The TV Tropes Game III - TV Tropes Lives!




Dressed to Kill: Anna Nethema, when she puts on the business suit.
Unusual Ears: Kathode (Cat Ears), Anna Nethema (Devil Ears), Brimstone Mephit (Devil Ears)
Civvie Spandex: Cobalt Stinger sometimes wears a trenchcoat over her spy catsuit.
Super Senses: Anna Nethema (Hearing), Kathode (Hearing, Smell), Brimstone Mephit (Hearing), Cobalt Stinger (Sight), Naga Obscura (Sight, Smell)
Psychic Powers: Mindskewer
Psycho Serum: Vikki Vandale
Villain Team Up: Subverted. Anna, Kathode, Cobalt, Vikki, and Naga form a regular team with Brimstone as an extra. Mindskewer, Amanita, Menshenbrecher, and Winterkill work together all the time.
X-Ray Vision: Cobalt Stinger
Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys: Cobalt Stinger
You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Cobalt Stinger (bright green), Vikki Vandale (bright green), Amanita Infernis (green), Menshenbrecher (purple), Winterkill (blue with dark streaks)
Only Six Faces: Not many faces that I like using, so sometimes I have to get creative with masks, makeup, and other head details.



Amazon Brigade: Anna Nethema, Cobalt Stinger, Kathode, Naga Obscura, Vikki Vandale.
Black Magician Girl: Cobalt Stinger, Brimstone Mephit
Healing Factor: Vikki Vandale (continuous type), Anna Nethema (burst type)
Life Energy: Anna Nethema can steal it to heal herself and buff her damage
Shinigami: Zetsumei Mitsukai
Extranormal Institute: Montressor's Academy
The Ogre: Vikki Vandale (SMASH with extra SMASH and a side of SMASH!)
Team Pet: Brimstone Mephit
Explosive Instrumentation: Cobalt Stinger's force field generator
Techno Babble: Averted by Cobalt Stinger
Black Box: Cobalt Stingers cybernetics don't exist yet.
Royals Who Actually Do Something: Naga Obscura
Master Of Illusion: Mindskewer can use her mind control powers to disguise her true appearance.



How dare this thread die. Anyway, I found some new ones.

Vikki is most definitely The Ladette, although Anna has some of the characteristics too.

And then there is the Monster Mash:
Anna (Demon)
Cobalt (Cyborg)
Kathode (Catgirl)
Naga (Lizardgirl)
Vikki (Troll)
Brimstone (Mephit)