Projectionist's Mission Architect Contest




The reports from Open Beta about the MA makes it apparent that Issue 14 will bring on the beginning of a new era in City of Heroes/Villains. Making mission content is a long time dream of mine ever since I created a bureaucrat in Anarchy Online at launch given that they were the profession that would be able to hand out missions to other players. However it was never implemented for as long as I played and to my knowledge still isn’t today. The level of customization provided by the MA even in its first incarnation is far beyond what I realistically had hoped for, both in AO and CoX.

Though the RP-gamemaster in me of course wants to make missions I also look forward even more to play yours. I know for a fact that there are tons of people out there with abilities far beyond my own to create fascinating content. This leads me to what this post is about:

In order to celebrate Issue 14 and reward creativity in MA I’m holding a contest for:

Projectionist’s Most Enjoyable Solo Mission Architect Arc

Submission rules:

1. One arc per account/global ID. If you own several accounts this means you technically can submit one for each as long as the global author ID is different.
2. The submission must be made through PM on this forum and contain the Arc ID and your global name for easy identification. If you want to you can also post your mission arc here in this thread for others to enjoy but it will not count as entered in the contest unless you PM it too.
3. Contest begins when Issue 14 goes live on the American servers and submissions can be made for 4 weeks until midnight PST the same day of week. Results will be announced when I had time to play through all the submissions.
4. Do NOT submit any requests for what character you want in case of winning. I don’t want to be subconsciously affected by this when I decide.


1. The mission arc will primarily be played solo on heroic/villainous difficulty. Hero or coop arcs will be played by my Illusion/FF controller and villain arcs by my Robots/traps mastermind, both lv 50.
2. No minimum or maximum number of missions in arc other than what MA imposes.
3. I do like challenges and will do everything short of Shivans and nukes to beat it. If for any reason, like bugs or insurmountable odds, I can’t complete the arc solo I will report this back to you via PM. While the contest deadline of 4 weeks isn’t up you will be able to resubmit the arc (or another one). However, if the deadline is up there will be no second chance so best thing is having it run smoothly from the beginning.
4. Content can be anything: I enjoy dark, humorous, sentimental, sappy, hardcore, you name it. Also, you will probably get the arc banned and removed long before you manage to offend me. So a banned arc is not disqualified as long as I had time to play it through.
5. I will especially consider and rate the following:
a. Story & Writing. Long or short doesn’t matter, whatever it takes to get in the mood. I’m not a loremaster when it comes to what’s canon or not, so you can get away with pretty much anything.
b. Use of maps. You managed to make me search every corner of Oranbega and enjoy it, kudos to you.
c. Use of custom groups. While a well written story with our known villains might be highly enjoyable, I suspect this is the area where arcs will really shine.
d. Fighting fun. Cakewalk or hurtful humiliation, it’s the combat we play for.
e. How memorable it was. This score will be set at the final evaluation.


1st place:

A painted mixed-media sculpture on a mini-diorama in 1:15 scale of a CoX Hero/Villain of your choice.

2nd and 3rd place

A full action painting or a painted figurine in 1:32 scale of a CoX Hero/Villain of your choice. Medium: Mixed-media, Digital or Ink/Watercolour .

4th to 10th place:
A colored drawing of a CoX Hero/Villain of your choice. Medium: Digital or Ink/Watercolour.

All prizes will be handled as commissions with approval of drafts, reworking etc. Digital works will be delivered in hi-resolution files by email. Non-digital works will be shipped free of charge. The prizes represent a time investment and commitment from my side so they’re of course negotiable ‘downward’ if, for example, the winner wants a smaller figurine or a simpler drawing.

In conclusion: Have fun with the Mission Architect and if you have an arc that you think I would enjoy playing solo, why not submit it here and possibly get something in return?



I rebooted my account today just so I could play with the MA on test later this week when the account info updates over to test later in a day or two.



