Sonic/therm or Rad/therm
Well personally i prefer rad just because the animation times on the blasts (Nutrino, x-ray and Cosmic) are alot faster than the blasts in sonic. For zones you don't really want to root, theres alot of tanks and scrappers about. The more you root with your attacks the more you will get hit (Obviously you can't avoid every attack but you can avoid some XD) so personally i would go rad.
Though really all it comes down to is do you want to do more -res or more -def?
"You wrote that the world doesn't need a saviour, but everyday I hear people cry for one"
Mortilance - Elec/WP Stalker
A team build Therm has room for 3 powers from the primary. This is assuming You get phase and Power Boost, Leadership and Hybernoob or Shackles/Mu Pet/phase. The Hybernoob is more for PuG zone teams and 1v1s and PB/Phase would be more for the classic 2 healer teams. With the mu set up going for a sapper thing.
So it boils down to what do you want more. Scream/Shout/Amp or Xray/Cosmic/Aim. Rad can get more Damage Procs in the blasts from lady gray and the -res proc. That makes up for the tad less damage that rad has over sonic and can add -res for your patron hold to hit harder. For a busy set like therm I would lean to rad for quicker animating blasts so you dont get locked into a 3 sec Shout and miss a heal. Thaw allready takes 3 years to animate so keeping 3 forges out on a team with stacked thaws and shields along with melt armor on the target and HE on a problem toon that is not the current target, you wont have alot of time to spend 4-5 sec in 2 attacks. Add ~2 more sec if you use the patron hold too.
Dont get me wrong I LOVE sonic blast just not so much for a build thats not pure offense. For Cold/Rad/Storm/Kin I really like sonic. Rad blast I think would give more of what you want in your gaps between keeping the team alive.
Power Boost would clearly have more synergy with rad because the -Def would be affected and -Res is not. Not to mention Soul Storm is such a nice hold to set up spikes and help stalkers. PB+Aim+Soul Storm+Cosmic Burst=NICE
Hybernoob/Sharks would have my synergy with sonic so the already hard hitting sharks would hit harder after 15-30% -res
Shackles and the Pet dont offer any special kind of safety and are alot harder to use right in open zones because it works on the guy with HE on them and people tend to pop a few blues and run when that happens.
To sum it up I would lean to Rad/Therm/Soul with Rad/Therm/Leviathan being 2nd and Sonic/Therm/Leviathan trailing behind. But if you want to do 1v1 Arena then the sapper build would preform better. Of corse in team arena you would want PB/Phase, to keep your team alive and teams tend to be less PuGish in the arena. It all comes down to play style though. Hope I helped and dident just confuse the matter.
They were pretty close in i13. Now though, Sonic > Rad. For those arguing that Sonic is slow, the animation times for both powersets are nearly identical, the only difference is that Shout animates .5 secs slower than Cosmic Burst, good thing Shout is not the reason to go Sonic.
They were pretty close in i13. Now though, Sonic > Rad. For those arguing that Sonic is slow, the animation times for both powersets are nearly identical, the only difference is that Shout animates .5 secs slower than Cosmic Burst, good thing Shout is not the reason to go Sonic.
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Pre i13 sonic was head and sholders above rad. Now that Rad does more damage than it used to its closer. Your right you dont go sonic for shout. You go sonic for stacked -res. My point is that you can fit in rad inbetween buff/heals/debuffs easyer and get more bang for the buck than sonic. You never really get the chance for a full attack chain if your doing your job as the therm on a team. You help out on spikes and what not. For builds where you have the time to stick an entire attack chain on a target sonic is better.
Also Animation times are close to the same. Root times are not the same. Sonic has a longer root period than rad. Also with stacking thaws and its 2 sec root time any little bit of help you can get is key to staying mobile and alive.
Im gonna go
Sonic/therm/Lev for a more offensive/solo build
Sonic (scream, shriek , aim)/therm/soul for teams.
thx for the info
Np Glad I could help
Did this just get pruned?
Forums went retarded the other day and ate a bunch of stuff.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

I made a Sonic/Therm too Finished 2 h ago.
I was thinking, for solo, about something similar:
SONIC: Shriec,Scream,Howl, Shout, Amplify, Siren Song, Screech.
THERMAL: Warmth, Heat Exaustion,Melt Armor.
FITNESS: Hurdle,Healt, Stamina.
LEADERSHIP: Maneuvers,Assault,Tactic.
SPEED: Hasten, Super Speed.
LEAPING: Combat Jumping, Super Jump, Acrobatics.
LEVIATHAN: Shark Skin , Ibernate.
One left, i donnow what i ll take yet
You dont need howl or siren's song for PvP. Both are kinda fail. Id pick up some buffs so if you do team in a zone or what ever you can. Id also drop maneuvers. The buff it gives is so low when your not stacking it with anything. so thats 4 powers opened up. that sounds like 2 shields forge and the heal to me.
If you're a zone Therm, teams will love you for taking your heals and shields. I can't tell you how many times I've been in RV teamed with like 2 or 3 other Therms and none have their buffs or heals.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I made a Sonic/Therm too Finished 2 h ago.
