April Fan Art Battle




April Challenge: 'VS'

Overview: Take any NPC's, signature heroes or villains, enemies, contacts or whoever from either game and pit them against each other. This could be something as simple as David Wincott vs Matthew Burke or as complex or epic as Statesman vs Lord Recluse. It's up to you. Just remember that the other artists have the same choice. Make it comical or serious but show us your best VS piece.

Rules: Has to be ingame characters only. NO FORUM PERSONALITIES this time around. A sketch is perfectly fine but you can go all out if it calls to you. Keep in mind that the next artist has the same freedom. Only the 13 artists in the ranking are eligible for the contest but we'd love to see any other submissions as well

There will be another elimination for this month!! So keep the heat comin!

There will be only one entry allowed per person, and it is due no later than April 24th at midnight PST. Voting will be held the following week. If there is no entry submitted or it is late, you automatically forfeit and lose your spot on the rankings board.

Some notes:

<ul type="square">[*]The winner of April's's challenge will carry immunity for next month provided they submit a piece for May.[/list]<ul type="square">[*]Imagesbyalex carries immunity this month provided he submits a piece. As he was the winner from March[/list]<ul type="square">[*]Rankings[/list]

Please keep all your discussion and posting of pieces to this thread. The voting WILL BE ON ANOTHER THREAD.

Good luck guys,

-FArt Admin

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So who's gonna step up and do a Ghost Widow vs Sister Psyche costume rippin catfight?



So who's gonna step up and do a Ghost Widow vs Sister Psyche costume rippin catfight?

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That should be required, with a follow up of Sister Solaris vs Sister Airlia.

FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha

My DA page



So who's gonna step up and do a Ghost Widow vs Sister Psyche costume rippin catfight?

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That should be required, with a follow up of Sister Solaris vs Sister Airlia.

[/ QUOTE ]I've never been able to do the Cimmorean arcs yet, so I had to look those up. O...M...G...yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I wish so much we could have those pieces as costume options!



I've never been able to do the Cimmorean arcs yet, so I had to look those up. O...M...G...yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I wish so much we could have those pieces as costume options!

[/ QUOTE ]

Which pieces are we talking about? You can get the full roman outfit bro. I think ya get it when ya finish an ITF? Can't remember.



He means the costume pieces that the Sybils wear, like Sister Solaris and Sister Airlia

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



You get Roman armor pieces when finnishing the ITF. She means the Sybils robes. (or more like Sybils thing strips of gause) Those a lot of people would like

FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha

My DA page



I'm going to do Brawler vs. Wretch in a jello wrestling competition.



You get Roman armor pieces when finnishing the ITF. She means the Sybils robes. (or more like Sybils thing strips of gause) Those a lot of people would like

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah, I definitely meant those robes/dresses. This is one of the most frustrating things about this game, that they would design something SOOOO cool and then say "you can't have it for your character."



April Challenge: 'VS'

Overview: Take any NPC's, signature heroes or villains, enemies, contacts or whoever from either game and pit them against each other. This could be something as simple as David Wincott vs Matthew Burke or as complex or epic as Statesman vs Lord Recluse. It's up to you. Just remember that the other artists have the same choice. Make it comical or serious but show us your best VS piece.

Rules: Has to be ingame characters only. NO FORUM PERSONALITIES this time around. A sketch is perfectly fine but you can go all out if it calls to you. Keep in mind that the next artist has the same freedom. Only the 13 artists in the ranking are eligible for the contest but we'd love to see any other submissions as well

There will be another elimination for this month!! So keep the heat comin!

There will be only one entry allowed per person, and it is due no later than April 24th at midnight PST. Voting will be held the following week. If there is no entry submitted or it is late, you automatically forfeit and lose your spot on the rankings board.

Some notes:

<ul type="square">[*]The winner of April's's challenge will carry immunity for next month provided they submit a piece for May.[/list]<ul type="square">[*]Imagesbyalex carries immunity this month provided he submits a piece. As he was the winner from March[/list]<ul type="square">[*]Rankings[/list]

Please keep all your discussion and posting of pieces to this thread. The voting WILL BE ON ANOTHER THREAD.

Good luck guys,

-FArt Admin

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Ha Ha! TA, you kill me! That's a good one! What a great "April Fool's" joke! Ha!

So, REALLY, what's the *actual* April Fan Art challenge??



So who's gonna step up and do a Ghost Widow vs Numina costume rippin catfight?

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Fix'd. :3c



Nobody else is on the Wretch/Brawler bandwagon?

Bunch of sexists.



Nobody else is on the Wretch/Brawler bandwagon?

Bunch of sexists.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I'm gay. What's the rest of you lot's excuse?



im gonna have to talk to shia about doing Backdoor Baller versus MantiHARDcore in a fight that can only be called "Notch my bow and hold tightly onto my shaft"



Nobody else is on the Wretch/Brawler bandwagon?

Bunch of sexists.

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Well, I'm gay. What's the rest of you lot's excuse?

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So am I but those two are just not my type....now Foreshadow/Malaise might be interesting



I'm going to do Brawler vs. Wretch in a jello wrestling competition.

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Guess I will get my idea out as well, since I am not sure if I will have my monitor fixed in time. I actually might have to draw traditionally this month. I am going to go for Statesman and Lord Recluse playing a serious match of Tic-Tac-Toe.

My Web Site and Portfolio
My DeviantArt Gallery



im gonna have to talk to shia about doing Backdoor Baller versus MantiHARDcore in a fight that can only be called "Notch my bow and hold tightly onto my shaft"

[/ QUOTE ]You're my hero. Come, sit with me a while and tell me scary stories.



I'm going to do Brawler vs. Wretch in a jello wrestling competition.

[/ QUOTE ]

Guess I will get my idea out as well, since I am not sure if I will have my monitor fixed in time. I actually might have to draw traditionally this month. I am going to go for Statesman and Lord Recluse playing a serious match of Tic-Tac-Toe.

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Should make it checkers with Recluse kicking the table over because he's losing.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



I'm going to do Brawler vs. Wretch in a jello wrestling competition.

[/ QUOTE ]

Guess I will get my idea out as well, since I am not sure if I will have my monitor fixed in time. I actually might have to draw traditionally this month. I am going to go for Statesman and Lord Recluse playing a serious match of Tic-Tac-Toe.

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Should make it checkers with Recluse kicking the table over because he's losing.

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Nah, they should be playing Battleship.



I'm going to do Brawler vs. Wretch in a jello wrestling competition.

[/ QUOTE ]

Guess I will get my idea out as well, since I am not sure if I will have my monitor fixed in time. I actually might have to draw traditionally this month. I am going to go for Statesman and Lord Recluse playing a serious match of Tic-Tac-Toe.

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Should make it checkers with Recluse kicking the table over because he's losing.

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Nah, they should be playing Battleship.

[/ QUOTE ]How about chess with notable NPCs as the pieces? Longbow and Arachnos soldiers as pawns, Ghost Widow and Sister Psyche as Queens, etc.



I think Foo and DB's ideas are good ones!



im gonna have to talk to shia about doing Backdoor Baller versus MantiHARDcore in a fight that can only be called "Notch my bow and hold tightly onto my shaft"

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...I'm at a loss for one of my combatants...

what fem-fatale heroine in this game is the least popular?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



What are some of the Super-villains that show up in the bank robbery missions (that beat the snot out of first time bank-mission-er heroes)? Maybe one of them?