Question about making a Scrapper specific mission

Eva Destruction



Hello all,
I’m new to making MA mishes and need a little help.
I'm trying to make a mission that will challenge 3 scrappers, (me and my brothers).
Not Uber IO'd to the max scrappers, just a team of 3.
I’m trying to get it to have the feel of the "House of Blue Leaves" scene in Kill Bill when the Crazy 88 swarm in.
But to be honest while I want a challenge and to be able to have bodies in piles, Its not important that we succeed (theres no next scene we have to get to) The night of 1000 knives should be about the challenge to prevail against odds that make a scrapper pause for a a full nano second ("wow that is a bunch of angry looking guys with swords") before jumping in and in a flurry of scrapper madness.

Feel The Burn



I would like to have custom enemies (Lots and lots of them).
But I dont want this to be a farm, I just want to have a deadly target rich environment.
Any thoughts on what is the best way to come up with a challenging character to play against for a scrapp? I figure it will be lieutenants and up. So do lots of Scrapper lieutenants at max hard provide a good challenge? Or would Bosses on weak or hard be better? If they dont take up too much file space, Id like to have lieuts, bosses and 3 super bosses come at us.
So that we make great progress fighting different groups of lieutenants but then get slowed down by a boss and need to call the others to help, all the while the lieutenants are piling up and still slashing away at us.
I dont want this to be insta death in order to have fun we will need to be able to make some headway and maybe if we play to the best of our ability and can figure out a strategy maybe even win.
So how do I get lots and lots of bad guys in a mish preferably in the same big room and then in the event the room gets cleared have waves of reinforcements come in?
Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Feel The Burn



Last thing, my character is 35 theirs are in the high 40s so the sk thing will need to happen in the mish

Feel The Burn



Alright. What you're asking for is pretty easy to do, actually. If you want to give your scrappers a challenge, then there are a couple things you can do. First, you can make all the enemies LTs or higher by using custom groups. Or, you can set your custom enemies to have hard hitting attacks.

If you want there to be a veritable horde of enemies, you can give your custom enemies mastermind powers, meaning that they'll summon pets. The best one to use for tons of enemies is the thugs powerset, as they can get gang war.

In order to make your mission auto-sk, you'll have to put in a standard enemy of some kind of the level range you want, as a boss, ambush, or ally, anything really, as long as they're in the mission as a detail and not part of the custom group with your custom enemies it will set the level range.

Just be sure to say in your mission's description that the mission is designed to be a challenge, and that anyone playing it should be very cautious about attempting it.



Thematically Masterminds are problematic, I would like all the baddies to be sword weilders. well one of the bosses (mebbe they will be elite bosses testing will tell) will be Dual Blades.
So that being said how do I get hordes of lieutenants to be hordes?
I have tried a few things but don't seem to be getting very far, when I test (only me testing so the enemy count maybe artificially low) I'm getting groups of 3 bad guys, How can I make a horde lets say 20 to 25 and then have more join?

Feel The Burn



The thing with custom enemies, is that you can have them have a mastermind power AND another power. So they could be Ninjas/Katana, if you wanted to keep a sword theme.

There's no really good way to make your enemies be tons of people. Best way to make what you're thinking of happen, is to make every available boss/patrol/ambush/defeat object spawn location to spawn a boss detail, and set the spawn difficulty to hard, and set every available rescue/defend object/escort location to be a non-required defendable object, and also set the spawn difficulty to be hard on that as well. As soon as the player aggros a defend object spawn, it will spawn an ambush. Setting them to be non-required would make it so the players wouldn't fail the mission if they happen to get destroyed. The purpose of the defendable objects is for the ambushes.

Beyond that, you can assign 3 ambush details to the mission. You could have those spawn when the players get the main bad guy to 3/4 of his life. I would suggest the main badguys be elite bosses if you're looking to challenge a team of 3 scrappers. Hell, maybe even an archvillain. I've duoed AVs with my scrapper and a blaster before, so I mean, you're going to have to try pretty hard to make a single enemy challenging for 3 scrappers.



Set the max number of boss and rescue spawns, set the spawn difficulty to "hard." If possible, choose a map where all the standard spawn points are replaced by boss spawns.

As far as having more join, you can set some of the bosses to trigger ambushes, maybe at 1/4 health so most of their minions are still alive. You are limited as to the number of ambushes a mission is allowed to have however.

Patrols will also add enemies that can wander in and attack you.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



You want a challenge for Scrappers? Put lots of Minion level custom enemies that have overlapping Crowd Control and Debuffing powers set to attack from range, in a mix of Lieutenants and Bosses that have a combination of Willpower/*. Eventually you may be able to kill'em off, but until you do... seeing your Scrapper locked in place because his mez-protection eventually broke down (especially once all your Break Free insps are gone) is going to challenge you as a player for sure...

[u]An example setup could be:[u]
MindControl/DarkMiasma (Minion)
IceControl/DarkMiasma (Minion)
DualBlades/Devices (Lieutenant)
EnergyMelee/Willpower (Boss)

Spice it up with well-times ambushes of those Arachnos Cruise Missile and put the whole thing in a cave... then take two aspirins and PM me in the morning to tell me how you liked that cocktail

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



If you're looking for an established arc that has some of the flavor you're describing, I HIGHLY recommend Impossible Kung Fu Mission (10619) by Spiral-Architect. Give it a play!



Thanks much Ill give that one a shot and then post back to ask how he did it!

Feel The Burn



Hello all,
I’m new to making MA mishes and need a little help.
I'm trying to make a mission that will challenge 3 scrappers, (me and my brothers).
Not Uber IO'd to the max scrappers, just a team of 3.
I’m trying to get it to have the feel of the "House of Blue Leaves" scene in Kill Bill when the Crazy 88 swarm in.
But to be honest while I want a challenge and to be able to have bodies in piles, Its not important that we succeed (theres no next scene we have to get to) The night of 1000 knives should be about the challenge to prevail against odds that make a scrapper pause for a a full nano second ("wow that is a bunch of angry looking guys with swords") before jumping in and in a flurry of scrapper madness.

[/ QUOTE ]

Getting quantity over quality is not an easy thing to do in either Architect or the game proper. Typically, to get more enemies, you need more players. But a couple of ideas do come to mind.

First, set your Notoriety to 2 (Tenacious) or 4 (Unyielding). That will cause spawns to pop in as if you had an extra teammate in your team. Second, as has been mentioned, make your ambushes set to Hard. That also increases the size of the incoming ambush.

Something you might want to try in test-mode, to see if the idea fits, is to create a "boss" battle against a custom weak boss or lieutenant, and create 4 hard ambushes tied to 3/4 health, 1/2 health, 1/4 health, and boss defeated. If the "boss" goes down quickly enough then all four of the ambushes could be triggered before the first actually arrives and you might be fighting all four ambushes at once. That could get that scrapper group to pause for a second.

Can't think of anything else right now that might work.



If you're going to go Masterminds, I'd recommend going Ninjas/SR or Ninjas/Ninjutsu or possibly Ninjas/Invuln to add in some survivability for your actual Masterminds so they don't get dropped in a hurry, wiping out hordes of ninjas at a time. Don't really even need the tier-3 pet (Oni) just the Genin and Jounin. Each MM would still be summoning 5 ninjas to jump into the fray that way.

Test it with the MMs themselves set for Ranged, so they stand back and fire off their archery attacks at you while staying out of melee, and therefore away from your bread and butter scrapper attacks, which will then be soaked up primarily by the pets as they attack you.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))