Legend of hornthraw castle (open rp)
((Okay, I'll bite. ))
A sound of thunder cracked through the tavern with infernal volume. The wooden floor between the attackers and Adam splintered with the suddenness of a lightning strike, a pressure wave flinging shivers in every direction. Thankfully, they didn't have enough momentum to cause any harm.
What had created them, however, certainly did.
"You - people with no manners." the tall figure garbed in a brown-red hooded cloak addressed the attackers with the stern tone of a woman scorned, the Slavic accent of her voice only furthering its cold, commanding nature. Of course, that likely took secondary stance to what rested in her hands (four-fingered armored hands at that): an XM307, sans tripod and aimed directly at the attackers.
"I do not appreciate interruption of my meal." the woman told them commandingly, giving her weapon's barrel a curt sweep toward the remains of her table - the very same which had been crashed into, "So either you clear out now, or you take extremely severe case of a lead poisoning..."
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
ooc: Whoa! way to make an entrance! I was beging to think I was suffering from the stay away from noobie virus. I rp on an official rping forum so I assure you this isn't anything new to me.
Ic: Adam stood in aww watching as the hooded figure made quick work of the men who threaten his well being.
"Wa-We're sorry ma'am we promise we won't disturb you again! Come on boys we'll deal with this punk later!" The leader waves his hands in surrender before dashing out the door. His followers follow suite soon after.
"Wow, that's a fine piece of equipment you've got there. I'm a bit curious as of how you can carry such a weapon. Although if anything I have to thank you for getting rid of those drama queens for me. I didn't pay their crossing fee one time, and they've been following me ever since, a silly annoying little bunch in the lest. My name is Adam, of whom do I owe the honor of being rescued by?" He asked in a rather rascally tone, with a mischievous grin splayed across his face.
((Yeah, dunno what's going on either. There are usually a bunch of people around these boards who'll pounce at new RP threads right away. Go figure. I mean (and please don't take this the wrong way), your grammar needs a little work, but it's nowhere near something that I'd imagine it to be keeping people away. ))
"Don't push it." the hooded woman told Adam dispassionately, returning the weapon to her back beneath the cloaks, briefly revealing the armored nature of her arms as well - and rather high-tech armor at that, "It was a side effect."
"I have little tolerance for greedy humans is all." she added, looking to her spilled meal, "Specifically when they make a waste. Is something not necessary."
At this point, she didn't seem to have much desire to tell Adam her name - or anything else, for that matter - which in itself might have been worth investigating...
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
(( I think it's more that the setting appears to have no relation to the CoH world at all, so people don't have any reason for any of their characters to be so far from home. That said, what the hell... ))
As if the commotion of the last few moments wasn't enough, the empty space a bit to the unknown woman's right suddenly turned in on itself, forming into a vortex of sorts from which an odd golden light glowed. Oddly, though the thing had apparent depth when looked into, it didn't seem to extend backwards as it should.
However they would only get a few seconds to wonder at that if indeed they were going to at all, because with a soft pop the space snapped back into place, disgorging a single person in an unceremonious heap onto the ground in front of it before fading away entirely. The person in question was clearly female and by all appearances human, save for the odd pale blue aura that hung in the air around her. "Ugh... One day, we'll manage to get the landing right and the whole universe will end...", she muttered to herself in an oddly echoing voice, like two of her were speaking at once and weren't quite in sync. Hopefully she was joking about the end of the universe bit.
(( And a screenshot, so you know what she looks like. ))
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
(( Be afraid the Bard has arived!))
In the corner of the tavern he sat green cloak and hood most of his face. A brown vest was buttoned over his white shirt. He was sitting with his soft brown boots on the table edge till the moment when Adam was attacked.
He did sit up and was about to rise when the flashy display of the XM307 carrying woman appeared. Then he settled down once again. He started to hum when the Vortex caught his attention. "May you live in interesting times indeed" he said softly.
After stoking his smooth chin he lowered his hood reveling long black hair and pointed elfin ears. He reached down and picked up his Lute and started playing a melody. One the song started up he then added his voice. His singing was soft had an almost chime like quality to it.
"A long time ago, way back in history,
when all there was to drink was nothin but cups of tea.
Along came a man by the name of Charlie Mops,
and he invented a wonderful drink and he made it out of hops.
He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.
