Freedoms Alliance - The Sacrifice *video
There, got your own topic, good!
Very nice video! Looks like you were having some framerate problems at the torch scene, though?
a very beautiful vid, I loved it very much

Horray! I love stories! Epic ones especially! And that did pretty good in my opinion. Personally I would have put in about 100 longbow agents in there and a larger arachnose force but I'm crazy like that and have no respect for my processor xD. But anyhow, very good vid, if you do another one let me know so I can watch it.
There's 4 kinds of smarts. Street smarts, brain smarts, survival smarts, profession smarts, and Me.
It's these types of videos made by CoX players that inspire me to go ahead and try my hand at them.
*thumbs up*
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

Thanks! I was going to put a battle sequence at the end, but that was a little too ambitious of a task for me at this point. Who knows - maybe later I will have an alternate ending. The whole video as it stands took a total of 32hours to make in a weeks time.. I'm learning patience
Awesome! Very well done.
"Scumball in the side pocket." - 8 Baller
just a question but what server did you make this awesome movie on?!

This video was created on the Freedom Server. The 2 main characters involved are Fire Eternal and Malor - 2 members of Freedoms Alliance.
sounds like a SG I wouldn't mind joining..

Our in game contacts are Dranagon, Perpetual Flame. You shouldn't have any problem tracking one of them down
yeah.. but what's the global?! hehe.. you know I just realized this but, it seems that good vids like this brings more people into SG's

My global is @Dranagon - also, I agree vids do bring people to SG's but not always the right kind of people. Looking forward to hearing from ya
Thanks! I was going to put a battle sequence at the end, but that was a little too ambitious of a task for me at this point. Who knows - maybe later I will have an alternate ending. The whole video as it stands took a total of 32hours to make in a weeks time.. I'm learning patience
[/ QUOTE ]
Exceptional directing work. Was let down by the lack of a battle though.
I also thought it would have been a good turn of plot if this had all backfired on ghost widow by bringing down the hammer on recluse's forces to get the guy back, leaving ghost widow worse off for having even tried.
Thanks! One of these days I may have an alternate ending (Big Battle scene)
Great work buddy, can't wait for more!
Malor - Hero- Freedom - 50 Inv./SS Tank
Solar Plexus - Villian - Freedom - 50 SS/Shield Brute
Thanks Malor and to everyone else that watched the video! Thank you for the comments!