The TV Tropes Game III - TV Tropes Lives!




The idea is simple, go to the TV Tropes site and list here as many tropes as you can find that apply to your characters. These can include in-game and RP-only traits.

Don't worry about putting in direct links, just listing the trope name so others can search for it is enough. If the character is inverting or subverting the trope, mention that and how they do so.

I'll kick it off.

Cute Bruiser: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Vikki Vandale
Lady of War: Naga Obscura, Zetsumei Mitsukai
Gadgeteer Genius: Cobalt Stinger
Extraordinarily Empowered Girl: Everyone
Cloud Cuckoolander: Cobalt Stinger
Obfuscating Stupidity: Vikki Vandale
Lightning Bruiser: Kathode, Vikki Vandale
Badass Lolita: Vikki Vandale
Katanas Are Just Better: Naga Obscura
Dual Wielding: Zetsumei Mitsukai
Teleporter: Cobalt Stinger
Metamorphosis: Anna Nethema
Cat Girl: Kathode
For Science: Cobalt Stinger
Cute Monster Girl: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Naga Obscura, Vikki Vandale, Brimstone Mephit
Quirky Miniboss Squad: Mindskewer, Winterkill, Menshenbrecher, Amanita Infernis
Made Of Iron: Vikki Vandale
Determinator: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Vikki Vandale
Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu: Anna Nethema, Kathode (both fought Hequat, Goddess of the Mu.)
All Trolls Are Different: Vikki Vandale
Batter Up: Vikki Vandale
Drop The Hammer: Vikki Vandale
Improvised Weapon: Vikki Vandale
When All You Have Is A Hammer: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Vikki Vandale
Cursed With Awesome: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Zetsumei Mitsukai, Vikki Vandale
Artificial Limbs: Cobalt Stinger
Hollywood Cyborg: Cobalt Stinger
Ace Lightning Syndrome: Vikki Vandale (on occasion)
Science Related Memetic Disorder Cobalt Stinger
Invisiblity: Naga Obscura
Badass Blink: Naga Obscura
Anti Villain: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Cobalt Stinger, Naga Obscura
Action Girl: Zetsumei Mitsukai
Dark Action Girl: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Cobalt Stinger, Vikki Vandale, Naga Obscura
Perky Goth: Zetsumei Mitsukai
Kill It With Fire: Amanita Infernis, Brimstone Mephit
Incendiary Exponent: Anna Nethema
Hyperspace Arsenal: Cobalt Stinger
Ms Fanservice: Vikki Vandale
Combat Tentacles: Anna Nethema (Midnight Grasp)
Elemental Powers: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Brimstone Mephit, Amanita Infernis, Winterkill
Energy Blasts: Cobalt Stinger, Menshenbrecher
Mind Control: Mindskewer
Hellfire: Anna Nethema, Brimstone Mephit
Implausible Fencing Powers: Naga Obscura, Zetsumei Mitsukai
Combo Platter Powers: Everyone except Kathode and Winterkill
An Ice Person: Winterkill
Energy Absorption: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Naga Obscura
Impossibly Cool Clothes: Everyone
Stripperiffic: Everyone has at least one such outfit
Limit Break: Mindskewer, Amanita Infernis, Menshenbrecher, Winterkill
Magic Knight: Cobalt Stinger (Science/Tech version)
Magic Warrior: Zetsumei Mitsukai
Half-Human Hybrid: Anna Nethema
White Haired Pretty Girl: Zetsumei Mitsukai
Boat Lights: Cobalt Stinger (natural blue eye, artificial green eye), Amanita Infernis (eye transplant after the original was clawed out)
Eyes Of Gold: Anna Nethema (when they're not Glowing Eyes Of Doom.)
Monochromatic Eyes: Zetsumei Mitsukai (black), Brimstone Mephit (black), Meshenbrecher (albino)
Technicolor Eyes: Kathode (grey), Naga Obscura (iridescent copper)
Evil Redhead: Anna Nethema
Badass Longcoat: Cobalt Stinger, Vikki Vandale, Winterkill, Amanita Infernis, Mindskewer, Zetsumei Mitsukai
Dark Is Not Evil: Zetsumei Mitsukai
Five Bad Band: Anna Nethema, Cobalt Stinger, Naga Obscura, Kathode, Vikki Vandale



God no...

TV Tropes already encompasses too much of my life. I have burned out my brain!

I make many, MANY references to Dying Like Animals in my daily life. I can't afford to lose anymore time to it!

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Since getting Altisis, I think I would die if I tried to list all of my characters' tropes.