The Curtis bar, the James' Pub, the Hole in the Wall as well
one thing you can be sure of, its Charlie's beer they sell
so all ye lads a lasses at eleven O'clock ye stop
for five short seconds, remember Charlie Mops 1 2 3 4 5
A barrel of malt, a bushel of hops, you stir it around with a stick,
the kind of lubrication to make your engine tick.
40 pints of wallop a day will keep away the quacks.
Its only eight pence hapenny and one and six in tax, 1 2 3 4 5
He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.
The Lord bless Charlie Mops!"
He played the melody a bit longer then ended the song. "Tavern Keeper! I want a Beer! And one to the fellow over there" points to Adam "If it wasn't for him those fools would have mugged me instead."
ooc: heh, well spelling has always been a flaw of mine. Oh and, spell check is my hero, I've gotten a lot better by using it. Please bare with me as I'm working on a fresh character I haven't worked with before.
Ic: "Whoa, a lady who appears from thin air! Now I've officially seen everything! Wouldn't you say uh, angry lady with the really big gun?" Adam looked over at her, with uncertainty, he didn't really know her name and she'd given him a cold shoulder, so as a result it was the first thing that came to him. needless to say it wasn't the smartest thing he'd ever said, and he was pretty sure he was going to regret saying it in a matter of moments.
He even went as far as into the thought that he started seeing the imagery of the bard singing the story of his famous demise in that very tavern.
"Whoa, a lady who appears from thin air! Now I've officially seen everything! Wouldn't you say uh, angry lady with the really big gun?"
[/ QUOTE ]
"You shouldn't say things like that. Every time we've said it in the past, we've immediately found something new and even more ridiculous", came again that strangely echoing voice from the woman on the ground. She sat up slowly and looked around, obviously a little dazed by her trip through whatever that portal had been.
Finally standing up (though still a little wobbly), she came over to Adam. "Apologies for our rather rude entrance. Could you perhaps tell us where and when we are?"
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
An unseen, yet nevertheless strangely observable eyebrow rose upon the end of the bard's song. She wasn't quite sure what to make of that one.
"Nadpráporèík Sarovenkova." she answered Adam matter-of-factly, her tone making it easy to discern that this wasn't her first name, but a rank; in this case, the equivalent of a Senior Master Sergeant, "And merely annoyed. Cease of thinking with the brain in your skull in favor of that between your legs again, and you can surely get angry. I am close at line."
She was indeed (she'd still been eating when the thrown attacker had spilled her meal all over the floor after all), and from her words it was rather self-evident how she'd taken Adam's rascally tone and mischievous grin afterward - not in a kind light at all.
"Acunim is your present location, date six point twenty-two, year 2236, SSR standard." she nevertheless informed the newly arrived woman, "I am not sure of local equivalence..."
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
"Hey, I don't play favorites with the ladies, My pants just look like they are in control of things. I'm sorry I'm too forward for you Nads. I can call you Nads right? Because you can't expect me to recite that overly long paragraph you just gave me for a name." He told Nadpráporèík Sarovenkova. So uh, thin air double girl, would it be too much to get your name too? I can't help but want to know someone who sounds like that." Adam still kept the devilish grin on his face.
((Spelling? Ask Devious my spelling is very bad I do try to spell check and grammar check but sometimes I still mess up.))
He took the offered tankard and took a drink as he watched what was going on.
Cease of thinking with the brain in your skull in favor of that between your legs again, and you can surely get angry.
[/ QUOTE ]
"Hum what? Look I swear I didn't know she was 17! Oh your talking to that fellow. Normally when people say something like that it's directed to me. My apologies." He took another drink of the beer and started humming another melody.
"Apologies for our rather rude entrance. Could you perhaps tell us where and when we are?"
[/ QUOTE ]
he looked at the other woman. "We? Are you talking about yourself in the plural? Your not royalty are you?
"Negative." the woman answered Adam, "Nadpráporèík is rank. If you want it to shorten, use Nadda. Like contraction to Sarge from Sergeant."
Hearing the eflin fellow's remark, she couldn't help but chuckle at it, turning to the man, "Seems you do and do not get around, mh? Listen closely to her voice. It is..."
Out of nowhere, something interrupted her. For a moment, the woman seemed to just stare blankly into space.
"I must be going." she informed the others upon returning to 'normal', "I wish you safe journey."
With that, she set course for the tavern door, clearly intent on heading outside and going wherever she apparently needed to - not to mention completely oblivious to the fact that Adam's attackers (at least judging by the way they'd been pursuing him until now) would likely be lying in wait somewhere outside for the man.
