dUmb Official Test Roster




You [censored] morons: tell me when you can practice.

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2 things: I don't think I even know Boomie and dUmb doesn't really practice.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



You [censored] morons: tell me when you can practice.

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2 things: I don't think I even know Boomie and dUmb doesn't really practice.

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In that case can I join? I miss test pvp and have no time to practice. :-( ::Sadpandaface::



sorry I wasn't at the re-scheduled practice. I had plans most of that day and week end so..... anyways, yeah



Adding Kare (@Ciya Laytah) to our roster.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Adding @Siolfir to dUmb roster

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Welcome guys,

I'll be spending some time duping this weekend. I'll also spend some time (given the freedom servers are up) Gettings some accolades for my stormy and my emp. Anyone who is from freedom is welcome to join me. I'll be on TS



Slax (Captain)- @Slax, @Slax2, @Captain Epic

Empire (Co-Captain, i12 RPvP'r)- @Empire

Welldone (FOUNDER)- @Welldone

Sir- @Sir Ice, @Sir Hell Fire

@Dr. Blast

Shard- @shardofdeath

Kare- @Ciya Laytah

Eran- @Eran Rist, @Is Errant (need to confirm globals)

Texltillian- @Textiallian

Kilobot- @Killobot 5000, @Killobot5000, @Killobot

Neuronia- @Neuronia

Mac- @macskull, @not mac

Heroes- @Heroes Bane, @Heroes Demise

Bug- @Bug You too, @Bug you 2

Trezen- @trezen, @trezen2

Siolfir- @Siofir

War- @Ready for War

Arctic Shu- @Arctic Shu (just in case PvP gets fixed)

Psoma- @Psoma (just in case PvP gets fixed)

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit




War- @Ready for War

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War- @Ready for War

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I <3 U 2 Hot

O BTW Hows your Baddo New Test group V.A.G doing?



Texltillian- @Textiallian

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Textilian- @Textilian (live), @Sins and Needles (test)

Corrected for spelling and for accurate test global, unless there really is someone else in the team with similar information, in which case I blame them for all of the lizard comments.



Adding @Siolfir to dUmb roster

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Doh! I was just informed of this today...

Uhm, so does this mean I should show up on test occasionally?

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Adding @Siolfir to dUmb roster

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Doh! I was just informed of this today...

Uhm, so does this mean I should show up on test occasionally?

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Text said you were in. You should also register on the dUmb site.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Slax (Captain)- @Slax, @Slax2, @Captain Epic

Empire (Co-Captain, i12 RPvP'r)- @Empire

Welldone (FOUNDER)- @Welldone

Sir- @Sir Ice, @Sir Hell Fire

@Dr. Blast

Shard- @shardofdeath

Kare- @Ciya Laytah

Eran- @Eran Rist, @Is Errant (need to confirm globals)

Texltillian- @Sins and Needles

Kilobot- @Killobot 5000, @Killobot5000, @Killobot

Neuronia- @Neuronia

Mac- @macskull, @not mac

Heroes- @Heroes Bane, @Heroes Demise

Bug- @Bug You too, @Bug you 2

Trezen- @trezen, @trezen2

Siolfir- @Siofir

War- @Ready for War

Arctic Shu- @Arctic Shu (just in case PvP gets fixed)

Psoma- @Psoma (just in case PvP gets fixed)

Notes: corrected global name for Textillian

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Are you guys recruiting?



Are you guys recruiting?

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Serious question- who are you?

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Are you kidding? That's the great Xhiggy son. btw Xhig, does your sister still ask about me? )



I think I remember him... Xhig do you ever talk to Moe?



Are you kidding? That's the great Xhiggy son. btw Xhig, does your sister still ask about me? )

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i doubt it, last i heard she isn't attracted to old pasty white dudes who name their babies after characters in a movie.



I think I remember him... Xhig do you ever talk to Moe?

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sure don't, she has a steam account if you'd like to contact her.



Are you kidding? That's the great Xhiggy son. btw Xhig, does your sister still ask about me? )

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i doubt it, last i heard she isn't attracted to old pasty white dudes who name their babies after characters in a movie.

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Hey! I'm not old!



Are you kidding? That's the great Xhiggy son. btw Xhig, does your sister still ask about me? )

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i doubt it, last i heard she isn't attracted to old pasty white dudes who name their babies after characters in a movie.

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She's stalking Nick Cage?

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



no stupid, he's talking about spec, clean the cheetoh dust outta yo eyes



no stupid, he's talking about spec, clean the cheetoh dust outta yo eyes

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I seriously know who very few of you are. Hell I doubt if quizzed I could get half of the team captains right.

I could say something about Infinity being my in game world yadda-yadda and caring less about the game every time a dev posts anything semi-relevant but I'll simply say:

See also, SG name.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Are you guys recruiting?

[/ QUOTE ]

So, after getting feed back from other dUmbies I said "dammit your mic is tou close to the monitor" er, they told me 2 things:

1. lolz Slax not knowing who anyone is

2. Good player, good guy, recruit him

So if you still want in reg at the dUmb site and let's chat on teamspeak when you get a min. In game (live) I am at @slax, @slax2 and @slax iii

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit