A little info on Redside Population please.




Hi all.

Firstly, I've always played on Justice. Unfortunately, I know fewer and fewer who play these days The problem is compounded when I'm on villains - I am so tired of soloing, it was never this bad before!

So, I've been contemplating a move to the "big two" ie., Virtue/Freedom. However, despite its high population, stories of Freedom's overhyped teen NOW NOW NOW, EXP EXP EXP EXP population sort of put me off. Who knows, maybe it's not really like that and there is something besides AE farm missions on that server (laugh).

Is Virtue, the much-vaunted RP server, different than that? And, just as important, is there actually anyone to play with on Redside?



Virtue is starting to truck its way towards Freedom, do to AE, with RP'rs kicking & screaming or ignoring it.

My group is always active both sides, we just play, we don't RP, we goof off, we XP

I can usually have full 8 running, entire time I play, be it 1hour or 12hrs


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Firstly, I've always played on Justice. Unfortunately, I know fewer and fewer who play these days The problem is compounded when I'm on villains - I am so tired of soloing, it was never this bad before!

[/ QUOTE ]

Everytime the Justice server goes down or we get a new team-thirsty refugee, the last lines of one of Holland's poems springs to mind.

...Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
Wrong rules the land and waiting Justice sleeps. - Josiah Gilbert Holland

The entire poem is stirring if read aloud. I'm kinda geeky like that. Copy can be found here: God give us Men!


Public global channels to consider:

- Virtue LFG Alpha for teams
- VirtueBadges09 if you intend to accolade your villains
- VU2009 for reminders and updates on villain Hamidon raids and the co-faction RWZ raids which pop up often



Well, the redside population for leveling can be slim without friends sometimes, but you can usually get a PuG of at least 5 people during our busy hours. Blueside can almost always find teams. The RP happens, but its rarer with the onst of MA, like the otehrs have stated. Find some people on the server you like, Global them, and use that to get teams formed whenever you can. Gettig into the RP scene helps someimes too, if you amke good RP friends, you can usually depend ont hem being friendly.

Welcome to Virtue! I too came from Justice... long ago... but now that my intro is done, I shall conclude.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



The redside on Justice like 3 years ago was fantabulous, I actually started redside Justice back in '06 and never had an issue teaming.

But redside Virtue is like everyone else said, decent during peek hours, RP as little or much as you'd like.

Welcome to Virtue!



I'm a returning player (Semi new-never had a level 50), and I find Virtue to be a great player. I don't get into the roleplaying at all, but I like grouping with them because it isn't just an Architect farm!

I'd definitely recommend checking out Virtue. The few times that I rolled a villain, there seemed to be plenty of action.



I recently started playing on redside more often, and I have had no trouble finding a team. Good luck and have fun!



Indeed! Redside is great! Im always making or joining teams! Send me a tell at @Bunny Sunshine

Fun! Happy!



Thanks for all the comments I went ahead and made an alt on Virtue, simply to compare servers, and it was indeed a welcome change from Justice. There were approximately 3x as many players Redside than there were on Justice.

...if the doldrums of Justice continue, a server transfer is in order. I just need to amass a small fortune so I don't come to you penniless!



Well the more you play, the more you'll earn! You can look me up too, if you wanna team up. Also, I can recommend a really cool VG if you wanna join. @Shining Emerald



So, to give you guys some idea of how miserable it is on Justice villains now, I logged in to check populations via /search and this is what I saw:

520 on Virtue
130 on Justice

...and, if that weren't abysmal enough, a second search in the 31-40 range (level of my current character) revealed:

118 on Justice
...and a grand total of 15 on Justice.

How the heck is anyone supposed to group in that environment (Justice)???? Alas, time to say goodbye to Redside Justice Anyone know how long a transfer takes?



118 on Virtue

[/ QUOTE ]




Oops yeah



Character transfer? Should be instant. Once the transaction goes thru, and NC gets paid, that is



really cant go by that you dont know how many people on hide.
why would they be on hide? idk
i go by bubs on the servers if theres 2 green or a yellow i know its gonna be a good day

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Justice aint had a yellow bub in a VERY long time, lol!

Besides, if they're hidden, you're not very likely to run into them anyway, so they may as well not exist for grouping, for all practical purposes.



Transfers are instant like Emmi said. People hide for various reasons, like in PvP zones as to not be hunted and when you just want to play and not deal with people.



Transfers are instant like Emmi said. People hide for various reasons, like in PvP zones as to not be hunted and when you just want to play and not deal with people.

[/ QUOTE ]

If he wanted to do that he would have just stayed on Justice.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity