Origin Specific Powersets!!!!!

Ad Astra



Find a niche in the game canon that supports your idea. Create a suggestion of an EAT that fits with that canon and create an epic storyline to tie them into that.

For example: The Ouroboros Menders are perfect canon for a possible EAT. They would obviously have to be Tech origin and it would take some real writing chops to work out an epic story line and even more work to make it really feel epic. But the potential is there.

In the same way, one could take the idea of the Midnighters and suggest that they possibly have their own EAT. Maybe, in addition to the normal magic powers the majority of their followers have (Sigil and Kadabra Kill for example are obvious Defender/Blaster types), their most elite members are called the Midnight Mystics. Say that these mystics wield a range of magical powers known only by a privileged few. An added benefit to going with the Midnighters is their EAT could be available to both sides, Heroes or Villains. Expand upon that. Work out a basic story outline. Work out a branching tree of Primary and Secondary pools (similar to SoAs) with the powers you would like to see. Include others and ask for suggestions for powers. Don't be afraid to use powers from other powersets, but don't just port over a copy of those powers and add a wand. It's not different enough to warrant consideration when you do that. Make them unique somehow.

I personally like the idea of an EAT with a mix of different power types. I just don't necessarily like it being tied to a specific Origin. If it was part of an EAT with an epic storyline that explained why it was limited to them it would be more acceptable.




In the same way, one could take the idea of the Midnighters and suggest that they possibly have their own EAT. Maybe, in addition to the normal magic powers the majority of their followers have (Sigil and Kadabra Kill for example are obvious Defender/Blaster types), their most elite members are called the Midnight Mystics. Say that these mystics wield a range of magical powers known only by a privileged few. An added benefit to going with the Midnighters is their EAT could be available to both sides, Heroes or Villains. Expand upon that. Work out a basic story outline. Work out a branching tree of Primary and Secondary pools (similar to SoAs) with the powers you would like to see. Include others and ask for suggestions for powers. Don't be afraid to use powers from other powersets, but don't just port over a copy of those powers and add a wand. It's not different enough to warrant consideration when you do that. Make them unique somehow.

I personally like the idea of an EAT with a mix of different power types. I just don't necessarily like it being tied to a specific Origin. If it was part of an EAT with an epic storyline that explained why it was limited to them it would be more acceptable.

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I have a different thread for the Magic Wand EAT, Titled "Magic Wand & Wizard Staff Ranged Powersets" it includes a very detailed explaination of the powers. Nine for each primary and secondary sets. It was originally intended just as a new powerset, but later discussed and decided than an EAT would be more appropriate because of its unique combinations. Please check that out. The first post is a sort of rough draft. I am working on a revised version including drawings and a Midnighter storyline.

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See, what Blackavaar suggested, I could support. Ouroboros Menders and Midnight Club members might be workable ideas for an Epic AT.

I just don't like the idea of an Epic AT that has no reason for existing. The ones that already do exist are tied very firmly into the storyline of the game, creating one out of thin air with no story attached to it would be pointless.

I already know what your rebuttal to that is going to be. You're going to (probably) say that it would leave it open for the player to create their own story. Which we can already do now. There would be a lot of people saying things along the line of "Wow, that's a really cool powerset, too bad I have to use that stupid wand" That would limit creativity.

Now if the wand/staff users were introduced as being Midnight Club members, suddenly there is a pre-existing story to write your character into. Anyone who has encountered the Midnight Club in game knows that they use wands and staffs to focus their powers, so there won't be any complaining about having to use them. Anyone creating a Midnighter would be aware that they use wands or staffs and would probably take that into account when creating their character.

They got their powers by being in the Midnight Club, it is up to the player to determine: Why did they join? What were the circumstances? What is their goal in relation to being part of this?

This would be a good example of taking what is already there and elaborating on it, as opposed to cooking up an idea and expecting everyone to like it. Also, the devs would be far more inclined to make Midnighters a playable AT than they would be to add wands and staffs for no apparent reason.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.




I just don't like the idea of an Epic AT that has no reason for existing. The ones that already do exist are tied very firmly into the storyline of the game, creating one out of thin air with no story attached to it would be pointless.

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And just to reinforce that point -

Why do we not have Nictus in game? The answer's simple, actually, as I'd asked this at some point of Positron (either a PM, in-game at an event or some such) - they switched to SOA to have something tied in more closely to the redside overall storyline, as opposed to just the 'other side' of the hero epic story.


Now if the wand/staff users were introduced as being Midnight Club members, suddenly there is a pre-existing story to write your character into. Anyone who has encountered the Midnight Club in game knows that they use wands and staffs to focus their powers, so there won't be any complaining about having to use them. Anyone creating a Midnighter would be aware that they use wands or staffs and would probably take that into account when creating their character.