Ah geez... Not this again...

Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu: Toy Dispenser (For taking out Hequat)
Obfuscating Stupidity: Toy Dispenser
Cloud Cuckoolander: Solid Shot
Glass Cannon: Solid Shot, Toy Dispenser
Mighty Glacier: Lord Netharak, Brutish Ghoul
Stone Wall: Toy Dispenser (He switches between Stone Wall and Glass Cannon)
Dual Wielding: Balsk, occasionally Lord Netharak
Quirky Miniboss Squad: Mini Bot, Toy Bot, Small Toy, Large Toy, Block Bot, Combat Toy
Determinator: Lord Netharak
Drop the Hammer: Wielder of the Painpipe
Artificial Limbs: Balsk, Captain Farfield
Nanomachines: Toy Dispenser, Solid Shot
Lightning Bruiser: Rich the Claw
Kill It With Fire: Lord Netharak
Flaming Sword: Balsk, Lord Netharak
Hyperspace Arsenal: Toy Dispenser
Combat Tentacles: Brutish Ghoul (Midnight Grasp)
Energy Blasts: Archlich
Hellfire: Lord Netharak
Invisibility: Granash
Badass Blink: Granash
Implausible Fencing Powers: Balsk
Impossibly Cool Clothes: Balsk (What few he wears, anyway)
Limit Break: Toy Dispenser, Lord Netharak, Brutish Ghoul, Balsk
One Winged Angel: Lord Netharak
Winged Humanoid: Balsk
Magic Knight: Balsk
Glowing Eyes of Doom: Archlich, Lord Netharak, Granash
Technicolor Eyes: Balsk (red)
Monochromatic Eyes: Brutish Ghoul (white)
Badass Longcoat: Rich the Claw
Dramatic Wind: Toy Dispenser (blame his anti-grav field)
Light Is Not Good: Toy Dispenser
Five Bad Band: Toy Dispenser, Brutish Ghoul, Archlich (more of a trio, really)
Power Glows: Toy Dispenser, Archlich, Lord Netharak
Pure Energy: Toy Dispenser (force fields), Archlich (magic blasts)
Frickin Laser Beams: Toy Dispenser, Captain Farfield

*collapses* ...that's all the ones I'm doing...

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Hequat's not exactly C'Thulhu, Khell...

Her story involves the CoT and the Mu. Now, it's whomever's running the Coralax, then you've got the game's version of C'Thulhu.

EDIT: Oh... My bad... It turns out she DOES have something to do with the Coralax. However, it was that her people fought the "fish people" and the Leviathan, not that she was running them.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Hm, While I do ponder the merit of making a new thread for this every time...

Did You Just Punch Out Ctulhu: Acid Zero, Sage
Nanomachines: Acid Zero
Invisibility: Acid Zero
Artificial Limbs: Jade Blackwind
Arm Cannon: Jade Blackwind
Bottomless Magazines: Jade Blackwind
Swiss Army Appendage: Jade Blackwind
Cursed with Awesome: Jade Blackwind
Impossibly Cool Clothes: The Dark Dragon
Flaming Sword: Groul
Energy Blasts: Jade Blackwind
Kill It With Fire: Acid Zero, Groul
Who Wants to Live Forever: Acid Zero, Jade Blackwind
Older Than Dirt: Acid Zero
Limit Break: Ilar-Ilan Akeem
Glowing Eyes of Doom: Jade Blackwind
Technicolor Eyes: Jade Blackwind
Pure Energy: Acid Zero, Arek, Sage
Frickin Laser Beams: Acid Zero, Arek
Evil Is Sexy: Acid Zero
Our Dragons Are Different: The Dark Dragon, Groul, Arek, Jade Blackwind
Color Coded For Your Convenience: Acid Zero, Sage
Magnificent [censored]: Acid Zero
Karma Houdini: Acid Zero, Ilar-Ilan Akeem, Sage
Good Is Boring: Acid Zero
Teleporter: Acid Zero, The Dark Dragon, Groul, Arek
Anti Villain: Acid Zero
For Science: Acid Zero
Determinator: The Dark Dragon
Screw Destiny: Acid Zero
One-Winged Angel: Ilar-Ilan Akeem
More Teeth Than The Osmond Family: Acid Zero, Ilar-Ilan Akeem

*falls over*

No more...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




I just put it there cause Laz did, really. Though I suppose I could put Toy, Solid, Cher'tak, Archlich, and Balsk up there for helping to defeat Rularuu in AAR.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Five Bad Band: Toy Dispenser, Brutish Ghoul, Archlich (more of a trio, really)

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe you were looking for Power Trio?

