a return of sorts~
Very Nice.
And, of course, Welcome back!
Welcome back!
For that concept, Dark Melee is definitely the way to go, IMO. WP would be cool, as it does better when you're in a mob, using them for increased regen. That would be my recommendation....I think it would fit better than invuln.
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I think DM/WP would work really nicely cuase the -acc from DM will stack with the -acc from RttC.
Also have you given any thought to DM/SR?
You can get a lot of +recharge from the Dark Watcher Sets and the LotG uniques, if you wanted to RP that in as you having so much stored kinetic energy O.o. The -acc would also stack really nicely with the +def.
thanx all. and thanx for the advice about wp...actually went ahead and did the reroll yesterday as a dark/wp. liking the feel thus far and your thoughts actually kinda just make me feel like I went the right route at this time. given wp is completely new to me wasnt really sure....but wanted to check it out. so suppose its a win/win
didn't really think about SR, no. given SR is about avoidance of damage doesnt really work imo. he only absorbs when he is actually hit...wp and invuln work along those lines. while I suppose I suppose I could write off the "misses" as actually hits just being completely absorbed...its just easier for people to accept and go with if I went with a set that is more dam res than def. ...if ya catch my meaning.
again...thanx and thanx...much appreciated all ~
...the sword is truth...
I think DM/WP is a good choice given the background. I used WP/EM (Energy Melee) for my most recent Tank, and I'm really enjoying that combo.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
looked at that....but them Pom-Pom's of Death are a bit to bright for my tastes. I love the animations though...but just to bright for what I am attempting to achieve here. went scrap route as I indicated earlier and while still "young" liking the feel thus far. the "plan" is to actually focus a tad more on the defensive side than offensive. although I do plan on taking the scrap taunt...just wish it affected more than one.
in effect, could say I am attempting to make not a scranker but a tapper.
Citenik in CoH
...only realy difference are boots are the laced combat sort versus the metal ones pic'd here. otherwise spot on for how he appears. not only my first hero in CoH....but first hero [u]ever[u]...going all the way back to the ole yellow boxed MSH! ...yeah...I am a geek. LOL~
...the sword is truth...
I like the look, and I see what you mean about the powerset not jiving. One of the reasons I took EM is because it matched my guy's outfit quite well.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
very cool....definately like the retro look you have going there. the PPoD serve him well. ~
...the sword is truth...
Welcome back WP!
Nice to meet you!
well, been sloooowly getting back in to playing here and there and thought I would reroll good ole Citenik. although a bit torn on how I want to do this. given I actually am [u]not[u] a fan of CoV given the system drainin issues that's out...although brute is the best AT out there concept-wise. to bad they havent jumped over the AT's to both sides....)sigh(
anyways...so on CoH I have choice of tank or scrap. I could legitimately go either way and be able to explain em off. although currently thinkin scrap given that his concept power is this quite simply: he absorbs kinetic energy and converts it to physical strength. this same absorption also provides a measure of protection.
biggest difference though conceptwise is that tank seems to lack power for what I am looking at and how it all works conceptwise. actually leaning towards scrap...say either dark/invuln or even possibly dark/wp....but dunno just yet.
the damage potential is my big sticking point at this point. I can explain crits not as crits...but use of that stored kinetic energy that was absorbed. tank side...gets a lil rougher...plus the lower output in damage overall get to be a bit rough on the solo side of the house...not to mention my experience as a solo tank with invuln is a pain in the herobackside...assuming wp works a smidge better over all...
scrap dark/invuln....probably route will go but still kinda curious on the wp.... was thinkin I would actually focus a lot more on the defense side.
here he is, although I have posted my version of him before. thinkin on giving him a slightly new look but I can actually get pretty durn close to this in game.
...the sword is truth...