Martial Arts....Dead power?





Crane Kick alone is MAs sexyness, I seen someone Crane Kick a Freakshow stunner Freak down some stairs and it was just the funniest thing I have ever seen. OMG I was playing with one of the greatest MA scrappers I have ever seen last night (Azone) wow to see him play made MA a set worth having.

It does lack AoE but with enough recharge you can spam Dragon's tail, it sucks you get it so late in the game though...well I guess halfway isn't that late

Oh yeah Eagles Claw is one of the coolest looking moves in the game, I think that reason alone is why I made my MA/Reg

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And this sums up MA... Just ooooo sooo sexy

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~ Fix the End cost of Storm Kick. It's still almost 1 end too high and since it's our best DPA attack builds that use it a lot might throw it 12-15 times a minutes. I would love to have somewhere between 10-15 endurance per minute thrown back into my build.

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Not true. Single target attacks are balanced at 5.2 endurance per 1.0 damage scale. Storm Kick is damage scale 1.32. It uses 7.0044 endurance. It should use 6.8640 endurance. So, its 0.14 too high, not 1.0 too high.

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It's worth repeating that Storm Kick has +5% crit on top of typical MA crit chances to balance out its increased End cost. Storm Kick crits at 10% vs Minions and 15% vs Lts and up. Not to say that the power couldn't still be improved - Eagle's Claw actually uses significantly LESS than its 13.6344 projected end cost with its cost of 11.856, and also gives a guaranteed 3sec Mag 3 stun and a 15% crit chance regardless of target type. So obviously Storm Kick could still stand to be buffed and not be OP compared to the rest of MA, numberswise. As I've said, though, I favor swapping out CAK for a cone - buff Storm Kick too much, and nobody will ever take Thunder Kick again.



I have a lvl 44 MA/Shield (love the combo), a lvl 30ish MA/WP that I recently rerolled to a now lvl 17/18 MA/SR.

Personally, I just didn't care for the MA/WP pairing (which is to bad, it fit the concept in everyway, but I rerolled to MA/SR and say it has alot of what MA/WP did ).

And looking at my sig, I obviously love WP. Just...didn't like those two set together.

Do I think the set can use some improvements? Oh sure. But as is, it's not that bad at all. But if I was going to beef it up a bit, something out of the following...

Storm Kick, Id like to see -DEF added on it, but not needed (this is purely me wanting to slot a -Resist Proc IO into it. I admit that freely).

Crippling Ax Kick, I'd like to see the animation tweaked further. It still feels off so much to me, that I skip it. It's better than before, but

Eagle's Claw, let me say...OMG I love this animation. That said, can we speed it up just a bit. I'm suprised that I notice it's .2 more seconds of animation time than that of Headpslitter. And in that it's purely ST vs BS's Headpslitter doing more dmg as a cone and it's faster...:/ I know, EC has a good stun...doesn't matter to me though

Cobra Strike. I personally, don't find the stun that useful. If it was turned into a real high damage punch, with a chance to stun, id pick it up in no time (MA could use a real punch attack).

Other that, that only other thing I can think of to improve Martial Arts, is to have it put you into a boxing stance. But that's personal preference for my own MA/SR's concept >.>

BTW: Might sound like I'm saying it needs all of this. I'm not. Just things I would do to the set if I could.

As it is now, I'm prefectly happy with it. The set's milestones being lvl 26 (Dragon's Tail) and lvl 32 (Eagle's Claw). THose two attacks make the set for me.

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Siphon Life is less a mitigation power and more of an attack with slight mitigation potential attacked to it. It's an attack that has a tad bit of a heal attached (it really isn't all that impressive, honestly).

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I have to disagree with you here. Siphon Life's heal is incredibly powerful, on part with Reconstruction over time (or stronger depending on how much recharge you have). Firing Reconstruction every 30s is roughly 1.667 base hp%/sec. Siphon Life (slotted as a heal) equals that when being used every 12s (zero recharge). Reconstruction every 20 seconds is 2.5% base hp/sec, which SL equals being used every 8s (so 6s rech or roughly 66% enhancement).

That's not as impressive on, say a Regen, but on a set with a lot of proactive mitigation (Invuln)? That's huge.

Yeah, I know, that's when slotted as a heal rather than an attack, but I don't think it's minor at all. Besides, if you frankenslot just for raw enhancement, you can get a hefty amount of both.

unless you wanted to saddle yourself with Shadow Maul

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I'm... not going there... :P

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And yeah, doesn't Siphon Life do very decent damage now?? I tested it with my lvl 42 Dark/Elec Brute and the damage is quite impressive so SF is not just a "heal". It does more damage than 2nd tier attack.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.




Cobra Strike. I personally, don't find the stun that useful. If it was turned into a real high damage punch, with a chance to stun, id pick it up in no time (MA could use a real punch attack).

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Yeah, Cobra is the only punch. It would be nice if it can do a bit more damage. It doesn't have to be Clobber-good but at least Tier 1 or 2 damage scale.

Cobra does 17 damage at lvl 50...

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



And yeah, doesn't Siphon Life do very decent damage now?? I tested it with my lvl 42 Dark/Elec Brute and the damage is quite impressive so SF is not just a "heal". It does more damage than 2nd tier attack.

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Yep, it does roughly twice the damage it used to do and recharges in 2/3 the time (15s -> 10s). It's a great attack now. Due to it's multiple strong aspects, it benefits greatly from IOs / frankenslotting.



I was playing my Martial Arts/Invulnerability Scrapper all day yesterday.

The only problem I know about Martial Arts is that the attacks actually use more Endurance than they should for their damage. Maybe one of the number crunchers can tell me if that is still true?

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MA/Invuln.......I need to try that.

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It's pretty... Not the strongest scrapper I've ever played, but definitely pretty. I was waffling between a +Rech/Aid Self vs. a +Def/Weave build... and found myself MUCH happier with Weave. But, YMMV.

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I softcapped F/C/E/N on mine and it has been working out quite well. It is too bad I couldn't fit in gobs of regeneration as well.

I also have a Martial Arts/Willpower at 50 but not IO'd out. That will have to be a future project.

I think my next Martial Arts character will be paired with Shield Defense.

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I got my MA/SR up to level 41 and then she basically got shelved. But that had nothing to do with the powersets. She was a pre-IO toon, and when the invention system came out I started focusing on toons that I could build with IOs in mind from level 1, rather than retro-fitting all my existing toons.

I always found MA a blast to play. There's something very satisfying about sending some schmoe flying halfway across the room with a good solid kick.

I have a tendency to keep experimenting with the new shiny, but one of these days I'll dust that MA off and run her the rest of the way to 50. It won't be hard.



I really like the set, but I'd like to see it given some more attention. Much like DM had done to it.

Then again, with the expansion coming out, I can see why they'd be a bit busy to do QoL fixes to a set that doesn't technically have anything 'wrong' with it.

We can all hope, right?



[ QUOTE ] do you think if I hold out on my MA scrapper till the mid-20s or so I'll start to like him after I get stamina and dragon's tail and stuff like that?

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Yeah, chances are you'll like anything better once you have stamina. End may still be a problem once you get Eagles Claw in your attack chain, so slotting 1 end redux in each attack would be a good idea too.