April Fan Art Battle




I love your work, Tacky_Tricky....



Statesman VS Lord Recluse

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Very very nice ... I will post my version of that once the votes are in (as if I could influence anything here) but all I have to say is "Ah that is where Lord Recluse's back leg is!" I couldn't find it when I did my colors ...I see it very well now.

Beautiful work!

And Tacky, I commented on your colored piece ... that is a great job on the colors (with the very fine lines you had to start with it makes for a very cool end product)

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
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It looks great, TT! I think you should finish it even after the deadline. It shows a lot of promise and I would love to see it finished.

So Day. I'm wondering, are people walking by your place and going:

o.O "WTF?"

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Heh, I am actually hoping no one looks up and sees it. Lots of young (and stupid) people live in this area. I will be more than a little upset if some drunken idiot decides to throw stuff.

Thanks all for the kind words. While working on the piece, I wondered more than a few times whether I was wasting money, time and effort on something that would be unnoticed/unappreciated, but your comments are encouraging.

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I love your work, Tacky_Tricky....

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Seconded. I really hope you finish that piece off even if it's after the deadline. It's reallllly nice.



Swan VS Black Swan

[/ QUOTE ]How do you get your lines so fine!?

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yea... my number 0.5 mech-pencil looks like drawing with a lump of charcoal compared to your lines.... how you get them so thin?...

how how how???? ... oh and aswome job on the stain glass work..



Here's mine: Dominatrix vs Synapse. I know their costumes aren't exact, I had to cut some corners to get it done in time. Bloody MA taking up all free time.

My original idea was to make Madeleine Casey's TV-hero 'Live Wire' against Golden Roller, but I couldn't get the car right without overpainting a screenshot, which made me scrap that.

Not that any of this matters after Lousy_Day's entry..

*Edit* There's some blood so it's marked mature. A non-dA two-click link is in my signature.



Damn guys!! Some pretty sweet entries! I got to say, Lousy_Day really did raise the bar with that amazing display! Great job guys. Still have time.



Look, let's just skip the voting and give it to the stained glass and save us all some time.



I have no honest clue if I'll get my entry in on time this month. I recently got into the Art Institute up here, so I've been INCREDIBLY busy with that. I did have something started... I may end up posting that just to save myself from auto-elimination.

I do feel rather bad about doing that though... Mostly considering it's what I do every month. Next month, if I'm still around, I'll definetly take a day for myself, and knock out a finished piece.



What I'm wondering is... are we just going to continue to have elimination based on lack of entry?

I mean, at some point, I'd like to have this a bit of a 'competition'.



These are all really just off the chart...



Here's my WIP for the contest (hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow, basicly have the lines and color flats down);

For my versus thing I have chosen a more subtle form of combat between two masters of their respective fields, the great master of plotting and traps himself, and the lesser known mistress of unlocked doors and foiled fates! Who will out plot who?!



What I'm wondering is... are we just going to continue to have elimination based on lack of entry?

I mean, at some point, I'd like to have this a bit of a 'competition'.

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bah, the moment TT spills the beans on how to make thin pencil lines, your butt is goin down

*looks at Jugers avatar* ..er... if thats ok with you sir...



Here's my WIP for the contest (hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow, basicly have the lines and color flats down);

For my versus thing I have chosen a more subtle form of combat between two masters of their respective fields, the great master of plotting and traps himself, and the lesser known mistress of unlocked doors and foiled fates! Who will out plot who?!

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That's the only way she makes sense....nice work!

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Alright, so, looks like I just made it.

Ghost Widow VS. Positron

Nothing fantastic, to be sure. I'd originally envisioned a background and, well... Colors, for the most part. But yeah, there you go. Positron getting the sneak up on Ghost Widow.

I do kind of like how it turned out though.



I was gonna do "Golden Roller" vs " The Radio" .. but I couldnt think of any out come of the match, other then the car running over the radio... kinna like an Aunt May vs The Hulk , kinna match-up



Here's my WIP for the contest (hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow, basicly have the lines and color flats down);

For my versus thing I have chosen a more subtle form of combat between two masters of their respective fields, the great master of plotting and traps himself, and the lesser known mistress of unlocked doors and foiled fates! Who will out plot who?!

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HA! That's Azuria, all right! Good one!



TrickyTacky - very nice![ QUOTE ]
Birds of a feather.... don't always flock together

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Lousy_Day - my jaw drops. Amazing! Simply Amazing! [ QUOTE ]
Alternative view
I've got my eyes on you

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Not that any of this matters after Lousy_Day's entry..

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Look, let's just skip the voting and give it to the stained glass and save us all some time.

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Hey - the rest of us still get to fight over the scraps and left-overs!