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Alternately, a second group - the Vanguard, who also have wizards. - but that would be tied in pretty heavily to the Rikti, of course.



As I mentioned above I have already planned on putting wands into a midnighter storyline. Perhaps you missed that, no biggy. A storyline idea has been discussed and established. Thanks for the input though.

Please continue any further talk about the wands on my "Magic Wand & Wizard Staff Ranged Powersets" thread. Thank you.

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As I mentioned above I have already planned on putting wands into a midnighter storyline. Perhaps you missed that, no biggy. A storyline idea has been discussed and established. Thanks for the input though.

Please continue any further talk about the wands on my "Magic Wand & Wizard Staff Ranged Powersets" thread. Thank you.

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FYI - not your decision where he posts.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Ad_Astra...whats your problem? I said please...meaning a kind request. Whatever, I know people can post where they like. I am simply asking that questions and comments about the Wand Powerset go to the Wand Powerset thread. No big deal.

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I brought up the wands and staffs here because it's the only origin specific powerset you had actually fleshed out. And you said yourself that this thread only exists because people meantioned that other origin powersets should be considered in your other thread.

Also, how is my mentioning a Midnighter AT that uses a wand not on-topic with an Origin Specific Powerset?

You started a thread. People posted in it with their thoughts. End of story.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



ClawsandEffect, you are fine, no problem at all. This is just more of a general thread for all origins. Yes that includes magic, but what I was going for was other peoples ideas about a different sets or EATs, not about my Magic Wand & Wizard Staff idea.

Comments or suggestions specifically about my Wand/Staff EAT should go to the "Magic Wand & Wizard Staff Ranged Powersets" thread, but it is not taboo here. The reason I ask that it goes to the other thread is because I want as much feedback, comments, derogatory statements as well as applauses, as possible on that thread. No big deal either way, just a simple request is all, thanks.

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Powersets locked into one origin seems silly unless you mean storyline driven EATs.



Instead of Origin Poerset, why not have origin tools, like the origin power you get at the begining.

Instead of keeping that weak origin power, why not have it evolve as you level up. Take the natural origin power, Throwing Knife

Level 1-10 : Throwing Knife
Level 11-30 : Skuriken
Level 31-40 : Poison Dagger
Level 41-50 : Exploding Shuriken

Just a thought




Instead of Origin Poerset, why not have origin tools, like the origin power you get at the begining.

Instead of keeping that weak origin power, why not have it evolve as you level up. Take the natural origin power, Throwing Knife

Level 1-10 : Throwing Knife
Level 11-30 : Skuriken
Level 31-40 : Poison Dagger
Level 41-50 : Exploding Shuriken

Just a thought

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Now, THIS I could get behind.



Sounds better then my idea of throwing larger blades as you level. Level 50 get to chuck broadswords at people!



yes very cool idea Shadow. Inherit Power Developement sounds like a good name for that. You should start a thread on it, I would back you.

Be sure to drink your



Anyone got some ideas on the phases of Taser Dart?



Instead of Origin Poerset, why not have origin tools, like the origin power you get at the begining.

Instead of keeping that weak origin power, why not have it evolve as you level up. Take the natural origin power, Throwing Knife

Level 1-10 : Throwing Knife
Level 11-30 : Skuriken
Level 31-40 : Poison Dagger
Level 41-50 : Exploding Shuriken

Just a thought

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I like this idea alot but think that we'd be asking to much for four different levels...Why not two levels to show a basic progression for people that still want to use their Origin Powers;

Apprentice Charm lvl 1-25
Masters Charm lvl 26-50
(Additional -Res + Mag 1 Hold)

Mutagen lvl 1-25
Unstable DNA lvl 26-50
(Additional -Dam + Mag 1 Immobilize)

Taser Dart lvl 1-25
Advanced Taser lvl 26-50
(Additional Damage/Range + Mag 2 Hold...Taser already has Mag 1 Hold)

Throwing Knives lvl 1-25
Throwing Knives (Cone) lvl 26-50
(Same power as Rouge Isle Snake LTs & Bosses)

Tranq Dart lvl 1-25
Anesthesia Grenade lvl 26-50
(AOE Mag 1 Sleep)

Now all of those are clearly do-able and would not require a major overhaul in code for the Devs...

"Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is." Josey Wales



Also a nice suggestion Doc, but maybe a compromise of 3 powers would be better. I like your list of powers, but instead of 26-50, you could have 26-49, then on 50 you get your third inherit origin power.

Be sure to drink your



I'ld rather see 1-16, 17-33,34-50.