Imperial Wind: Architect NPC Ideas




(Not sure if this is technically the place where this belongs, but given that it's costume and character related this seemed like the best place.)

While reading over the CoH timeline I see that the Japanese had their own metahuman Division, Imperial Wind, during the second world war. (Opposite England's Dawn Patrol, and Germany's Storm Korps.)

I'm interested in potentially creating a storyline for this group once the Mission Architect comes out, and figured I'd go fishing for Name, Costume, and Background ideas for NPCs (bosses/EBs/AVs) to flush out the group. (I'll of course make a Samurai themed character.)

I'm just curious what other people could come up with.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Oh, I have plans for quite a few of the groups mentioned in the backstory. I just hope we'll get the capability.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Man, did replies get wiped out by the forum weirdness?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sort of.

To fix a bug (supposedly), they had to roll back to noon, with all of the resulting posts munched.




and PMs, looks like.




At some point I could have sworn there were replies, but when I checked the thread there was only the first one I had already seen.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Well, at that time, Japan was bent on taking over territory, after abandoning their Samurai ways in favor of more modern ones. I would NOT go with a "Samurai" theme there. And since it was only the 1940's, I'd avoid anything too techy.

I tried to look up Japanese fashion and trends from the 40's, but there wasn't a whole lot said or shown on the subject, except that post-war Japan emulated America as much as possible.

Now if you're doing a modern version of the group, you have more freedom, but avoid Samurai, that's just cliche, IMHO. Now maybe I.W. -was- Samurai based, but in order to be effective in a super-powered version of WW2, you'd need more than katanas and flimsy armor to be effective. It'd probably be more effective going with a super sentia/power rangers motif.

Again, just an opinion.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Sorry to double-post, but i found this tidbit:

The leader of the Imperial Wind, Lord of Frosts, fights the leader of the American metahuman forces in the zone, Captain Volcano, defeating and killing him. [25] Lord of Frosts eludes pursuit and escapes.

So we know the leader is cold or ice based and may still be alive, but will be very old in modern times.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



What I was thinking of was doing a modern day take on them where after the war most of them (that are still alive) stuck around as Heroes helping the Japanese government and people, but there is one or two who are villains now.

I wasn't planning on making the entire group Samurai based, just one character. (I'm also one of what seems like 3 people in the world, who doesn't like Ninja, so I doubt I'll make one of them.)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Samurai are revered in Japan and are part of their culture, so I think a samurai character is perfectly fine.

In my now-missing reply, I offered the name "Onikaze." "Kamikaze" means "divine wind," a combination of "kami" (god/divine) and "kaze" (wind/cold). "Oni" means "demon/ogre," so "Onikaze" would be "demon wind." Which fits with Storm and/or Ice powers.

The Japanese fascination with robots and technology could be a good basis for a robotic Mastermind type character. I don't have a name to go with that, though.

"Hime" means "princess," so you could always do some evil princess thing, perhaps an immortal daughter of the royal family who was passed over or something. (I believe it's pronounced "he-may.")

"Ningen Kaiju" would be literally "man monster," which might be good for some sort of brutish, monstrous villain.

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