Architect Now Available at the NCsoft Store




Great deal. Wish I did it.*

*To clarify: I already bought all the packs before this was available. It's a good money saver.

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Bought my two copies off Amazon a few weeks ago.

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3 in my case, 2 of which I tossed after adding the code to my account, digital download would've been preferred and less wasteful.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



My store did not carry this. None of the computer stores did here. NONE not even Walmart.

Now this is on the website. Waaaaaaaaaaay to go.



:-\ Meh, already have both boosters so far.. and the game.
So, no point for me to get it.



Already have all the boosters, GvE, both Collectors Editions and CoV beta codes.. so kind of useless. I would have paid the 20$ if it had something exclusive though, even if it was small.



So, out of curiosity... I don't have either booster pack, but I do have GvE Edition.

If I buy this, i get 1 free month still, plus, say, the Cyborg pack? Which means I save $5? Otherwise it's exactly teh same as what I have now, I don't need to buy this in order to create via the MA?

(recently returned to the game thanks to the upcoming rogue expansion... and the fact I want to support the first MMO i played



You are correct, sir.