I was thinking, for solo, about something similar:
SONIC: Shriec,Scream,Howl, Shout, Amplify, Siren Song, Screech.
THERMAL: Warmth, Heat Exaustion,Melt Armor.
FITNESS: Hurdle,Healt, Stamina.
LEADERSHIP: Maneuvers,Assault,Tactic.
SPEED: Hasten, Super Speed.
LEAPING: Combat Jumping, Super Jump, Acrobatics.
LEVIATHAN: Shark Skin , Ibernate.
One left, i donnow what i ll take yet
[/ QUOTE ]
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
tro sharkz
If you're a zone Therm, teams will love you for taking your heals and shields. I can't tell you how many times I've been in RV teamed with like 2 or 3 other Therms and none have their buffs or heals.
[/ QUOTE ]
Can you blame them? The shields on squishies with PvP resistances will be DR'ed down to ~5 to 10% (depending on whether their Epic shield is resistance or defense), which is definitely not worth the two power picks, let alone the hassle of having to re-apply them to a full team with travel suppression. Melee characters get slightly more bang out of the shields (especially if they're defense based) but I still wouldn't bother taking them for zone PvP unless I was going for full support character. Heals and Forge are still useful though.
tro sharkz
[/ QUOTE ]
Gah, missed that one.
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
I've got the shields on my Therm mostly for a place to slot -KB IO's.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
You dont need howl or siren's song for PvP. Both are kinda fail. Id pick up some buffs so if you do team in a zone or what ever you can. Id also drop maneuvers. The buff it gives is so low when your not stacking it with anything. so thats 4 powers opened up. that sounds like 2 shields forge and the heal to me.
[/ QUOTE ]
About Maneuvers :well, that way i can use two Defence Ios Sets.
About Siren's : Really? And what about ShockWave?
About Howl: It is a damage spell, what' do u mean with "fail" ?
Running Maneuvers is a waste of endurance. It provides very little benefit unless you have a lot of defense to stack it with (you won't). Maybe take it to hold a Luck of the Gambler +rech IO, but other than that don't bother.
Siren's Song doesn't have much point. It's a cone sleep with a short range, meaning you need to be close to the target to use it, and the target will be awoken as soon as you attack them again - even then the sleep will last at most a few seconds. Not worth it. Shockwave's not very good either unless you specifically want to break through knockback protection but as a Corruptor that's not what you want to be doing (leave that to the Grav and Mind Doms).
Howl has a short range, long recharge, and high endurance cost. It's not worth taking for the damage it does.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
- even then the sleep will last at most a few seconds. Not worth it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh. So u can't sleep a target. fight another and after kill go back on the first...
I ll remove it so... i ll take only screech as CC.
EDIT: i'm considering i anyway need a spell with Targeted Aoe Damage set .
So i have to take Siren or Howl anyway... point is witch one?
From what u told me, i think howl..
No, you don't "need" an AoE, especially not on a villain. Only time AoEs are even semi-useful is against Masterminds but you won't be facing many of those. Your attack chain as a Sonic would probably be Amplify, Shriek, Scream, Shout.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I don't need Aoe attak.
I need Targetted aoe set for his bonuses (Javelin Volley)..
Or i can put a gladiator on flurry (if i take flurry) .. damn i'm getting crazy calculating bonuses..
I guess i dont understand people wanting to spend billions of inf on builds on live. Yes purples and PvP IOs are nice. But the edge you get from them is so minimal especially with dr on. I have 1 toon purpled out and thats my Fire/Psy dom to farm with. All others I have not spent more than 200mill. Save the 34058903234 inf builds for test.
Dont take either it comes down to gimping your build for the sake of set bonuses. dont take a power you wont use and 5 slot it. Take a power you will use and 5 slot it for comparable set bonuses.
Well i spent like 1 biliard, made selling ios taken with my other char. And used some of those.
Anyway .. i'm tinking to drop leaping pool and take fighting. Tough give u nice res, and Weave also seems good.
About Leaping..
Combat Jumping has some res.. but quite little.
Super Jump .. well u anyway don't use it when u fight usually.. cause it doesn't work with CJ. (And anyway... also switching in combat for escape.. usually u simply can't jump in pvp so ..:P )
Acrobatic is good... but i think u can survive without it.
If you are running a Corruptor you want Leaping Pool, not Fighting.
Pretty much you want Fitness, Leaping and Speed pools. Your 4th Pool is based on what you wanna do (Duel, Solo, Team, Zone Arena) and what Patron Pool you select.
For instance if you are a 2v2 build you may want Leadership for Tactics since Forge has no Perception, depending on what you team mate has of course. Also depending on if you go Scorpion and get Focus Acc.
Since you are Therm there is pretty much no point in taking Medicine Pool, so your options are pretty much Concealment and Leadership.
Then if you take Mako mastery you prolly won't want Phase and Hibernoob.
So for me personally, it's Mako+Leadership or Scorpion+Concealment.
What would be best for zone/arena pvp?
I know both will work good but not sure which one to go with.