And the Punch Out Cthultu counts for anything that no mortal should be able to take on, so Hequat being a Goddess counts.



That works. Toy's the ego while Ghoul and Archlich are the arguing Super-ego and Id.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Acanous has;
Lets get Dangerous
Crazy Prepared (Nukes and Shivans mostly)
(Double points because it's also Justified Trope)
Badass Longcoat
Magnificent [censored] (Heroic version!)
Bittersweet Ending
Good Hair Evil Hair (Goatee)
The Charmer (With UST thrown in for good measure- Vow of Celibacy and all)
Did you just Punch out Cthulhu
Did you just flip off Cthulhu
(Scrapper, nuff said)

Sadly, he's vulnerable to Heroic BSOD.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.

My thoughts on November 30.



Hmm... okay, let's try this.

Beam Spam- Energon X
Rain of Arrows- Target Lad (duh?)
Funetik Aksent- Jager Horowitz (well, all the Jagers, really, but he's the only one I brought into the RP).
Screaming Warrior- Horowitz again ("DOT. VAS. MY. HAT!")
Mouthy Kid- Target Lad
Just a Kid- Target Lad
Sidekick- Target Lad again (to Energon X, if anyone cares)...
Good Is Not Nice- Uhm... most of my characters. Tempus Fugitive most especially, though.
Set Right What Once Went Wrong- Tempus Fugitive
Glowing Eyes of Doom- Energon X (permanently, just for fun). Also The Scarlet Eye, although it's singular in his case.
The Time Travellers Dilemma- Tempus Fugitive (cheerfully subverted, since he really doesn't care that much. He's more concerned with making sure sizeable chunks of the multiverse don't go straight to hell and/or explode).
There Is No Kill Like Overkill- ... again, a lot of my characters, although Tempus Fugitive, Energon X, and Jager Horowitz are good at this.
Arrows on Fire- Target Lad
Bottomless Quiver- Very nearly literal for Target Lad (somewhat justified in that he's got a pocket dimension full of arrows)
Hammerspace- quite literal for pretty much all of my characters, mildly justified because they have to be pulling that gun/bow/axe/whatever from somewhere in-game.
Hyperspace Arsenal- Tempus Fugitive. In the most literal sense possible.
The Chew Toy- Target Lad, although at least some of that is more his own perception than reality... but probably not all of it >.>
Exploding Heads- The Scarlet Eye
Who Wants To Live Forever- The Scarlet Eye, although it's subverted fairly thoroughly, in that he's quite happy (or as close to 'happy' as he's able to be, anyways) to live forever.
Nigh Invulnerable- Jager Horowitz, given that he's basically a cartoon character (although this seems to be a fairly common trait of Jagers... or at least, they're really, really hard to kill)

Eh... losing interest. I'll stop for now.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



I'm so happy I don't have the patience to go through that site for all my characters.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



And the list goes on...

Scars Are Forever: Cobalt Stinger, Amanita Infernis
Winged Humanoid: Brimstone Mephit (uses them to fly)
Power Gives You Wings: Anna Nethema (too small for flight though)
Power Floats: Menshenbrecher
Rocket Boots: Winterkill
Too Many Belts: Goes for anyone wearing Buckled Leather or Chaos Leather
Goggles Do Nothing: Kathode
Spikes Of Villainy: Cobalt Stinger, Brimstone Mephit
Genki Girl: Cobalt Stinger, Vikki Vandal
Amazing Technicolor Population: Everyone
Glamour Failure: Mindskewer
Beam Spam: Cobalt Stinger
Spam Attack: Anna Nethema (Shadow Maul)
Deflector Shields: Cobalt Stinger, Naga Obscura
Spin Attack: Zetsumei Mitsukai
Battle Aura: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Naga Obscura, Zetsumei Mitsukai, Vikki Vandale
Diagonal Cut: Naga Obscura, Zetsumei Mitsukai
Invulnerable Knuckles: Anna Nethema, Kathode
For Massive Damage: Naga Obscura (Assassin Strike)
Crazy Prepared: Cobalt Stinger (Shivan, Nuclear Warhead, Quantum Rifle, Nullifier Gun, Rikti Rifle, Vial of Bees, etc...)



Fine, I'll take a crack at it...

