Slash Commands, Binds, & Macros, Oh My!
Modifiers are allowed to be applied to any chat command which enable you to change many aspects of the speech bubble above your character's head.
Syntax: /say <bgcolor color><border color><color color><scale #><duration #>[msg]
Scale sets the size of the text in the speech bubble for that message only. The number must be between .6 and 1.25.
Duration sets the amount of time that the speech bubble is displayed in seconds. The default display is 7 seconds and the duration can be set between 1 and 20.
Bgcolor sets the background color of the speech bubble for that message only.
Border sets the speech bubble color for that message only. Note this modifier does not affect the color of the speech bubble's tail.
Color sets the color of the text for that message only.
Color can be set as a 8 digit hex value like #FF0000xx or html color names like Papaya Whip. If you wanted to make any of your colors slightly transparent, you can add in an additional value (in the space marked xx) as a percentage. 00 makes it totally transparent (#FF000000) allowing you to see the scenery behind the speech bubble and leaving it blank (#FF0000) makes it completely opaque.
Chat modifying commands can be used with any chat channel (/tell, /request, /broadcast, /friend, /send, etc.) and may be placed before a message in any order.
If you would like to use additional characters in your chat binds, there are a few ways to do this.
Open up CharMap, under Start-> Programs -> Accessories.
If you don’t have CharMap installed, you can use MS Word. In MS Word, under the Insert Menu, there is an option Symbol, if you use Insert Symbol you can copy just like CharMap.
You can use pretty much any of the symbols that are listed here and there are more available as you scroll up and down. The first thing you will have to do is change the format of your text file that you have your binds saved in. The default option in Notepad is ANSI text and you will have to change it to UTF-8. You do this by clicking on File -> Save as. Select UTF-8 and save the file. You can now paste the characters from the CharMap (or Word Insert Symbol) Into your binds.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
/bind is designed to tie a specific command to a specific key. The command might be fairly elaborate, involving an action, speech, a remapping of auto-attack, and a few combinations of slash commands, but each time you press the key it always invokes the same command. "One key, one command" is the way /bind was intended to work. There is a way around this known as toggle binding.
Let's say that you want to bind some text to your character's taunt power, so that your character will actually say mean things to the villian when the power is activated. However, you don't want to use the same text over and over, because you don't want your group to get annoyed. So you come up with five different sayings:
"Get over here!"
"You're next."
"Who wants some?"
"C'mere, ya pansy."
"Let's see what you've got."
You could go ahead and bind each taunt text and your taunt power to a different key, but that would be wasteful. It would be more convenient if you hit one key, and each time you did so it called up a different taunt text. It is possible to configure a key to "toggle" through a set of different keybindings, but it's complicated. The way you do this is by constantly replacing your current keybinding with a new one, by including the command /bindloadfile at the end of that bind.
To set up a key that toggles between the five taunts listed earlier, you need to create custom keybind files for each of them. These keybind files need to contain three things: 1) the command to speak the taunt text, 2) the command to activate the taunt command, and 3) the command to load the next taunt binding
The first thing you need to do is to create five keybind files (tauntX.txt) and then edit each tauntX.txt file to include the three commands listed above.
t "local Get over here!$$powexecname Taunt$$bindloadfile c:\keybinds\taunt2.txt"
t "local You're next.$$powexecname Taunt$$bindloadfile c:\keybinds\taunt3.txt"
t "local Who wants some?$$powexecname Taunt$$bindloadfile c:\keybinds\taunt4.txt"
t "local C'mere, ya pansy.$$powexecname Taunt$$bindloadfile c:\keybinds\taunt5.txt"
t "local Let's see what you've got.$$powexecname Taunt$$bindloadfile c:\keybinds\taunt1.txt"
Pressing 't' will cause the character to say "Get over here!" and activate the taunt power. At the same time, the game loads the taunt2.txt file and (since the bind command is for the same key) overwrites the t key with the new binding. So the next time 't' is pressed, the character says "You're next.", the taunt power is launched again and taunt3.txt is loaded, and taunt3.txt's binding replaces the current one, and so on until finally taunt5.txt rebinds the key to load taunt1.txt, and then the cycle starts all over again.
To activate this sequence, use the command '/bindloadfile c:\keybinds\taunt1.txt'.