I havn't got to really play around with MA as of yet but i am eager to get my hands on it though. I have a few ideas too.



Seems my first attempt at testing an arc ended with it being unusable from the "Level Range Invalid" bug even though all the enemy group is available from 1 to 54. I'll try again when I have more time to fiddle with it later this week.



I'll see about making up something. I might have to send the files, as I've used up all my publish slots until I take down "Nanny Filter".

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Sounds fun. I'll definetely be entering #13220, 'Welcome to Architect Entertainment' into this. Even if I don't win any art prize, it'll at least result in someone hitting it the first day of live.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




I started my "Legendaries Downfall" arc the other day. It's really just so our SG's CoV counterpart, House of Malice, can fight ourselves.

I plan on doing one with our HoM villains as well.

It was hilarious to get beat down by 3 Pep Rally AVs, and 2 Mr. mighty EBs when I tested it. In fact, the whole mission was just AVs, and EBs.
Don't worry, I'll fix it before it gets published since there really should only be one Pep Rally AV.



Seems my first attempt at testing an arc ended with it being unusable from the "Level Range Invalid" bug even though all the enemy group is available from 1 to 54. I'll try again when I have more time to fiddle with it later this week.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hey Turbo, glad to see you're back in the game! Nasty bug, hope it gets fixed soon.

I'll definitely be entering a story-arc, but which one to choose is the problem...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I probably won't be entering (as most of my published stuff is going to focus on group vs. solo content), but I'll definately be watching this thread in the event people post something fun to throw my Fortunata at.

Good luck to all of the contestants, and major props to Projectionist for this!



I'd like to play but since i can't get test downloaded due to bandwidth caps i'll be so far behind everyone else my shot at winning is slim. As well as anyone else who can't get test up. Sounds like fun though...

Roxy On DA...Finally!



This rocks. *cracks knuckles*



I would like to submit Arc #14101: "Setting the World A-Blayze" for your consideration. It's a simple, low level arc of 4 missions.

"Normally, the Hellions aren't much of a threat. But one of their Elites has discovered a means to greater power, and it's up to you to stop him." ((EB in the final mission.))

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



For my very first attempt, I did a 1 mission arc that features Thor's Assassin as a cameo along with Jade Beast, Turbo-Ski, Project Reaver, Sarix Morrison, and Lady Farsight.

"Torment be Dammed"
ID: 17044

Beware you fight 3 AVs at one time, but get 3 AV allies during the mission. Still not very easy, this is intentional.



Don't count yourself out because you can't play test. Work on your idea before and then you still have 4 whole weeks to implement and publish it once I14 goes live.

Also remember that public rating and number played does not enter into the consideration since this will be based entirely on my personal tastes.



All I have to say is your drawings are absolutely amazing and enough motivation I'd need to actually work on my Background Arc for submission. Only downside is mine is more of a story tool and not really meant to be a challenge so I'd lose a few notches right there. I will have to see where I can improve it for people who want a challenge.

Arakahs - Level 26 Mastermind
Lady Fayte - Level 50 Controller
Demintia - Level 50 Stalker



I'm submitting my arc for the contest, but I'll put it here for you to try out also: (also bumping it so others know about this contest)

Arc: RJ The Road Dog: Year One
Arc ID: 7544
Search Keywords "Road Dog"

My Blogs on
Angels of Wrath/Evilnighters/Legion of Catgirls
Mission Arc: #352860 - RJ The Road Dog: Big Trouble in Little Tokyo



Here is my official submission

Arc Name: Brass Reaver: Part 1
Arc ID: 16952
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Turbo-Ski
Difficulty Level: Easy (Hard optional), EB/AVs are present but you are given EB/AV allies to help take them down if you need them solo.
Synopsis: A Fake Reaver has shown up and started framing the villain Project Reaver. Your job is to investigate the Nemesis plot behind all this and find out what Project Reaver might really be.
Estimated Time To Play: 5 missions - 45 to 60 minutes
Enemy Groups: Carnies, Custom, Nemesis, Reflections

Further Comments: one EB/AV does self rez in this arc so beware.