Badass Normal - Roland Grey
Not Wearing Tights - Practically my whole roster.
C-List Fodder - Pretty much the plight my whole story is about. My characters ARE accomplished heroes, they're just always on the fringe of what's going on.
Luckily My Powers Will Protect Me - Kipland Durj, Randall and Cedric Grey
Strong As They Need To Be - Randall Grey, who has yet to lift and hurl a truck, but, hey, it could happen...
We Can Rebuild Him - Not the trope, but it's what happens with the Ryat Series of androids. There's only a hundred of them (well, one hundred one, counting the renegade Ryat84), but their numbers stay pretty much the same, regardless of what mishap befalls their group or what battle they fight. They get smashed apart at times (usually "off-camera") but their code usually survives, just fine.
Hammerspace - Roland's quiver actually connects to a rented pocket dimension that his friend, Sheldon Wallace, tosses all different kinds of trick arrows into. Despite the fact that Roland already has misgivings about "hero work," he doesn't sneeze at the "Neverending Quiver."
White Haired Pretty Girl - Sarah Grey-Durnan. Her hair's been white pretty much all her life. It's not what makes her psychic, though.
White Haired Pretty Boy - Cedric Grey. His hair is a very pale blonde, making it almost as white as his sister's. It's a genetic anomaly that runs in their mother's side of the family.
Ax Crazy - Ransack Rick (Coming soon!)
Elemental Powers - Ashen Roast (fire armor), Blizzard Front (water/ice attacks), Cory Simmons (fire and ice attacks; Thermodynamic Magic), Randall Grey and King Slater (rock armor), Ryat99 (ice armor and attacks)
Barrier Warrior - Kingdale Referee, Dale Simms, though he uses a sonic barrage to actually fight. He's also quite capable in a fight.
Energy Blasts - Ryat66, Nester Durj
Our powers Combined - Used only in a literary light, but also to highlight how truly awesome a Blaster/Tank duo team works, Ryat66 and Ryat99 often merge (with the smaller Ryat66 on his bigger brother's shoulders) like Malta Group Titans, providing a powerful walking war machine that hits like an M1 Abrahms.
The Beastmaster - Sarah Grey-Durnan, to a small extent. She communicates telepathically with the mascots of my series. Sheldon Wallace, his "Singularity" is actually his pet mutant gerbil (mutated into a living, breathing teddy bear), Felix, wearing a suit of the same gravity-control technology Sheldon uses.
Combat Tentacles - Solo Striker's "Assassin Strike" is his arms turning into dozens of tentacles, getting a firm grip on the enemy, and doing something BAD to them. This usually involves breaking limbs, but in the case of monsters and such, it's a twisting of the cranium until the face is looking back at him (and the head WILL turn).
Cybernetics - Most of my roster. It's how they explain how almost every other one of them who doesn't fly, teleport or superspeed hops about the city like rabbits on steroids. More specifically, Tyler Wild uses minor cybernetics to augment his combat training.
Eye Beams - The Durj Family, Kipland, Nester and Zeke, though all from different sources. Charlene Daring-Grey also has eye beams, and they're from a similar source as Zeke (as they're both hosts to Kheldians).
Flying Brick - Power Breaker and Raging James.
Healing hands - Nester Durj (though, technically, it's not his hands; but he usually has some form of his "medical tech" on hand)
Psychic Powers - Sarah Grey-Durnan, Angela Greene
Immortality(?) - Randall Grey looks younger than he is... Or at least, he did... He still looks somewhat younger than 51, but his body is starting to age in the wake of the second Rikti invasion.
Robotics - The Ryat Series androids. Though androids tend not to like being called robots, the Ryats could care less.
Magic - Cory Simmons (wizard), Mad Matt McGinty (Magic sword, also an Artifact Constructor), Blizzard Front (mystically altered to throw ice), Power Breaker (Malleus Mundi on the brain).
Sonic Scream - Kingdale Referee, mentioned earlier.
Super Intelligence - Sheldon Wallace
Super Mode - Randall Grey (Granite + Rage), Kipland Durj (Unstoppable), Cedric Grey (Unstoppable), Power Breaker (Overload),
Horse Of A Different Color/Mechanical Horse/Cool Horse Frankly, they should have "The Steed" and cite the Lone Ranger, but, oh well - Mad Matt McGinty and his magic motorcycle.
Healing Factor - Psycho13, though it's really regeneration.
Phlebotinum - In SPADES!
Cat Girl - Brackish (formerly Snuggle Purr), now named after the Kittie breakout song.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Cat Girl - Brackish (formerly Snuggle Purr), now named after the Kittie breakout song.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aww. I liked the name Snuggle Purr. It was funny, matched her personality, and lead to some hilarious battle cries.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Cat Girl - Brackish (formerly Snuggle Purr), now named after the Kittie breakout song.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aww. I liked the name Snuggle Purr. It was funny, matched her personality, and lead to some hilarious battle cries.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, she still screams "HUG ME!" while bristling with spikes.