As long as you are willing to set up your files before you get into the game, you can create toggle binds for just about anything.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
You can bind a string of powexec or inspexec commands together that will trigger one power after another when you press the key multiple times.
For example:
Bind T "powexectoggleon sprint$$powexectoggleon stealth$$powexectoggleon cloaking device" would bind the T key so you could press it three times to activate cloaking device, stealth, and sprint - in that order. When using this type of bind, you must pause between button presses long enough for power animations to get underway, or else you may skip over a power listed in the string.
The basic concept is that any command string which starts with the + operator will get executed twice, once when you press the key down and again when you release it. All that needs to be done is to start any command string with "+ $$". The "+ $$" tells the bind to run everything on that line when the key is pressed down, and again when it is released.
Putting these concepts together will create a keybind that will activate mutiple powers faster. As a character gets more and more toggle powers this makes turning them on easier. If some, but not all, toggles get turned off, don't worry about which are still on, just hit the button.
Example: numlock "+ $$powexectoggleon Temp Invulnerability$$powexectoggleon Invincibility$$powexectoggleon Assault$$powexectoggleon Tactics$$powexectoggleon Maneuvers$$powexectoggleon Weave$$powexectoggleoff Sprint$$powexectoggleon Unyielding"
This is how it works. On the downstroke of the key it turns on Unyielding and turns off Sprint. On the upstroke of the key it turns on Weave, or if Unyielding has not finished activating, it places Wave next in the queue. On the next downstroke it turns on Manuevers, on the next upstroke Tactics. The following downstroke activates Assualt, followed by Invincibility on the upstroke. Finally, the next downstroke activates Temp Invulnerability. Four keypresses yields turning one power off and turning seven powers on.
If you want to get even more sophisticated, you can make a bind that uses the /bindloadfile command to load a specified bind file on the downstroke of a key and another bind file on the upstroke of a key. Since a new bind is loaded into the key when it is pressed down, it will run the new bind instead when the key is released. At the same time it will load in the bind's original configuration to do it all again with the next keypress. A second bind beginning with " $$" does not have the + at the beginning and only gets executed once, so pressing it will reset the toggle bind for you. The " $$" in the begining of the bind activated with the upstroke of a key (the second one) acts as sort of a reversal prevention, so that any slight movements won't cause it to reactivate the keyup/keydown event again until after the key is fully released.
The reason why that second bind starts with a space is because when a + bind gets executed the second time, the first character of the command string is stripped off. If you were to start the bind with a command like "powexecname" for instance, you would get an error message stating that "owexecname" was an invalid command.
1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\boost2.txt"
1 " $$powexecname o2 boost$$bindloadfile c:\cohbinds\boost1.txt"
On the downstroke of the 1 key, it selects the first person in the team and then loads the bind file from the specified location. On the upstroke of the 1 key, it executes O2 Boost and loads the first bind file, setting the 1 key back to it's original intention.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
Unbinding a Key
/bind enter nop
or reset it to the default bind of:
/bind enter "show chat$$beginchat"
This is useful if you've previously bound colors and other modifiers to a character's chat balloons, but now want to clear the bind because you are now using the sliders in the options window.