For the man...or for the woman who'd drawn a line through their operation, waiting to jump her when she didn't have a big gun pointed at them...
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
ooc: Ironically enough writing is what I do for a living
Ic: "Ok, Nadda, hey wait where are you going? You don't just leave in the middle of a conversation! It isn't very lady like to say the least!" Adam called after her, but she seemed to be in her own little world, and didn't hear him. Feeling a little more put off, he followed her out of the Tavern.
"Nadda! Nadda! wait! Don't go that way!" Adam warned, as he chased after her. She was heading toward Lusha Forest, a place rumored to only harbor theives, and anyone else who enters never comes out.
Just as he said it the group from before piled out from the bushes ahead of them.
"Hey, I told you we'd handle you later did I? I think it's high time you pay up. Oh, and I've got a slight bone to pick with your new woman as well. men, keep your wits about you, we arn't running away this time." The lead bandit once again confronted them slowly walking closer and closer to them.
"try not to kill them. They may prove useful later." A soft sweet voice echoed in his head.
*uh, I must be going crazy, did I just here a chicks voice in my head?* He thought to himself. He shrugged the thought off and prepared himself for battle.
"Ok, Raven, you want a fight? Fine, I'll fight you, but leave the lady here out of it. She had a right to go after you. You ruined her lunch. Surely that workers around your line of thinking you wanna be elf thief!" He growled back, and made his way past Nadda, and over to the leading thief, until the two of them were almost touch each other with their eye balls.
"Really? Little Adam Rayon is going to fight me like a man? Alright fine, men get the woman, I'm going to take care of this one myself." Raven ordered the thieves around them. Who started to close in on Nadda, as Raven and Adam started circling each other with their weapons drawn, each man anticipating the other's next move.
"Ok, Nadda, hey wait where are you going? You don't just leave in the middle of a conversation! It isn't very lady like to say the least!" Adam called after her, but she seemed to be in her own little world, and didn't hear him. Feeling a little more put off, he followed her out of the Tavern.
[/ QUOTE ]
He set down his beer and leaned foward watching the two walked out of the tavern. "Hmm Something tells me to tag along." He looks at the woman who came via the Vortex "My apologies M'lady but I live by my urges." With that he picked up his lute swung a travelers bag on his back and walked out.
Just as he said it the group from before piled out from the bushes ahead of them.
[/ QUOTE ]
He smirked and then lifted his voice in that chime like singing voice but the words he sang were strange and as hard as the others try to remember what he said they wouldn't be able to recall the words.
On the Muggers however there was an added effect every one of them started to sway there heads started to bob and in just a few moments everyone of them was asleep standing up.
With a smile he walked to Adam "There are other ways besides fighting."
(( Gah, this is what I get for being lazy. ))
"Acunim is your present location, date six point twenty-two, year 2236, SSR standard." she nevertheless informed the newly arrived woman, "I am not sure of local equivalence..."
[/ QUOTE ]
"Nor are we, and we're not familiar with that system", the woman replied, sounding mildly irritated. Not at anyone in particular, though.
"We? Are you talking about yourself in the plural? Your not royalty are you?"
[/ QUOTE ]
"No, we're not. Though occasionaly people mistake us for such. It's either annoying or useful, depending on the situation. And what's wrong with our voice?", she added to the woman with the gun, but got no answer as she was already leaving.
"My apologies M'lady but I live by my urges." With that he picked up his lute swung a travelers bag on his back and walked out.
[/ QUOTE ]
"So do we, usually", she replied before trailing after him, watching as he put all of them to sleep without apparent effort. "Hmm. Nice trick. We're Paxtera, by the way", she added to the group in general, but mostly to Adam because he was the one who asked. "Shorten it to just Pax if you feel like, everyone else seems to."
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
"Ok, Nadda, hey wait where are you going? You don't just leave in the middle of a conversation! It isn't very lady like to say the least!"
[/ QUOTE ]
"Nadda! Nadda! wait! Don't go that way!"
[/ QUOTE ]
"I am soldier first, lady second, and have duty to do." Zuzana Sarovenkova retorted neutrally, steadily walking on toward the forest, "Not to mention I need to pick up-"
"Hey, I told you we'd handle you later did I? I think it's high time you pay up. Oh, and I've got a slight bone to pick with your new woman as well. men, keep your wits about you, we arn't running away this time."
