PyroMindi Hits 50!
Gratz on fiddy! =D
PL Meh!
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
...That totally shut my brain off for a few seconds.
Tres magnifique.
(This poster fined 5 cool points for mangling another language, then another 10 for mangling French.)
I was totally there when it happened
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Hooray! Congratulations
Ding or schwing? I couldn't get past two.
Thanks everyone! Now to get my blaster to 50!
And that's why girl characters are so much fun in art. Boobies.
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.