Cool thing is, Spines/SR has proven to be exceptionally effective, so she remains on my "Regularly Played" roster (i.e Protector).

The change of name is more or less so she can be taken more seriously as a heroine. Her friends still tend to refer to her as "Snug," "Snuggle," "Purr," and "Snuggle Purr," so it's become pretty much her secret identity. However, this would be something of a sad note, as she can't remember her human name (if she even has one). Of course, she's ambivalent about it, tending to live in the moment, so she's happily accepted this new persona.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Yue the Oni:
Cute Bruiser
Red Oni, Blue Oni
Improbable Weapon User
Half Human Hybrid



Cat Girl - Brackish (formerly Snuggle Purr), now named after the Kittie breakout song.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aww. I liked the name Snuggle Purr. It was funny, matched her personality, and lead to some hilarious battle cries.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, "Brackish" sounds like the name of some fish-person from the Amazon.



It's probably easier to list the ones that apply by main character. Bear in mind that I already have an Amazon Brigade in the game, and very many of my characters share an origin that puts them in it.

Heraclea: Hot Amazon, Lady of War, Boobs of Steel
Daisy May: Hot Amazon, Granola Girl, Heart of Gold
Toxotes: Small Girl, Big Gun
Beata Beatrix: Hot Amazon, Lady of War, Boobs of Steel
Anactoria: Badass Lolita, Hot Amazon
Madame Nhu: Dragon Lady, The Baroness, Black Widow
Grignr: Dumb Muscle, Barbarian Hero

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Campbellian Hero
Seeker Archetype
Ridiculously Human Robots (Subverted because there's a reason)
Hyper Awareness
Pastimes Prove Personality (Watching horror movies/reading horror novels/researching mythology and lore)
Beam Spam (One type of attack mode available, referred to as "Rapid")
Wave Motion Gun (The other type, referred to as "Charge")
The Spock (Half of his personality)
Rule of Cool (What dictates the other half of his personality)
Just Think Of The Potential (Why he constantly seeks to investigate, dissect, and learn about the supernatural)
Arm Cannon ("Busters", a la Mega Man)
Badass Blink (Sometimes intentionally, just to be cool)
Monochromatic Eyes (White)
Glowing Eyes of Doom (All the time, really, but a very soft glow)

Action Girl
The Cape
Henshin Hero
Badass Longcoat
Campbellian Hero
Jumped at the Call
Ascended Fangirl
Transformation Trinket (natch)
Le Parkour
Dark Skinned Redhead (Subverted in how she's actually fairly reclusive and hermit-y)
Good Ol' Fisticuffs (Scor's "studied" many martial arts from manga/fighting games, many of which include just plain street brawling)
In the Hood (Standard attire, natch)
Honor Before Reason
Leaning on the Furniture
Pastimes Prove Personality (Playing video games/reading manga/watching anime)
Genre Savvy

The Cape
Henshin Hero
Campbellian Hero
The Charmer
Jumped at the Call
Transformation Trinket (natch)
Implausible Fencing Powers
Heroic [censored] (One-night stand)
Hyper Awareness

Action Girl
Badass Longcoat
The Gunslinger (RP-only, unfortunately--no guns available in-game aside from the temp shotgun/revolver)
Jumped at the Call
Oral Fixation Fixation (Loves lollipops and popsicles. Loves loves loves)
Pastimes Prove Personality (Watching professional wrestling, modifying her guns)
Personality Powers (Ice. Cold. 'Nuff said)
Deadpan Snarker
Punch-Clock Hero
Not Wearing Tights

Hyper Awareness
Slouch of Villainy
Punch-Clock Villain (Nowhere near as likeable as the trope portrays, but the first two lines fit to a T)

Cary Carrying Villain
Omnicidal Maniac
Face Heel Turn
Pastimes Prove Personality (Being a dick to people at the D, kicking small puppies and kittens)
Personality Powers (Mind based--crafty and manipulative. Ice powers--cold)
Good is Boring