Setting a Speech Bubble's Colors
enter "show chat$$beginchat /say <color white><bgcolor black><border grey><duration 10><scale .8>"
Binding a Global Chat Channel to One Key
shift+enter "beginchat /send Victory "
ctrl+enter beginchat /send "Victory Badges"
Binding an Emote, Power and Saying to One Key
q "say <scale 1.25>$target, You Want Some Of This???$$emote taunt2$$powexecname Dull Pain"
c "say <scale 1.25>$target, Come Get Some!!!$$emote taunt1$$powexectoggleon Temp Invulnerability"
Easy Inspiration Usage
insert "tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color yellow>+ACC$$inspexecname Insight$$inspexecname Keen Insight$$inspexecname Uncanny Insight"
delete "tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color red>+DAM$$inspexecname Enrage$$inspexecname Focused Rage$$inspexecname Righteous Rage"
home "tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color green>+HP$$inspexecname Resurgence$$inspexecname Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecname Respite"
end "tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color blue>+END$$inspexecname Second Wind$$inspexecname Take A Breather$$inspexecname Catch A Breath"
pageup "tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color purple>+DEF$$inspexecname Luck$$inspexecname Good Luck$$inspexecname Phenomenal Luck"
pagedown "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color lightslateblue>BREAK EFFECTS$$inspexecname Emerge$$inspexecname Break Free$$inspexecname Escape"
ctrl+insert "tell $name, <scale .8><bgcolor black><color yellow>+33% ACC$$inspexecname Keen Insight"
ctrl+delete "tell $name, <scale .8><bgcolor black><color red>+33% DAM$$inspexecname Focused Rage"
ctrl+home "tell $name, <scale .8><bgcolor black><color green>+33% HP$$inspexecname Dramatic Improvement"
ctrl+end "tell $name, <scale .8><bgcolor black><color blue>+33% END$$inspexecname Take A Breather"
ctrl+pageup "tell $name, <scale .8><bgcolor blac><color purple>+33% DEF$$inspexecname Good Luck"
ctrl+pagedown "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color lightslateblue>MEDIUM BREAK EFFECT$$inspexecname Break Free"
alt+insert "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color yellow>+50% ACC$$inspexecname Uncanny Insight"
alt+delete "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color red>+50% DAM$$inspexecname Righteous Rage"
alt+home "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color green>+50% HP$$inspexecname Resurgence"
alt+end "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color blue>+50% END$$inspexecname Second Wind"
alt+pageup "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color purple>+50% DEF$$inspexecname Phenomenal Luck"
alt+pagedown "tell $name, <bgcolor black><color lightslateblue>LARGE BREAK EFFECT$$inspexecname Escape"
By stacking multiple inspexecname commands in a bind, you call the inspirations from right to left. Any inspirations that you do not have in inventory are skipped. For example, suppose you have Keen Insight and Insight in your inspiration inventory. You decide to use an accuracy inspiration and press the insert key. The game skips Uncanny Insight because you do not have it in your inventory and executes Keen Insight instead. If you did not have Keen Insight, the game would have used an Insight inspiration in it's place. This bind also uses a self-referential /tell to inform you of what you just did.
Inspiration Combine Commands
shift+insert "inspcombine enrage insight$$inspcombine luck insight$$inspcombine catch_a_breath insight$$inspcombine respite insight$$inspcombine sturdy insight$$inspcombine break_free insight$$inspcombine awaken insight"
shift+delete "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine break_free enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage"
shift+home "inspcombine insight respite$$inspcombine luck respite$$inspcombine catch_a_breath respite$$inspcombine enrage respite$$inspcombine sturdy respite$$inspcombine break_free respite$$inspcombine awaken respite"
shift+end "inspcombine insight catch_a_breath$$inspcombine luck catch_a_breath$$inspcombine enrage catch_a_breath$$inspcombine respite catch_a_breath$$inspcombine sturdy catch_a_breath$$inspcombine break_free catch_a_breath"
shift+pageup "inspcombine insight luck$$inspcombine enrage luck$$inspcombine catch_a_breath luck$$inspcombine respite luck$$inspcombine sturdy luck$$inspcombine break_free luck$$inspcombine awaken luck"
shift+pagedown "inspcombine insight sturdy$$inspcombine luck sturdy$$inspcombine catch_a_breath sturdy$$inspcombine respite sturdy$$inspcombine enrage sturdy$$inspcombine break_free sturdy$$inspcombine awaken sturdy"
Movement Binds
My Speed On Demand, Super Speed on Demand & a Hover/Fly Bind
/macro FLIGHT "++up$$powexectoggleoff sprint$$powexectoggleon fly$$bindloadfile c:\kb\fly.txt"
/macro RUN "powexectoggleoff sprint$$powexectoggleoff hover$$powexectoggleoff fly$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sprinton.txt"
/macro SS "powexectoggleoff super speed$$powexectoggleoff sprint$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sson.txt"
