What's up with Seeker Drones?
They aren't built to be summoned near you before a fight, they're built to be summoned INTO the fight. Spawn them in the middle of the mob when ready. They will hone in on enemies, lay down a decent debuff, AND take most of the mob's "alpha" off of your hands. The bots will start firing immediately cause some 'pets' were attacked. Just rethink your tactics.

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Zerge is right. Don't use them like a PB would, use them like a MM should.
Yeah, being a newb MM, I am learning new things each time I play my Toon. I took that advice about launching them at the enemies rather than try and have them follow me around tunnels and stuff. It is working much better. And being that we are on the subject of Seeker Drones, any good suggestions on slotting them? Thanks.

well, you want to focus on Recharge, really. The faster they're up the better. Then If you go for sets, slot 4 dark watchers and a generic recharge IO. That will ED cap recharge, help the debuff, and give you some great bonuses.

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile
Zerge is right. Don't use them like a PB would, use them like a MM should.
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Due to the utterly stupid AI Photon Seekers have been hampered with for so long, most PBs learn to summon theirs into the middle of melee as well.
... so, yeah, use them like a PB would.
The collision issue with Bots is from the Seeker Drones the Protector Bots summon, not the ones in traps. It has to have a particular arrangement for the Prot Bots to get stuck, and unfortunately that arrangement happens every time they summon. If the prot bots move while summoning, it's fine. But if they're standing still (firing, bubbling, etc.) then there's trouble.
I have mine with recharge/debuff and just a tough of extra range. Makes putting them into a new group that much easier.
I recently read a posting, and for the life of me cannot find it again, but it was related to Seeker Drones and the "Collision" issue with Bots as the Bots were always getting hung-up behind the Seeker Drones because they cannot pass through them. That posting mentioned that the dev's were aware of the collision issue. Anyways, I just picked them up with my MM Bots/Traps and have also noticed that they are very "lag behind'ish meaning they are slower than snails in following me. Unlike my Force Field Gen, which can keep up with me, it seems the Seeker Drones just mull along at their own pace checking out the scenery. Me thinks I picked a wrong power for my Traps with these guys. Does anyone have another opinion on this? Thanks.