Arc Name: Brass Reaver: Part 2
Arc ID: 59456
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Turbo-Ski
Difficulty Level: Easy (Hard optional), EB/AVs are present but you are given EB/AV allies to help take them down if you need their help solo.
Synopsis: Continues where part 1 left off as you (or your team) journey into Nemesis Sol's dimension following a vengeful Project Reaver.
Estimated Time To Play: 5 missions - 45 to 60 minutes
Enemy Groups: Custom, Nemesis, Rikti

Further Comments: The final EB/AV likes to spawn at the top of the room out of sight, use the stairs or fly up to reach him.



ooooohhh I'll have to get started



Thanks for the bump. I've been so engrossed in the MA I almost forgot about this. Haven't had many entries so far, I'll see if I can put an ad in The Scope.

Turbo_Ski, please PM with which one of the arcs you wish to enter. I'll probably play both but need one only for the judging.



Thanks for the bump. I've been so engrossed in the MA I almost forgot about this. Haven't had many entries so far, I'll see if I can put an ad in The Scoop.

Turbo_Ski, please PM with which one of the arcs you wish to enter. I'll probably play both but need one only for the judging.

[/ QUOTE ]
Corrected, and anyone is welcome to place ads in the Scoop.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Sadly I don't have much time currently, but I should have my first storyarc ready before the deadline.

Very nice idea Projectionist



You know I read this pre I14 going live and totally forgot about it? Dunno if you'll find it up to par with others, but can't hurt to toss my hat in as it were

Arc #: 52708
Name: Hijacking the Bitstream
Length: Very Long/5 Missions
Levels: 41+
Morality: Neutral
Contact: Architect Technician
Description: Architect Entertainment says the system is perfectly safe, but there's always a glitch in the system...



Projectionist, here's my entry:


Rites of the Maenads
Arc: 61159
Levels: 35-54
Length: Long (4 missions)
Contains: Cimemoran Traitors, Custom Boss
Synopsis: Romulus is at it again. This time he's after the secrets of the Maenads, wild women who follow the path of Dionysus.

[/ QUOTE ]

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



This sounds great. Here's my entry, it's something I call...

Pandas vs. Rikti
ArcID: 68930

Faction: Heroic
Level Range: 30-50
Length: 4 Missions
Difficulty: Medium
Estimated Time: 30-60 minutes

Synopsis: In a parallel universe, Earth is populated by sentient pandas. They've been invaded by Rikti, and they're losing. Using an ancient device to interface with our Architect system... they are asking for your help.



Entering my story in the contest:

Arc Name: Light of the Sun
Arc ID: 89545
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Skydance/Skydance
Difficulty Level: lv46+ recommended, slightly above standard CoH mission difficulty. Adds can be dangerous, final Boss is somewhat dangerous
Synopsis: Crey is up to something in Crey's Folly, and a young hero was already severly hurt. Janet Kellum is looking for an experienced hero to help her out.
Estimated Time To Play: 5 missions - 30 to 60 minutes, small maps, no defeat all, stealthing possible of some missions
Enemy Groups: Freakshow, Arachnos (very few), Crey + Crey Custom group.

Further Comments:
It is very helpful if the player is familiar with Gordon Stacys 'Revenant Hero Project' storyarc, and Crey in general. A plus if your hero has worked with Janet Kellum before (lv40-45 Crey contact).

The custom group is not overly difficult, especially solo they are not noticeably harder then standard groups. In bigger teams (or solo if more then one spawn is aggroed), some of the debuffs/buffs can stack quickly making them a more serious threat. Problem mobs will need to be identified and given priority.

The final boss is no pushover, but should not be impossible, inspirations may be needed depending on build/AT. She will scale down from Elite Boss to Boss on heroic.