[/ QUOTE ]
The Nadpráporèík couldn't help but smile beneath her hood, once more brandishing the OCSW, "Good. Will make shooting you much easier."
"Ok, Raven, you want a fight? Fine, I'll fight you, but leave the lady here out of it. She had a right to go after you. You ruined her lunch. Surely that workers around your line of thinking you wanna be elf thief!"
[/ QUOTE ]
"Really? Little Adam Rayon is going to fight me like a man? Alright fine, men get the woman, I'm going to take care of this one myself."
[/ QUOTE ]
Zuzana but raised the weapon, aiming at the first-best target, a metal finger beginning to give the trigger a squeeze...
...when the attackers fell asleep.
"There are other ways besides fighting."
[/ QUOTE ]
"But I prefer fighting." the Nadpráporèík complained with a turn toward the elfin bard, giving a shrug with both arms akimbo and angled away from her, apparently not even noticing her gun, "Now what should I do? Target practice? Is boring."
The phrase 'be careful what you wish for' came to mind as an arrow suddenly zipped from the forest and into the side of her neck - or rather, the garb there, Zuzana having shifted her body itself away from the projectile. Still, it didn't prevent the razor-sharp shaft from tearing up the fabric and ripping her hood back in less-than-dramatic manner.
This left the face of the Tsaiv woman still semi-covered, but in such a sloppy fashion that the most prominent details were easy to see.
Such as her blue-glowing right eye - an internal targeting scope that already locked in the thermal signature of the archer, her gun rising to meet the target. Or rather, it would've, had said archer not fallen from the branch of his tree, having also succumbed to the elf's song. It had just taken a little longer...
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
"Now what should I do? Target practice? Is boring."
[/ QUOTE ]
"If you're really desperate, we'll go a few rounds with you later", Pax answered, a faint hint of amusement in her voice.
This left the face of the Tsaiv woman still semi-covered, but in such a sloppy fashion that the most prominent details were easy to see.
[/ QUOTE ]
Pax looked over at her, noting all the important details that were visible from her angle. "Hmm... Not a species we've seen before", she commented. "Are you from another dimension or something, by chance?"
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
"Hmm... Not a species we've seen before"
[/ QUOTE ]
He looked over as well and tilted his head. "Wonder what making love to someone like that would be like... nevermind forget I said that."
He looked about "Might as well get some answers these guys seemed a bit to prepared for simple thugs." Motions to the archer that fell out of the tree.
He headed to the one that was challaging Adam and started singing again. Once again the voice was heard but the Words were hard to even hear and even harder to remember. He sang softly focusing on just the lead man.
The man's eyes open but seemed out of focus like the man was drugged. He smiled and spoke to the dazed fellow. "Now tell only truth what do you want with this man?" He pointed to Adam.
"Another dimension?" the Nadpráporèík queried with a puzzled expression, the blue glow dimming from her eye until it had disappeared, both oculae now meshing with one another. She threw the remains of the hood back, the garb now useless at concealment anyway. Well, at least they weren't in the town anymore, which meant aside from these people, no one was around to do any freaking out - which they didn't seem to be doing, to the Tsaiv's great relief.
She gave her head a slight shake, "Negative. I am 4-dimensional being in nature. Esertosian. And you, don't even think about it. Having a mating with a human? That is disgusting...!"
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
Adam, stood looking at Raven standing there, asleep, and was more than tempted to swing at him anyways. He even raised his blade to take a swing, but something stopped him. It was just a simple glitter in his eyes to most. Although the more keen eyed could only assume he'd had a flashback of a more fond memory.
"Bard, I wasn't all that sure about you, but I think I like your songs after all." He told him with a slight ting of regret in his voice.
Then Paxtera's voice made it's way to his ears, and he instictivly looked back to find her or their face. Instead of looking at Pax his eye's landed on Nadda.
"Whoa! when did you come out of hiding? I distinctly remember some robes somewhere on your person. Some very distasteful one's I might add. I mean if you were just going to get rid of it why bother wearing it in the first place? Unless it was some kind of ploy to get into my pants, if that's the case I'm sorry to inform you that I don't do that on the first date." As he said it he was waiting for his slap in the face or his kick in the pants. When he didn't recive either right away he figured maybe she hadn't decided which she rather do yet.
Raven drew his attention away from Nadda for the moment and over to him, and the bard, and
The question the bard asked next seemed to make him more nervous than it should have.
