MoSTF on Short Notice




if you want a newbie to the TF add her to the list

sucidalkitty dual/sr - scapper

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



Master of Statesman Task Force
5/22/09 9:30pm EST
1- @BlackAmaranth - 50 Rad/Elec Def - Electroconvulsive
2- @AceMACE - fire/mace tank
3- @Meowtch - 50 cold/ice def - name escapes me
4- @Prvt. Slacker - Sandra Twitchy - Blaster sonic/fire
5- @Netminder - 50 Mind/Rad/Psi cont - Strikeout
6- @ResplendentMs - Leftee Sonic/Elec blaster, or a Def - Emp/Kin/Dark/Cold/Rad as necessary



OK, so far, so good.
Optimally, I'd like to have a Kin and an Emp for the run, but If i have to choose, we need the Emp.

Acey did a good job of Tanking Recluse, but if he doesn't have an Emp backing him up it might not go as well.

ResplendentMs seems to have an Emp or Kin, but anyone else want to volunteer a Kin or Emp to round this out? (And thanks for signing up again Ms)

Other than that, almost anything else can only help.
More Melee might do well.
I Dunno.
We got a few days to iron it all out.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



I could bring a fire/kin or fire/rad troller, scapper spine/dark

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



Uman did a good job on his stoner on that last run, it's nice having two tanks at the end in case multi av's are pulled, not necessary but nice.
After I get the badge on the old man I'm willing to use whatever's needed for at least a couple more runs over the weekend (same for my wife). =)



I wish I could come to this but I will be at a Going away party during this. I sooo want the badge on my emp and my kin like its nobodies business!



Uman did a good job on his stoner on that last run, it's nice having two tanks at the end in case multi av's are pulled, not necessary but nice.
After I get the badge on the old man I'm willing to use whatever's needed for at least a couple more runs over the weekend (same for my wife). =)

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That's what the Mind/ troller is for. Takes me out of the fight but I can perma sleep the AVs. Dont need Domination with loads of recharge =).

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



too early for me by about 3 hours or I would offer my emp. gl, I know you guys will get the badge.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



any chance to plan 1 for saturday night? maybe a lil later? im on the west coast and 630/930 est is a lil early for us =\



any chance to plan 1 for saturday night? maybe a lil later? im on the west coast and 630/930 est is a lil early for us =\

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I surely hope so, I want this badge as well as the challenge on a few toons:

Meowtch - Ice/Ice Blaster
Mental Trap - Mind/TA Troller
Nuclear Diva - Rad/Rad Def
Double Freeze - Cold/Ice Def (which is scheduled for the current run!)

I also have:

Miss Heals - Emp/Mind Def
Predominante - Grav/FF Troller
Rogue-Justice - Fire/Kin Troller
Miss Illusion - Ill/Kin Troller

Would be pretty sweet to see how each of them stand up to the task but if I can get it on at least the first four I would be one happy dappy camper


~ The Earthguard ~



I can tentitvely lead one friday night, 9pdt if anyone would be interested.



i'd be up for a friday run.. ill bring the tank if you wish i want the badge on him

Fanged Knight Invul/Ice



i'd be up for a friday run.. ill bring the tank if you wish i want the badge on him

Fanged Knight Invul/Ice

[/ QUOTE ]

Here we go again.

My run or the Pacific Time Run?

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



i'd be up for a friday run.. ill bring the tank if you wish i want the badge on him

Fanged Knight Invul/Ice

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Here we go again.

My run or the Pacific Time Run?

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what are my options or where do you need me



i'd be up for a friday run.. ill bring the tank if you wish i want the badge on him

Fanged Knight Invul/Ice

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Here we go again.

My run or the Pacific Time Run?

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Personally I like to see BA fill 1st.

I would like to run a into to MoSTF on saturday (try for it but let some that never ran in as well) but I was going to wait on that until after BA Kicked off. Plus also need to know if I need to block out some time just incase for round 2.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.




what are my options or where do you need me

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I wanna be on the same run as fang.



Master of Statesman Task Force
5/22/09 9:30pm EST
1- @BlackAmaranth - 50 Rad/Elec Def - Electroconvulsive
2- @AceMACE - fire/mace tank
3- @Meowtch - 50 cold/ice def - name escapes me
4- @Prvt. Slacker - Sandra Twitchy - Blaster sonic/fire
5- @Netminder - 50 Mind/Rad/Psi cont - Strikeout
6- @ResplendentMs - Leftee Sonic/Elec blaster, or a Def - Emp/Kin/Dark/Cold/Rad as necessary

[/ QUOTE ]

This is my run. The other Pacific run is someone else's project. I had hoped people would have read my request and not try to schdule another one so close to mine, but oh well.

