Something of a request
Umm okay, first things first, no can quote prices here, that cause the Ban Stick...
1) What is going on with the feet, is the character part gorilla?
2) Are the grey parts metal? Or just costume color?
3) Are the ribs showing through the skin or on top of the torso?
4) Is the mouthless part a mask?
5) Is the black eye part a mask or color?
6) Are the spines on the back of the arm like spikes?
7) Is the sword arm a morphed hand?
8) Is the other arm, hand just all white?
Umm okay, first things first, no can quote prices here, that cause the Ban Stick...
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Of course, thats completely understandable. I'll contact an artist directly and get prices and payment optiosn sorted through, I just needed help from people with a better eye for design then myself to locate an appropriate artist.
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1) What is going on with the feet, is the character part gorilla?
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They're metallic claws. Just the design he went for.
2) Are the grey parts metal? Or just costume color?
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3) Are the ribs showing through the skin or on top of the torso?
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Not hundred percent certain, my initial impressions upon seeing his sketch at Supanova was that the ribs were metallic and sitting on the torso. These deviant art pictures seem to suggest that they are skin. I'll try and pump the little go for more info on that subtely.
4) Is the mouthless part a mask?
5) Is the black eye part a mask or color?
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He is basically a ghostly manifestation, he doesn't have any other facial features manifested.
6) Are the spines on the back of the arm like spikes?
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Just metallic spikes I think for the sake if aesthetics.
7) Is the sword arm a morphed hand?
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He can warp the ahnd into all kinds of shapes and weapons, normally its just a metallic hand, but I know he gave the artist a pic of it morphed into a sword.
8) Is the other arm, hand just all white?
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I think its all white, sort of like a ghostly featureless limb.
Current Hero: Memoriam
Current Villian:Matty the Burn
Global Chat: Azazel005
quick sketch attempt
Took lots of liberty with....everything hehe. Made the hand more techy then straight huge claw (and wasnt so sure about body / face / hair).
Dude, you.. didn't have to do that...
That's...a...quick...sketch? That's fantastic, a tremondous sense of style. Man does he look very ethereal and evil.
I'm sorry I am worse with gratitude then I am with asking for help, both way out side my circle of behaviour.
I know it wouldn't be exactly what the little brother is looking for, he'd want a full body picture. That doesn't diminish my gratitude. If there is anyway for me to compensate you for you time and skills please contact me.
(Pm through here is fine)
Current Hero: Memoriam
Current Villian:Matty the Burn
Global Chat: Azazel005
More sketches for your brother... I did them in blue, in case he wants to print them out and color them...
Heres another attempt
Oh dont worry bout compensation or anything like that for me... i have to practice drawing every day anyhow (and thought it would be fun to give eidolon a try
We got some generous artists here on the boards!
Three cheers for the generosity of our talented artists!
Sorry, been watching John Adams series.
Wow both New_Ink and Lady J did phenomenal work on the character.
I second the "that's a quick sketch" thing. Even though detailed wise they're far from something that had time put into it for a quick doodle they're still far beyond something most of us can do in the same amount of time. both of ya did a great job, and are awesome for kind enough to do what you did.
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
I will do a piece of art for 150 of your Kangroo dollars.
Is this a CoH character? If you have screenshots, that always helps.
here's a quick sketch
I am both very grateful and humbled by the generosity of time and skill shown here. I certainly didnt come here expecting such a reaction from the community. After spending some time browsing through TAs list of commissionable artists and Juggerthas suggestions for making a request I was simply a bit overwhelmed in particular regarding point 7 in Juggerthas list
7-Note that every artist is different: Each one will draw/paint in their own way. Look at previous works to get a feel for the artist that is right for you.
As mentioned gratitude is not my strong suit, so from the proverbial mouth of babes (Well the little bro is 14 but you know how siblings are, he always seems like a baby to me ) I offer the conversations we had on Sunday regarding this thread and yes, despite him being 14 I still refer to him as pumpkin
Me: I posted a thread, on Friday over on the Art boards at COX pumpkin, I was going to get you a commission to replace the one that never come from Supanova, some of the people there already jumped in and drew Eidolon for you.
