12 -
acc/dam HO x3, Chance for Build Up from bloodmandate (Ithink) and a defense aura.
Id love to see three Gang Wars triggered at once.
Zerge is right. Don't use them like a PB would, use them like a MM should.
I've decided on traps and have reached 17. You say you can softcap defense at 45%? Is this possible without IOs? If not how about budget slotting? Would anyone be willing to post a defense and resistance (to lower damage even more while in bodyguard or while not in bodyguard). The build would need to include CJ/SJ for travel and preferably early on since I hate walking places in cov lol. one of the taunts would also be needed as i'd love to herd/tank while my thugs kill things.
Anyone willing to throw one of these together? just something to look at would be nice. -
Should all masterminds take the leadership pools?
Is fitness needed or just nice to have?
Is the presence pool warranted?
Should I take everything from traps? Are there some things that just suck?
Are the EPPs good for a MasterMind? Which ones? What would I need to give up to take them?
Should I ignore the .. three? attacks in Thugs.
I can't stand not having a Travel Power. Are using those two slots going to gimp me? (CJ/SJ) -
I decided on traps. Detonation seems hilarious. Any suggestions what to take/slot would be very helpful.
I'd like to see sacrificial powers. Hurt your pets, boost their damage type of thing. The damage on your pet could function like spectral damage for the duration of the buff. The buff would have to be rather large since you risk your pets dieing for it. Could be really well done and fun.
I am going to roll my first MM ever. I've never been a huge CoV player.
I want something that can "tank" well as well as level at a respecable rate. Traps is looking cool as I like my /dev blaster. Anyone have some sample, inexpensive, builds that are good for leveling from 1-50? I really want to unlock the VEATs as I like the way they look.
Any help would be awesome as all I know about MMs i've read on these forums. -
My Fire/kin that is purpled out can do it in 4:51. If he doesn't die. He died quite a few times trying.
You don't have much burst damage which will hurt on bossfarms a lot.
You don't have much energy resistance which will hurt on Riktifarms a lot.
You have a large amount of psionics resistance which is useless on most MA farms.
There is no reason to build a character for farming. It is much better, if you must, to farm with the character you plan on using for actual stuff so you know the abilities much better.
also, look at soul bound allegence: chance for buildup for your imps.