Look at the line up and think what on your toon stable might go with the team listed above....
That is if you want to join my 9:30pm EST team.
If you don't, please make it clear, and don't sign up, as not to take a spot way from someone who can make it.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Master of Statesman Task Force
5/22/09 9:30pm EST
1- @BlackAmaranth - 50 Rad/Elec Def - Electroconvulsive
2- @AceMACE - fire/mace tank
3- @Meowtch - 50 cold/ice def - name escapes me
4- @Prvt. Slacker - Sandra Twitchy - Blaster sonic/fire
5- @Netminder - 50 Mind/Rad/Psi cont - Strikeout
6- @ResplendentMs - Leftee Sonic/Elec blaster, or a Def - Emp/Kin/Dark/Cold/Rad as necessary

[/ QUOTE ]

This is my run. The other Pacific run is someone else's project. I had hoped people would have read my request and not try to schdule another one so close to mine, but oh well.

Look at the line up and think what on your toon stable might go with the team listed above....
That is if you want to join my 9:30pm EST team.
If you don't, please make it clear, and don't sign up, as not to take a spot way from someone who can make it.

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sorry about the confusion BA, i wont be back in town for that run so I hopped on BK's run... If I'm back in time tho and I see a empty spot ill def help out if ya need it ...

Hope you have much success this run




what are my options or where do you need me

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I wanna be on the same run as fang.

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Wish and you shall receive




what are my options or where do you need me

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I wanna be on the same run as fang.

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Where's the love for BA?

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Master of Statesman Task Force
5/22/09 9:30pm EST
1- @BlackAmaranth - 50 Rad/Elec Def - Electroconvulsive
2- @AceMACE - fire/mace tank
3- @Meowtch - 50 cold/ice def - name escapes me
4- @Prvt. Slacker - Sandra Twitchy - Blaster sonic/fire
5- @Netminder - 50 Mind/Rad/Psi cont - Strikeout
6- @ResplendentMs - Leftee Sonic/Elec blaster, or a Def - Emp/Kin/Dark/Cold/Rad as necessary
7- @Runoff - 50 Sonic/Rad Def, Martensitic, or a Shield/Fire Tank if we want a 2nd Tank



Master of Statesman Task Force
5/22/09 9:30pm EST
1- @BlackAmaranth - 50 Rad/Elec Def - Electroconvulsive
2- @AceMACE - fire/mace tank
3- @Meowtch - 50 cold/ice def - name escapes me
4- @Prvt. Slacker - Sandra Twitchy - Blaster sonic/fire
5- @Netminder - 50 Mind/Rad/Psi cont - Strikeout
6- @ResplendentMs - Leftee Sonic/Elec blaster, or a Def - Emp/Kin/Dark/Cold/Rad as necessary
7- @Runoff - 50 Sonic/Rad Def, Martensitic, or a Shield/Fire Tank if we want a 2nd Tank
8- @Celestial Lad - Elec/Eng blaster




Where's the love for BA?

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Youre doing the early run friday =(

I was on your last team tho, and wanted to be on this 1 its 630 pst tho and thats early for me

I still <3 you tho for being patient last weekends run.




Where's the love for BA?

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Youre doing the early run friday =(

I was on your last team tho, and wanted to be on this 1 its 630 pst tho and thats early for me

I still <3 you tho for being patient last weekends run.

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Well, good luck.
Maybe we'll get the chance to run together on another MoSTF if they start being weekly again.

Master of Statesman Task Force
5/22/09 9:30pm EST
1- @BlackAmaranth - 50 Rad/Elec Def - Electroconvulsive
2- @AceMACE - fire/mace tank
3- @Meowtch - 50 cold/ice def - name escapes me
4- @Prvt. Slacker - Sandra Twitchy - Blaster sonic/fire
5- @Netminder - 50 Mind/Rad/Psi cont - Strikeout
6- @ResplendentMs - Leftee Sonic/Elec blaster, or a Def - Emp/Kin/Dark/Cold/Rad as necessary
7- @Runoff - 50 Sonic/Rad Def, Martensitic, or a Shield/Fire Tank if we want a 2nd Tank
8- @Celestial Lad - Elec/Eng blaster

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OK Badge Hunters!
We got our Team!
See you all tonight, on the Boat in Independence Port at 9:30 Eastern!
Bring your Game Faces!
And a handful of green inspirations!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



good luck guys.
Dont forget the break frees and purples when you get to the vine room.
And, mender roebuck will sell (small) insps, even when youre on a tf