<Show him pictures>
Bro: Oh cool, can I post on their Deviant arts?
Me: Sure buddy, what do you think though?
Bro: *non-chalantly*Oh theyre pretty awesome <cue little bro doing some sort of crazy deviant art organizing thing that I didnt understand>
Me: It was very nice of them though, be sure to thank them.
Bro:*still very non-chalantly* Sure will.
Ahh my typical little aspergers brother
wrapped up in his own thing I could barely get a peep out of him
later however.
Bro: I was looking at all those pictures, there so cool sometimes he looks really evil, though.
Me: Well he does look evil pumpkin; he is ghostly and has a giant sword arm and a glowing red eye.
Bro: Hes not though.
Me: Thats ok, but he is always going to look evil hes scary looking mate.
Bro: I guess.
<bro toddles off and comes back like an hour later striking up a conversation like there had been no gap>
Bro: These poses are so awesome.
Me: Sorry pumpkin?
Bro: The pictures from the COX people, they have some great poses, I was showing them to one of my friends and they reckon they are sh*t hot too.
Me: Haha, I am glad you like them it was very nice of those guys to help you out, you be sure to thank them ok?
Bro: Oh I will
Anyway he was most impressed and continued throughout the day to interrupt me, with new commentary on how impressed he was with all off your work.
So, I sincerely thank you all it made his day.
Current Hero: Memoriam
Current Villian:Matty the Burn
Global Chat: Azazel005
cool post
So what IS his take? Is Eidolon a ghost of someone? Meaning who was he before... How old is he? What are his powers? Who would he imagine playing him in a movie, or would he be like an animation character from one of his favorite shows? All these things will help the artist get closer to what the Creator (your brother) sees in his head.
Why does he only have 1 arm, but 2 legs that seem metallic or is it cybernetic? Is the hair suppose to be shaggy or anime like and spikey? Is that black shadow under his eyes, just shadow? But yet he has no other facial features... Final question, why did he call him Eidolon...
And give your brother my thanks, for liking our work!
It probably wont be the normal type of request here Id imagine, in short I am not asking for anything for free: p. Anyhoo, a story if I may

Hello there,
I do have something of a request, my younger brother the little trooper had recently dragged me kicking and screaming to an Australian comic book/anime convention, which really should be something Id normally love to do but those things scare me.
In any event, I took the little tyke to Supanova and he had a blast. And an artist there that was set up doing commissions caught his eye, by then we were running short of time and he didnt have an image of the character he wanted drawn. After telling him absolutely not and watching him fight back tears (its my own fault I have always taught him to be passionate about the things he loves, now perhaps he is a little TOO passionate) I told him fine but how was he going to get a picture for the guy to base it on? (Figure I had him here) Oh how wrong I was, the little guy in all off 10 minutes ripped up a cool looking sketch and thus I yielded and we went and waited our turn.
As it turns out however the artist was swamped, and was graciously willing to do the picture if we could leave it with him and hed post it out. Suppressing the raging alarm bells in my head, particular when he had no business card to give me with his contact details, I nevertheless decided to give it to the guy on faith, hell it had been a long day for me and Id just been wandering around looking at cool stuff, he was probably just tiring
Which may have been the case, as such though, he hasnt made good and attempts to contact him have pretty much seem him denying that hed agreed to do anything.
While it wasnt that it cost a lot of money, it WAS a lot of money to a 14 year old. So I have decided to take it upon myself do get him a commission
2 problems however, I have the artistic skill and eye for design of bag of sand and Id like to surprise him with it, and hence not ask him. So after perusing TAs thread and realizing that I have no skill on such matters I figured Id offer this up to people with artistic skill for suggestions.
Deviant art he has done on the character here
and also here
(His insane sense of humor is my fault to)
Price is not zero object, but not a major consideration here. Id just like to get him something that really suits the character.
Any suggestions are appreciated, I know rather a bit about the character, so I would be able to help the artist in clarifying things in the images but thats about all I can do, well that and pay.
Current Hero: Memoriam
Current Villian:Matty the Burn
Global Chat: Azazel005