Morning Fey, nice to see ya.
*Hops onto Fey's shoulder to ride along with.*
Morning Phoe
Poor Neko, hope everything gets worked out ok kitteh
Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)
ugh. I hope so Fedor. I hate these sorts of problems. I like a nice, orderly bit of work. It's especially frustrating because I'm stuck in the middle between the clients and the people at work, and since I'm remotely working, all I can do is pass messages between people, I can't actually do anything to get it working again.
SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.
*Walks in and turns on all the auto food makers and makes sure the espresso machine is warmed up. Takes over a corner of the Rookery and has it transformed into a llama pin. Inside the pin you see a beautiful white FLUFFY llama.*

Morning all!!!
This is our fluff llama, he needs a name!