I don't know if I told you yet or not Buckeye but I feel like Reigndance is your best design to date. The action shots of her in-game are simply amazing and this piece shows how well she transfers over to other artists, brilliant work.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
That is a cool costume.
This is a cool piece.
You spelt Rain wrong
It's a play on words Dz... >.>
Brilliant character design, Buckeye; and equally brilliant render to Gamma.
Honestly Buck, this costume is my NEW favorite!!!!!
Thanks all on the feedback on the costume, I love this look and it's part of why I can't switch to another character at the moment. This turned out better than I was expecting. I'm now using it as the main pic for her Virtueverse page. Feel free to check it out if you want more background info on her.
Wow. That is ... awesome.
And... Native American, you say? at some point we need to get all the tribal heroes together.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Sounds cool. If such a thing were to happen, I'd be interested.
Wow. That is ... awesome.
And... Native American, you say? at some point we need to get all the tribal heroes together.
[/ QUOTE ]
And villians!!
What can I say? This is simply a gorgeous piece of my dual blade Native American scrapper. I love this character so much. I pushed her to 20 to get the fringes for her back, and Animorph SKed her in Croatoa to get her Redcap blades at the tender level of 10 or so. Now I can't stop playing her. This wonderful art was done by Gilbert Monsanto, aka Gammaknight on dA.