My Arc was overwritten and deleted! Help!




My arc just got overwritten and deleted. The file name was Autosave. When i crated a new arc to test something out it saved over my old one! Can Customer service help me out and get my data back?! Like roll me back or something so that it never happened?




.................*trying to figure out if this is a joke thread* ????

Um, Autosave is what gets written and re-written when you turn Autosave on. If you don't want your arc overwritten every time you turn Autosave on, don't name it Autosave.

I don't think CS can help if it was a local-only copy. The servers don't keep a copy until you publish it.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



It wasn't published. But I'm wondering if they roll me back would it not be saved and I can get my data back?! I don't know. It was a completely finished arc. I had ALOT of data on it. I just wanted to test something on a different arc and it saved over my other one!

I'm so mad and upset right now. All that data... just gone!



Autosave is the filename used by the "AUTOSAVE" function...WHY would you not give it a unique name if you didn't want to lose your work to autosaves of other arcs??

If it's local only, again, I doubt CS can do anything about it because they wouldn't even have the data. It was on your harddrive, not their servers.

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Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



If you create a new arc while autosave is turned on, the default name will be "autosave". You should always save it under a new name, which will cause the autosaves (of that file) to go under the new name.

The file named "autosave" is not meant to be your work file. It's a backup. It's also stored locally on your computer, so customer support can't hep you.

If you have already published the old arc, go to the "My Published Arcs" section, click "Edit" on the arc in question, and one of the buttons in the top left will let you save a new local copy. After you save a local copy, the first thing you should do is make sure that it has a unique file name!

And from now on, when you make a new arc, the first thing you should do, before you even LOOK at anything else, is hit the "Save As" button and choose a unique filename.




Well it is slowly in the state of repair. I have decided to save all my text outside on a word processor so that If that data gets lost again it be retrieved. Which is what I'm now advising others to do as well.

[/ QUOTE ] The game does have features built into it to prevent what happened to you. You simply chose not to utilize them, and/or didn't realize how they worked.

You could simply do like they said and personalize the name of your arc file so the game wont overwrite "autosave" with new arcs, lol. Looking in your "My Local Stories" tab, you will see the filename saved for each arc. Keeping important information in a file named "autosave", and not making a point to save it yourself manually is just irresponsible.

You could also turn off the autosave feature.
And/or publish your story before working on a new one and edit it later directly on the server.

*Be careful using some word processor programs to save arcs. Some of them add their own scripts and code to the saved data files that the game might not recognize. Simple text editors like Notepad or Editpad are better than word processors for the purposes of backing up or editing personalized CoX files.



I only have Notepad on this PC. Which is what I a using.

Well I don't want to publish the Arcs yet until they are all completed seeing as how it's all one big storyline. I'm big on detail and want to give out a final finished product when I publish.



I only have Notepad on this PC. Which is what I a using.

[/ QUOTE ]

Notepad is not a word processor, it's a "plain-text" editor.

Word Processors have features to format documents which may or may not embed into data files when you save them, making them unreadable or produce unintended results on the original program. That's the only reason I wanted to make the distinction in this case.




This thread reminds me of the joke back in the DOS days about naming your kid "delete *.*"

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My MiniCity



This thread reminds me of the joke back in the DOS days about naming your kid "delete *.*"

[/ QUOTE ] LoL. Have you ever issued an ID-10-T form?



Well... in anycase... don't make the same mistake I made!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Roger, I will listen to what people are trying to tell me, check.



Go to your coh folder. It is possible that your created arc has been saved there. If it is there CS can help you retrieve it. If its not there there is nothing they can do.

Before contacting them for help make sure it is there. I found they are more then willing to assist you. Not all mistakes are fatal. Good luck let us know if it was there, we might be able to help as well.

Yeah something similar happened to me, so I know its possible. You need that saved file and arc id#.



This thread reminds me of the joke back in the DOS days about naming your kid "delete *.*"

[/ QUOTE ] LoL. Have you ever issued an ID-10-T form?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not that I know of. But that doesn't mean I haven't.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Go to your coh folder. It is possible that your created arc has been saved there. If it is there CS can help you retrieve it. If its not there there is nothing they can do.

Before contacting them for help make sure it is there. I found they are more then willing to assist you. Not all mistakes are fatal. Good luck let us know if it was there, we might be able to help as well.

Yeah something similar happened to me, so I know its possible. You need that saved file and arc id#.

[/ QUOTE ]

It wasn't published. No ID #. They were, from what I'm reading, using ONLY the Autosave function. The local file was overwritten.



This thread reminds me of the joke back in the DOS days about naming your kid "delete *.*"

[/ QUOTE ] LoL. Have you ever issued an ID-10-T form?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not that I know of. But that doesn't mean I haven't.

[/ QUOTE ] ID-10-T ... think about it. lol



LoL. Have you ever issued an ID-10-T form?

[/ QUOTE ]

You stole my fav joke....

Do you know how many ppl fail to get that until i tell them to spell it out...

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LoL. Have you ever issued an ID-10-T form?

[/ QUOTE ]

You stole my fav joke....

Do you know how many ppl fail to get that until i tell them to spell it out...

[/ QUOTE ] Let's count...