numpad8 "+forward$$powexectoggleon sprint$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sprintoff.txt"
numpad5 "+backward$$powexectoggleon sprint$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sprintoff.txt"
numpad7 "+left$$powexectoggleon sprint$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sprintoff.txt"
numpad9 "+right$$powexectoggleon sprint$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sprintoff.txt"
space "+up"
numpad0 "powexecname sprint$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sprinton.txt"
multiply "follow$$powexectoggleon sprint"
divide "autorun 1$$powexectoggleon sprint"
numpad8 "-forward$$powexectoggleoff sprint$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sprinton.txt"
numpad5 "-backward$$powexectoggleoff sprint$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sprinton.txt"
numpad7 "-left$$powexectoggleoff sprint$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sprinton.txt"
numpad9 "-right$$powexectoggleoff sprint$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sprinton.txt"
numpad8 "+forward$$powexectoggleon fly$$bindloadfile c:\kb\hover.txt"
numpad5 "+backward$$powexectoggleon fly$$bindloadfile c:\kb\hover.txt"
numpad7 "+left$$powexectoggleon fly$$bindloadfile c:\kb\hover.txt"
numpad9 "+right$$powexectoggleon fly$$bindloadfile c:\kb\hover.txt"
numpadenter "+down$$powexectoggleon fly$$bindloadfile c:\kb\hover.txt"
space "+up$$powexectoggleon fly$$bindloadfile c:\kb\hover.txt"
multiply "follow$$powexectoggleon fly"
divide "autorun 1$$powexectoggleon fly"
numpad0 "powexecname hover$$bindloadfile c:\kb\fly.txt"
numpad8 "-forward$$powexectoggleon hover$$bindloadfile c:\kb\fly.txt"
numpad5 "-backward$$powexectoggleon hover$$bindloadfile c:\kb\fly.txt"
numpad7 "-left$$powexectoggleon hover$$bindloadfile c:\kb\fly.txt"
numpad9 "-right$$powexectoggleon hover$$bindloadfile c:\kb\fly.txt"
numpadenter "-down$$powexectoggleon hover$$bindloadfile c:\kb\fly.txt"
space "-up$$powexectoggleon hover$$bindloadfile c:\kb\fly.txt"
numpad8 "+forward$$powexectoggleon super speed$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ssoff.txt"
numpad5 "+backward$$powexectoggleon super speed$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ssoff.txt"
numpad7 "+left$$powexectoggleon super speed$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sson.txt"
numpad9 "+right$$powexectoggleon super speed$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ssoff.txt"
space "+up"
numpad0 "powexecname super speed$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sson.txt"
multiply "follow$$powexectoggleon super speed"
divide "autorun 1$$powexectoggleon super speed"
numpad8 "-forward$$powexectoggleoff super speed$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sson.txt"
numpad5 "-backward$$powexectoggleoff super speed$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sson.txt"
numpad7 "-left$$powexectoggleoff super speed$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sson.txt"
numpad9 "-right$$powexectoggleoff super speed$$bindloadfile c:\kb\sson.txt"
Fast & Easy Teleport Binds
lshift "+ $$visscale 2.0$$shadowvol 0$$ss 0$$windowhide menu$$windowhide target$$windowhide chat$$windowhide tray$$camdist 300t$$bindloadfile c:\kb\tp1.txt"
shift+lbutton nop
lshift " $$visscale 0.5$$shadowvol 2$$ss 2$$show menu$$show target$$show chat$$show tray$$camreset$$bindloadfile c:\kb\tp0.txt"
shift+lbutton "powexecname teleport"
One Click Recall Friend with Message
control+lbutton "tell $target, $target prepare to be teleported to my location$$powexecname recall friend"
One Click Teleport Foe
alt+lbutton "powexecname teleport foe"
divide "autorun 1$$++up$$powexectoggleon super jump"
Power Use Made Easy
Multiple Powers on Auto-fire
numpad8 "+forward$$powexecname hasten$$bindloadfile c:\kb\auto2.txt"
numpad8 "+forward$$powexecname dull pain$$bindloadfile c:\kb:auto1.txt"
Pressing the key to move forward also activates a power. The second press of that key moves forward, activates a different power and reloads the first bind. It is recommended that if you do intend to use your powers this way, turn down your sound to avoid the recharging sound.
Useful Combat Bind for Melee Archetypes
subtract "powexecunqueue$$unselect$$autorun 0$$targetenemynear$$follow$$powexecauto Y$$powexecname X$$tell $name, <color red><bgcolor black><scale .6>Targeting $target!"
Replace Y with the name of the attack you either use most often, or the name of the attack that starts your attack chain. Replace X with the name of the power that is the second attack in your chain or the second most used power.
Pressing the subtract key will un-queue any power or inspiration queued, un-select your current target, stop your movement, target the nearest enemy in your Line of Sight (LOS), follow them, execute or queue power X if you are not in range and also send a tell to you indicating who your current target is. If you are in range of an enemy as you execute this bind, it will seem as if you triggered two powers with one key-press because power X will activate immediately followed by power Y, which is executing automatically.