Halt, Evildoer
The Cape
The Big Guy
Le Parkour (Lucha libre is all about high-flying, leaping attacks)
Good Hair Evil Hair (Subverted, goatee)
Strong Flesh, Weak Steel (AD has often bragged about his body being a fortress, and rarely wears armor--ICly, he's my most durable character, period)
Power Glows (The more powerful his attacks, the more flaming energy surrounds his fists)
Healing Factor
Made of Iron
Hot Blooded (Quite a bit calmer than portrayed, but JUST as passionate)
Honor Before Reason (And how)
Personality Powers (Incredibly tough/powerful. Headstrong, steadfast, and noble)
Shorter Means Smarter (Sorta. Though AD is nowhere near an idiot, Scor, Danesti, Redentore, and Jarrod certainly are smarter--and all are shorter than him)
Badass Spaniard
Captain Ethnic (I regret nothing!)
Gratuitous Spanish (natch)
My Kung Fu Is Stronger Than Yours (Has spent his entire life training and practicing in multiple martial arts, literally. Even right when he came out of the womb, he was being taught)
Frills of Justice (Male version. AD's teenager Untamed Beast outfit is significantly less fancy and frilly than his current Anonysmo Dragon outfit)
Never Bring a Knife to a Fist Fight (AD has laughed off several weapons, and refuses to use any himself. The giant fire sword is OOC, really, it's just a really powerful punch)
Megaton Punch
Good Ol' Fisticuffs (One of the martial arts he's studied is just plain bar brawling)
Wire Fu (Others he's studied are, well, fancy frilly eastern arts)
Wax On Wax Off (A quarter of his training)
Taught By Experience (Another quarter)
Invulnerable Knuckles (Somewhat subverted--every time he uses his Mondragon Rifle signature move, he shakes his hand for a few seconds afterwards to sate the pain. All other attacks, though, he doesn't even flinch)
Lightning Bruiser (While not LIGHTNING SPEED, per se, his agility and speed are above average human level, despite his incredible strength)

Seeker Archetype
Affably Evil
Wicked Cultured
Impossibly Cool Clothes (All his costumes are different types of very, very stylized armor)
Energy Absorption
Death is Cheap (He just doesn't DIE if he's killed)
Crazy Prepared (Backup plan after backup plan after backup plan after backup plan)
Meaningful Name ("Redeemer", applicable during his Face days)
Black Knight (natch)
Light is Not Good (Was originally designed by the Catholic church)
Face Heel Turn
Kiss Your Hand (Usually greets women with a flourishing bow and this)
Hyper Awareness
A Glass of Chianti
Wouldn't Hit a Girl (Has repeatedly stated he "doesn't like fighting women")
Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
Friendly Enemies (See "Affably Evil". Redentore can be incredibly friendly and pleasant company if you're not in his way)
Noble Demon (See, Affably Evil. Unlike this trope describes, though, he has numerous incredibly depraved moments)
Winged Humanoid (natch)
Kamehame Hadoken (One type of spell class at his disposal, affectionately nicknamed "Devastation")
Hermetic Magic
Vancian Magic (Can use numerous types of magic, really)
Calling Your Attacks (Required for several spells)
Evil Is Cool (Several people have said that Redentore is their favorite character in my roster, a fact I sigh at)

Badass Normal
Hyperspace Arsenal
Crazy Prepared (In the veins of hyperspace arsenal--Jarrod is capable of pulling almost anything out of his [censored])
Gadgeteer Genius (see last two)
The Eeyore

Alien Among Us (Sortakinda)
Personality Powers (Incredibly fast. Incredibly impatient)
The Man Wearing the Kingly Mask
The Chains of Commanding

Moe Moe
Mother Nature, Father Science (Most of Synaesthete's music is inspired by the "beautiful world" around her)
Friend to All Living Things (In theory. She often stays away from forests and animals due to allergies)
"Sorry I fell on your fist!"
Squishy Wizard (Non-magical variation)
Psychic Powers
Monochromatic Eyes (White)

Alignment (really)
Action Girl
Anti-Hero (So very, very much so)
Badass Normal
Scars are Forever
Impossibly Cool Clothes (I'd like to see someone wear a school outfit WITH chains, WITH flack armor, WITH goggles/gasmask, WITH lingerie, all at the same time. Can you? Didn't think so)
Prophetic Name
Badass Lolita
Token Loli
Heroic Sociopath (Subversion: The trope doesn't fit at all. The trope title? PERFECTLY)
Licking the Blade (Frequent. Sometimes she wipes the blade on her ventilator and BREATHES IT IN)
The Napoleon (While not unnaturally short, she IS the shortest of my chars and has the same temperaments, so...yeah.)
Not Helping Your Case (She says she's not evil, and I put her heroside for a reason. Raise your hand if you believe her. Yeah, thought not)
Real Men Wear Pink (aside from literally wearing pink, she has a very unhealthy interest in yaoi)
Yaoi Fangirl (As noted above)
The Daria
The Ruri
Gang of Hats (The Prisoners wear chains over themselves. The higher their rank, the more chains)
Rebellious Spirit
Not Wearing Tights



