Kheld NOOB!!!!




I'm sure it's been talked about before, but I can't seem to find a for sure answer. I was wondering if it viable to ignore you human form(WS or PB) and only use your nova and dwarf form. I mostly play red side and I'm thinking able leveling controller to 50 only to get the Kheldian. Also, my intentions are to slot the 2 forms heavy. Is it worth it? Is there any reason why I shouldn't do this. If anyone has a build example they wouldn't mind posting that would be nice too.



Viable? Sure. But you're going to be missing some of the utility in the human form if you neglect it - plus there's a lot of power picks you'll be missing. Heals, HP boosts, damage boosts, Eclipse and the Essences (for a 'shade) and more are all big items. You can, of course, also pick up things like Hasten which will only trigger in human form, but whose buffs will carry over into the other forms.

I'm sure someone has played it that way and can give you details, though.



Thank for replying so soon Bill!

I did read that some click powers carry over into kheld forms, and I assume that I will be slotting some of those. Maybe it would more effective if I posted a proposed build and had you guys pick at it.

I will say that all those power options make it a bit overwhelming....

I'm playing house husband right now so I don't have time to slap a build together, but I'll post later tonight.



I think you'd find that the secret to playing a form-centric Kheldian is to build your Kheldian by taking Human-form powers based not so much on what those powers can do for you (although that does come into play, of course), but rather on what IO-sets you can slot in them to gain bonuses that directly benefit your forms.

In my opinion, you'd get a weak version of a Blaster/Scrapper when soloing, and based on your team's composition, your Kheldian could shine as either a Blaster-wannabe or a Scrapper-wannabe, possibly both, but you'd be lacking in general utility that your Human-form powers grant a Kheldian.

Just like Memphis Bill said, you'll miss out on a lot of potential (and fun) by not taking or not slotting Human-form powers.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Maybe it would more effective if I posted a proposed build and had you guys pick at it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Good idea.

I will say that all those power options make it a bit overwhelming....

[/ QUOTE ]
Definitely, but you'll overcome it.

One question I wanted to ask though, why the focus on forms, why not play a TriForm?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Well, I built my WS as a very form heavy build. Which meant that there were only two powers I HAD to pick, but many powers I needed to slot (all in the forms). Everything else I picked assuming I would spend as little time as a Human as possible, which meant no Auto Powers, no Toggles, and as many Click Powers (including Mez powers and attacks) as possible.

I have no build to display, but I can say that I did my best to pick up as many "low Enhancement Slot required" powers as I could. Things like the Medicine Pool (clicks AND low enhancement requirement!) and extra Travel Powers (Superspeed, Hasten, Combat Jumping, Super Jumping) and plenty from the Primary and Secondary sets (Holds, Stuns, Mires, Cloaks, Eclipse, etc).

I built Human form to be more Utility (stealthing, healing, buffing, Mezzing, etc) while the forms tended to the combat needs.



I built a Dwarfshade, focusing on heavy dwarf, but picking the main powers from the human build that I needed.

Stygian Circle, for instance. If you're going Dwarf for any reason, this power is a must. Just having two corpses nearby, and a macro to drop form and pop SC, keeps you alive and in the blue.

Using your pet, grabbing hasten, eclipse, your rez. All of these powers are really worth it on the purple side of the Kheldian world.

On the PB side of the world, you have three self-heals with Dwarf form. Two direct heals, and one heal +max HP (Dull Pain style) that keep you alive with little issue.

Your human powers are utilitarian if used right. Pick those specific powers you need for utility and survivability first, then pick the powers you want to throw sets in. With sets, you will come out on top.



After a long night of messing around in mids I came to relize there are just somethings you can't do in a forum.

I have decided to learn by trial and error. I'm a 36 month vet so I get plenty of respecs. With so many power choices its hard to have people suggest builds because in the end. It seems to me that khelds were built to serve the needs of what ever play style you have.

Thank you guys so much for the responses! I will say though pipsy your idea sounds like something I'm interested in. Don't fear......I shall return....I forsee my self having many questions!



After a long night of messing around in mids I came to relize there are just somethings you can't do in a forum.
I have decided to learn by trial and error. I'm a 36 month vet so I get plenty of respecs. With so many power choices its hard to have people suggest builds because in the end. It seems to me that khelds were built to serve the needs of what ever play style you have.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's how I learned about my Kheldians, and those lessons only came after deleting my 1st two Kheldians, and then seeing two new Kheldians to Lv50.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I just dinged 37 on my PB, and from the start I've pretty much ignored all the human-form *attacks*, but picked up a lot of the click powers - Hasten, Build up, the self-Health boost (forget what it's called), Conserve Energy, etc.

So far I'm relatively happy with my build - there are a couple of things I might change in a Respec - but right now my concern is for what happens when hit 38 - and Light Form becomes available.

Light Form makes you pretty much indestructable while it's active, but you're stuck in human-form for the duration. So, not knowing this until I hit 37, and looked at the Guide to see what came next, I'll either need to respec and pick up (and slot) more human-form attacks, or opt out of Light Form altogether.

So there are some pitfalls to making a form-only build, some useful powers you risk missing out on, but as pretty much everyone else is saying, it's a very "trial & error" kind of AT right from the get-go. Most Khelds Respec at some point, some seasoned Kheld-runners have a specific level at which they'll ALWAYS Respec to "switch gears" once some late-level powers open up.




I haven't looked at this issue in a long time, but in I4 I wrote a PB guide that was form-centric.

The build worked fine then, and with sets and IO's, easier voids, level smoothing, and team
buffs which actually apply to your forms (they didn't back then), I can't imagine it would
be anything but even easier these days...

Basically, it played as a pretty strong blaster (nova), a pretty effective pocket tank (in Dwarf)
with a handful of clickie Defender-ish buffs from the med pool.

So, yeah - have at it. I found it a very playable build.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.