"Raven, no need to bring any childhood stories out of the basement. Just tell him your newest reason for hating me." He was almost begging while running his hands though his hair.
"This man refused to pay me my money, and he's a whip, and I hate him. Those are my reasons." Raven answered in a strange dreamy state. Hearing this Adam allowed himself to relax just a little.
"Negative. I am 4-dimensional being in nature. Esertosian. And you, don't even think about it. Having a mating with a human? That is disgusting...!"
[/ QUOTE ]
"Mating with humans is fun I do it all the time. Thought when there fathers, brothers, husbands find out I'm normally raced out of town. As well as rare ocations when it's there Wifes, But call me a Human again and I give you another type of biology lesson." Wiggles those pointy ears.
He listened to Raven then looked to one of the other thug who was starting to come out of the spell induced sleep. "Alright Adam these are your thugs your choice do we kill them or we hide and I spell them into thinking they beat the tar out of us."
((Pst, Mirravin - she just threw back the hood. The cloak's still there. ))
"Case in point." Zuzana answered with a grumpy sigh, referring to the reason the wore the ragged cloak: because when she did, people around here tended to just think of her as some beggar, and thus ignore her.
"Oh, do excuse me." she also replied to the elfin bard, and rather sardonically at that, "I will be sure to differentiate to his human and your human-with-pointy-ears from here. With luck, it will be cause for war."
With that, the Nadpráporèík began heading for the forest again, her implication making her opinion of humans rather clear. In fact, a keen judge of her manner would've caught on that she was prejudiced against them. The reason remained a mystery, at least for now.
The thing that set itself onto her trail as she entered the woods, however, couldn't have cared less. Watching from the brush and woodwork, it had cast its tunnel vision upon the soldier and now followed her every move. Cautiously, carefully, as would any ambush predator.
Of course, it was not a predator. It was a machine - a machine with a cloaking field, rendering it invisible to the naked eye. Moreover, the Tsaiv wasn't the only thing it had in its sights, the machine duly observing the others as well...
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
"Another dimension?" the Nadpráporèík queried with a puzzled expression, the blue glow dimming from her eye until it had disappeared, both oculae now meshing with one another.
[/ QUOTE ]
"Well, the last people of unknown species we met turned out to be from an alternate dimension, so it's a perfectly sensible question we think. Meh, nevermind then", Pax answered, before not quite laughing at the bard's next question.
"Wonder what making love to someone like that would be like... nevermind forget I said that."
[/ QUOTE ]
"And you, don't even think about it. Having a mating with a human? That is disgusting...!"
[/ QUOTE ]
"Disgusting to you, perhaps. We humans find it perfectly enjoyable. A matter of differing viewpoints, we suppose." With that she went over to another of Raven's little group and waved a hand in front of the dazed-looking man's face. He didn't even seem to notice her. "What'd you do to these guys?", she wondered aloud.
"Unless it was some kind of ploy to get into my pants, if that's the case I'm sorry to inform you that I don't do that on the first date."
[/ QUOTE ]
"Nor do we, so stop dreaming", Pax said flatly, half to Adam and half to the bard. She didn't know or particularly care if either of them had actually been entertaining such thoughts regarding her, but it's always good to lay down the ground rules early.
"I will be sure to differentiate to his human and your human-with-pointy-ears from here. With luck, it will be cause for war."
[/ QUOTE ]
"In several timelines, it was...", Pax mused absently. "Not precisely here or now, but still."
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
"Disgusting to you, perhaps. We humans find it perfectly enjoyable. A matter of differing viewpoints, we suppose." With that she went over to another of Raven's little group and waved a hand in front of the dazed-looking man's face. He didn't even seem to notice her. "What'd you do to these guys?", she wondered aloud.
[/ QUOTE ]
"What? Oh what did I do nothing really just sing a lullaby with a bit of magical words from the ancient language. Not many can speak it but my kind can
"Oh, do excuse me." she also replied to the elfin bard, and rather sardonically at that, "I will be sure to differentiate to his human and your human-with-pointy-ears from here. With luck, it will be cause for war."
[/ QUOTE ]
"In several timelines, it was...", Pax mused absently. "Not precisely here or now, but still."
[/ QUOTE ]
"Oh I really doubt there be a war between us and humans. Mainly because my kind are dying out already. A sad side effect of living for 500 to a thousand years or so we don't have enough children."