(Continued because all of it in one post apparently breaks the boards)

Lady of War
Stiff Upper Lip (Except not British)
While Rome Burns (See above)
Ninja Maid (Literally)
Meido (See above)
Badass Normal
Action Girl
Cute Bruiser (Not a little girl, though)
Small Girl, Big Gun (Not too small a girl, though)
"Sir, I have more dakka."
Really Big Gun (Also see above)
"Ne ne ne." (Ne ne)
Dressed to Kill (In either official suits or beautiful dresses)
Emotionless Girl (Though almost always with a demure smile of some sort, and always affably polite)

Energy Absorption
Meaningful Name
Master of Disguise (natch)
Magic Pants (Subverted, he shifts his own clothes whenever he transforms)
Heel Face Turn
Costume Copycat (Has several NPC villain costumes)
Identical Stranger
Latex Perfection (Isn't above using old-fashioned movie makeup/masks when his mimicking isn't perfect)

ARGORATH (Not made yet):
Red Oni, Blue Oni (Rather literal)
Our Mermen Are Different
Kill It With Water
Our Demons Are Different (Very different, and yet very similar at the same time)
Hell (Specifically, a Flooded Hell!)
Deal With The Devil (Somewhat required for him to reach God Tier, otherwise his power is limited in scope to typical superhero/villain levels--dealing with a person unlocks true power within him until the bargain is met. Which should lead to interesting RP opportunities)
Fish Out Of Water (Literally and figuratively)
Grimy Water (In the Flooded Hell)
Hazardous Water (Also in)
Underwater Ruins (Half of the Flooded Hell)
Down The Drain (The entire Flooded Hell)
Combat Tentacles (his "cape" is actually entirely tentacles, which can be used in a series of violent ways)
More Teeth Than The Osmond Family (The Taninim are sharklike demons, natch)
An Ice Person (When he's really bored or wants to mix things up a bit, he uses supercooled water instead of normal water)

Genki Girl
Ms. Fanservice
Action Girl (And how!)
Boobs of Steel (Subverted--has the biggest bust size among all my girls, but isn't that much more powerful than an average superbeing)
Most Common Superpower (See above)
Born Lucky (To incredibly obscene levels. Knows it and revels in it, but never rubs it in anyone's faces)
Beginner's Luck (Is often incredibly good at things she just picks up)
Improbable Aiming Skills (See above)
Improbable Fencing Skills (See above)
Cosmic Plaything (Has her "rules" entirely figured out, and also has figured out the why and how. Not teeelliiiiiing~~)
Plucky Girl (With a wink and a smile)
Not My Lucky Day (Often intentionally invokes this on herself, because "nobody likes a person that gets everything right all the time")
Older Than They Look
Million To One Chance (She loves these)
We Only Have One Chance (She loves these, too)
Card Sharp
Card Games (Plays many of them--favorites include Bridge, Poker, Rummy, and Blackjack)
Bridge (Speaking of which)
My Card (She always passes out a playing card, always the Queen. Whatever suit it is varies)
The Magic Poker Equation
Random Number God (Or shall we say, goddess?)
Leaning on the Furniture
Pasttimes Prove Personality (Gambling. Lots and lots of gambling. Also, flirting with cute men)

So, I'm pretty sure I win.




So, I'm pretty sure I win.

[/ QUOTE ]

We'll see about that.

