Post your random statement....




<--------Not-so-new player with new account on new server says "Hello Champion."



Run, get to de choppah!

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty... (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)



It was a Sunday afternoon in every way possible. Milton Thatcher sat in his faded recliner and slept soundly through what was proving to be the single most boring cricket match ever televised, which is somehow saying quite a lot. Just as it seemed that something might finally happen, the screen went dark, along with Milton Thatcher's living room, and indeed the entire half of the planet that had been naturally lit up until that point. At this Milton awoke, calmly reached over to turn on the lamp, then slowly eased himself up from his chair. He walked outside to his shed and removed his stepladder, set it up in the middle of his garden, and began to make the 93 million mile climb to the Sun to screw it back in.


Also on Steam



I read that and thought "I hope that boy opts for a different shift when he gets back."



Reality screamed as something soft and dark escaped from a dark corner of space and time. I began as a shadow out in the middle of an open field, a small spot of darkness absorbing the life from the grasses. A rabbit poked it's head out of it's warren and came close, it was my first victim. As I absorbed it, twisting its features in to my own, I now we slithered down it's hole and claimed the rest of its warren mates. I returned to the surface, digesting them, making them us, oblivious to a shadow approaching and the predator overhead.
It swooped down from above and claimed me as it's prey, but we made it in to our next meal as we plummeted to the earth. Before impacting the rocks below, our protean form sprung forth wings and retook the sky. We had to rest to complete our digestion of the bird of prey so we could become I again. Before we could complete our meal, a mountain lion attacked our incomplete form. Claws and fangs ripped in to us, but only met with failure as they and the feline was enveloped within us. The struggle carried us to the mouth of a cave and we crawled in. With time to complete the feeding, we became I again, and my instincts became clearer.
I am the Omega, the Ending of Life, an Avatar of Entropy, and I hungered for more. I extruded out a rabbit form and fished for more aerial predators, catching many and absorbing their traits. Darkness overtook the land and a howling drew my appetite to a pack of wolves. Lone prey attracted them to their end and I consumed them all. More mass made me hungrier still and we came upon a pasture with a lone bull. I split in to a we and attacked it as the wolf pack, attached to each by fibrous tendrils. The bull became sustenance which only briefly sated my hunger, more was needed to appease my need. The longer I went without food, the more I shrank, I needed to consume more. The farm's animal inhabitants allowed me to grow to immense size and I crashed in to the farmhouse.
The farmer's family offered more than mere food, we became sentient as we claimed their bodies and absorbed them. I had more of a purpose than to eat to exist, I would eat to cause fear, destroy that around me, and hasten entropy. A lone female hero came to investigate the destruction of the farm. I again sent forth a lure, the form of the farmer's daughter, and she opened her helmet to calm me. I took her and claimed her memories and abilities. Her name did not matter to me, but I changed her armor to contain my form.
So next time you meet man, woman, or beast in your encounters, beware my glowing green eyes. But if you get too close, my tendrils may reach for and try to consume you as well. Beware the Spirit of Entropy!

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty... (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)



I only drink real milk.



"99 Kriegsminister
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich fuer schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen: Krieg und wollten Macht
Mann, wer haette das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen 99 Luftballons"


Any Goldfinger fans?



"I'll have the Cheval Blanc 1947."

The waiter's lips pursed. The patron's eyes narrowed. Seconds passed like centuries, their eyes locked, each straining their faculties to the limit to sense the slightest hint of weakness in the other. The waiter made the most imperceptible of movements, the slightest twitch of the neck, an involuntary indication that he was desperately seeking a way out of the inevitable confrontation. The patron seized his chance. With a roar he leaped from his chair and tackled the waiter to the carpet. The waiter's hands went to the patron's throat. The patron grabbed the waiter's wrists but could not shift them, so he settled for giving him a left hook that left the waiter's head ringing. The waiter shifted tactics, moving his legs underneath the patron and kicking him onto the adjacent table. Plates and foie gras scattered like patrons leaving the first act of a poorly written Broadway production, the patron's chest heaved, sucking oxygen into his deprived lungs. The waiter was on him again, once more trying to asphyxiate his foe. Once more the patron threw desperate punches as his brain screamed for air. In his desperation he blindly searched the ruins of the dinnerware with his right hand for a weapon, and found one. He slashed the knife at his opponent's throat, but the waiter, his reflexed honed by decades of servitude, leaned back and the blade made a shallow cut along his jaw. The patron seized his chance and brought his knee into the waiter's groin. The waiter doubled over in pain and the patron tackled him to the ground again, intent on ending the fight. The waiter brought his hands up just in time to catch the wrists of the patron who was now intent on driving the knife into the waiter's heart. The patron's face turned red with exertion, the waiter went pale, seeing now that the battle was nearing its end. "Say it!" the patron growled. The waiter shook his head, his eyes gleaming with what defiance he had left. "Say it!" the patron said, louder this time, the knife nearing its goal. Still the waiter refused. "SAY IT!" With a final roar the patron drove the knife home. The waiter's eyes went wide, his mouth open in shock. With the last of his strength he brought his head up next to the patron's ear and gasped his last words.

"Very good, sir."


Also on Steam



I enjoyed that read!!

Please, sir, may I have some more?

@AngieB & @Angie B
Ms. Paragon City 2009
"The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems." - Firas Khatib



If we're to put the honey bear, lid side down, why don't they put the lid under the bear's a$$ rather than on its head? The world is nuts



"I don't know, Brain, but these leather pants chafe so..."

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



My armor's made of bacon,
It sizzles in the heat,
If someone shoots the last piece off,
People might see my meat...

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty... (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)