Something caught his eye a wiggle of a branch that should have moved but without seeing the cause he shrugged it off.
"As for the song it's about to ware off so get ready for that fight. Unless we want to hide."
The world faded into focus around him as he hefted the large axe he carried onto his shoulder. Dark eyes glanced about his new surroundings from under a heavy brow. He wore a black, denim jacket that had the sleeves cut off and a simple gray t-shirt underneath. Leaves and twigs crunched under his large, black steel-toed boots.
"Okay, so I'm here," he said in a gruff baritone. "What is this place anyway?"
"It's name holds no importance," an even deeper voice rumbled from seemingly nowhere. "All that matters is the evil monstrosity that fouls its essence."
"So find the nasty and kill it," the man nodded, scratching at his stubble. "Nothin' new there." Hearing some commotion nearby, the stranger turned toward it and lumbered off.
ooc: if you don't read the ic part at least read this so you know what's going on thank you.
arlos roars with anger and slams his fist into the table in front of him, making a pile of small soldiers figures fly off from their resting places and onto the floor below.
background: Hornthraw Castle, one of the most feared monuments of Acunim(one of the many planet located in the realm of Daron). Hornthraw was once a stationary castle used as the home for the rulers of Palerium(the largest continent of Acunim). However it was soon taken over by a powerful force known as Arberous, a demon from another realm. When he took it over the previous rulers disappeared mysteriously, and the castle grew hidious limbs, and became monsterous. It tramples across the land where ever it's master pleases.
After observing this act of evil for over one hundred years, the high council of the realms decided it was time to take action, and send someone in before this evil debunked the flow of time and space.
They sent the Goddess Mirravin to guide those opposing this evil to victory. After several more years of failed attempts, Mirravin leaves them to fight the force on their own to go ask the council for more help.
Mirravin comes back later with the news that there is one final hope for the people of Palerium, an heir to the throne of Hornthraw. She goes to find this heir, leaving one of her closest friend with the promise of her return. You start the story in a bar where you witness an attempted mugging. You watch as he struggles to fight them off, and you wonder if maybe you should help him.
"D#$#! I've lost half of our forces just trying to get close to that floating wretch of a contraption! Now I'm being forced to get rid of one of my best war general, and for what? A boy that might not even exist? You have got to be kidding me!" He growled at a woman's slim silhouette sitting just far enough in the shadows that all that could be made out was her outline.
"Oh, you know I get restless when I stay one one place for too long. Besides, I already know what I'm looking for. You just let me go already, and I'll be out of your hair.
Plus I really don't think I can spend any more time hiding under ground like a sightless rat. I promise, I'm just going to go take care of things and be right back." A soft, lush sing song voice called from the shadows.
"You are the only thing standing between Hornthraw and us and you expect me to just let you go again? Don't you understand? Arberous fears you. If we don't have that fear we're done with." Darlos almost pleaded with her.
There was a long exasperated sigh from beneath the shadows.
"I really don't want to leave you on bad terms my good friend. I can't stay here to say the lest. Once the council gives an order that's what I have to do. You see, I'm not really asking you for your permission really, I kinda just didn't want to leave and not tell you. I don't want you to hate me for this." the female voice protruded from the shadows.
"fine, you just better make sure you don't take long. I need you back here pronto understand." Even as he said it he knew she was already gone.
Meanwhile, at one of the few taverns still on ground level a young man sat at a round table in the middle of the room absantmindedly sipping on a keg of al.
His shaggy brown hair matches his twinkling brown eyes perfectly, and they seem a bit empty sitting over a chin hidden by such a large mug. A dark crimson red scarf like cape hangs loosly around his shoulders, neck, and silver armor that covers the whole of his body.
As he sits there seemingly clueless a group of men burst into the tavern and charge after him.
" we have some busnuss to settle with you Adam! Stand up and take your beating like a man." The leader of the group yells at him.
"I don't have any with you. Like I told you before it's a free country I don't have to pay you to cross your territory if I don't want to. Leave me be and quite making such fools of yourselves." The man failed to even look up at the man behind him.
"Why you!" the man behind him growled in outrage and took a swing at him. Adam caught his fist in mid blow and shoved the man aside causing him to topple over one of his fellow groupies and crash into a table.
"Don't just stand there get him!" The man screams at his underlings from his place on the floor. They obediantly close in on the young man and it looks as if he's in for a really bad beating.