Magic Skirt: Somewhat justified with the leather miniskirts, but those pleated ones are plain gravity-defying.
Evil Is Sexy: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Vikki Vandale, Cobalt Stinger, Zetsumei Mitsukai. Amanita Infernis is still good looking if you don't mind the scar, and Rule Thirty Six guarantees that someone out there finds Naga Obscura sexy.
Green Skinned Space Babe: Subverted by Naga Obscura. She's got some monstrous features and doesn't find humans attractive anyway.
Prophetic Name: Anna Nethema (what were her parents thinking?)
Most Common Super Power: Subverted, all the girls have the boob slider set to the minimum.
Rebellious Spirit: Vikki Vandale
Combat Pragmatist: Everyone, including the one hero Zetsumei Mitsukai, is a dirty fighter.
Good Old Fisticuffs: Anna Nethema, Kathode
Good Is Boring: Vikki Vandale, Brimstone Mephit
Tsundere: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Vikki Vandale
Not Wearing Tights: Leather is much, much more popular. Armor comes in second.
Le Parkour: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Vikki Vandale, Zetsumei Mitsukai
Shorter Means Smarter: Played straight with Cobalt Stinger, she is the smartest of the bunch. Subverted with Vikki Vandale, she's clever but not nearly as smart.
Badass Bookworm: Cobalt Stinger
Taught By Experience: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Vikki Vandale, Zetsumei Mitsukai, Cobalt Stinger
Homemade Inventions: Cobalt Stinger
Mac Gyvering: Cobalt Stinger
Noble Demon: Anna Nethema
Death Is Cheap: Anna Nethema, Zetsumei Mitsukai
Alien Among Us: Naga Obscura, subverted in that she doesn't care if anyone knows what she is.
Cut Lex Luthor A Check: Subverted by Cobalt Stinger. She makes a lot more money selling her inventions, on the Black Market of course.
Pet The Dog: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Cobalt Stinger, Vikki Vandale
The Fonzie: Cobalt Stinger
Ensemble Darkhorse: Naga Obscura
Token Loli: Brimstone Mephit, of course she may be Really Seven Hundred Years Old.
Just Think Of The Potential: Cobalt Stinger
Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Brimstone Mephit, although she is a fire elemental after all.
Bad Powers Bad People: Subverted by Zetsumei Mitsukai, a hero with life draining powers of darkness.
Touch Of Death: Naga Obscura (Assassin Strike)
The Paralyzer: Anna Nethema (Touch of Fear)
Out Of The Inferno: Fire means nothing to Anna Nethema
Strong Flesh Weak Steel: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Vikki Vandal
Crowning Moment Of Awesome: Vikki Vandale soloing the entire Council during the Vridian arc.
Personality Powers: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Vikki Vandale, Brimstone Mephit. Subverted by Zetsumei Mitsukai.
Sexist In Leather Pants: Anna Nethema and Vikki Vandale are female versions.
The Juggernaut: Vikki Vandale
Neutral Good: Zetsumei Mitsukai
True Neutral: Naga Obscura
Chaotic Neutral: Anna Nethema, Kathode, Cobalt Stinger, Vikki Vandale
Screw Destiny: Anna Nethema
Code Name: Cobalt Stinger (aka Tatyana Ivanov)
Meaningful Name: Naga Obscura (Hidden Serpent), Zetsumei Mitsukai (Death Angel), Vikki Vandale (Vandal, duh!)
Names To Run Away From Really Fast: Subverted with Zetsumei Mitsukai, she's a hero.
The Toblerone: Vikki Vandale, she's a short female BRIAN BLESSED.
Stat O Vision: How Cobalt Stinger often sees the world.



Lets see how many I can list for Seraphimel this time...

Out of the Inferno
The Big Guy/Gentle Giant with a bit of The Toblerone thrown in as well
Beware The Nice Ones - included with above trope
Berserk Button - When dealing with the Circle of Thorns
Heroic BSOD
Ancestral Weapon &amp; Flaming Sword - Angelic Greatswords FTW
Deal With The Devil
Determinator - Thank you, Rise of the Phoenix
Normally I Would Be Dead Now &amp; Not Quite Dead
Super Strength &amp; Invulnerable Knuckles, as well as the Neck Lift
You Can Barely Stand
My Name Is Inigo Montoya
Kill It With Fire
Curse Escape Clause
Glowing Eyes of Doom
Playing With Fire which, in more drawn out fights, leads to Impressive Pyrotechnics. Both are often combined with Infernal Retaliation as well as Incendiary Exponent
Our Demons Are Different
Prophetic Name &amp; Meaningful Name
Taught By Experience
Never Bring A Knife To A Fist Fight &amp; Good Old Fisticuffs
Made Of Iron with some bits of Nigh Invulnerability
Nightmare Fuel
Dark Is Not Evil
Chaotic Good
Noble Demon (to a minor extent)
Saving The World - Statesman's Taskforce
Crowning Moment Of Awesome - Hitting level 50 after solo-tanking the Weakened Hamidon on a Lady Grey TF with just 4 people (Me, a Master Mind, a Blaster, and a Controller) as a /Fire Scrapper
Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu? - Beating both Ruladak the Strong and Hamidon (Regular Raid version)
Trying To Catch Me Fighting Dirty &amp; Talk To The Fist
Glowing Eyes Of Doom
Technicolor Eyes
Power Makeover
Evil Makeover
Evil Is Cool
Power Glows
Took A Level In Bad-[censored]

Global - @El D

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