Allowing Your Group To Get In Range of a Buff Before Triggering the Power
shift+f12 "+ $$say Gather around $name for Accelerate Metabolism$$bindloadfile c:\kb\buff2.txt"
shift+f12 " $$powexecname Accelerate Metabolism$$bindloadfile c:\kb\buff1.txt"
Use this type of bind for any type group buffing power such as Group Invisibility, Recovery Aura, Regeneration Aura, Inertial Reduction, etc. Press and hold trigger until everyone is in range, then release to activate power.
Buffing Your Entire Team Quickly
shift+1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$follow$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$powexecname Insulation Shield"
shift+2 "+ $$teamselect 2$$follow$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$powexecname Insulation Shield"
shift+3 "+ $$teamselect 3$$follow$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$powexecname Insulation Shield"
shift+4 "+ $$teamselect 4$$follow$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$powexecname Insulation Shield"
shift+5 "+ $$teamselect 5$$follow$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$powexecname Insulation Shield"
shift+6 "+ $$teamselect 6$$follow$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$powexecname Insulation Shield"
shift+7 "+ $$teamselect 7$$follow$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$powexecname Insulation Shield"
shift+8 "+ $$teamselect 8$$follow$$powexecname Deflection Shield$$powexecname Insulation Shield"
Key press targets teammate and activates power furthest to the right. Release queues the second power from the right. Change power names for other powersets such as Speed Boost & Increase Density or Clear Mind & Heal Other, etc. If you release the key after the left-most power is finished activating, it will re-queue that power without firing off the power further to the left. For best results, press and release quickly.
Using Interuptable Powers without being Interrupted
shift+1 "+ $$teamselect 1$$g $target Stop Moving. I'm trying to get close enough to heal you.$$follow$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao2.txt"
shift+2 "+ $$teamselect 2$$g $target Stop Moving. I'm trying to get close enough to heal you.$$follow$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao2.txt"
shift+3 "+ $$teamselect 3$$g $target Stop Moving. I'm trying to get close enough to heal you.$$follow$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao2.txt"
shift+4 "+ $$teamselect 4$$g $target Stop Moving. I'm trying to get close enough to heal you.$$follow$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao2.txt"
shift+5 "+ $$teamselect 5$$g $target Stop Moving. I'm trying to get close enough to heal you.$$follow$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao2.txt"
shift+6 "+ $$teamselect 6$$g $target Stop Moving. I'm trying to get close enough to heal you.$$follow$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao2.txt"
shift+7 "+ $$teamselect 7$$g $target Stop Moving. I'm trying to get close enough to heal you.$$follow$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao2.txt"
shift+8 "+ $$teamselect 8$$g $target Stop Moving. I'm trying to get close enough to heal you.$$follow$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao2.txt"
shift+1 " $$-forward$$g $target don't move I'm starting to heal you.$$powexecname aid other$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao1.txt"
shift+2 " $$-forward$$g $target don't move I'm starting to heal you.$$powexecname aid other$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao1.txt"
shift+3 " $$-forward$$g $target don't move I'm starting to heal you.$$powexecname aid other$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao1.txt"
shift+4 " $$-forward$$g $target don't move I'm starting to heal you.$$powexecname aid other$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao1.txt"
shift+5 " $$-forward$$g $target don't move I'm starting to heal you.$$powexecname aid other$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao1.txt"
shift+6 " $$-forward$$g $target don't move I'm starting to heal you.$$powexecname aid other$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao1.txt"
shift+7 " $$-forward$$g $target don't move I'm starting to heal you.$$powexecname aid other$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao1.txt"
shift+8 " $$-forward$$g $target don't move I'm starting to heal you.$$powexecname aid other$$bindloadfile c:\kb\ao1.txt"
Aid Other is a difficult power to use in combat because it can be interrupted. Using a bind like this, allows you to quickly select a teammate, get close to them using follow and fire off the power while ensuring you remain motionless and uninterrupted by your own movement.
One Click Usage of Targeted Powers
Use a chord key (such as shift, alt or control) plus a left mouse-click to execute these types of powers with one touch. Examples of these types of powers include: Tar Patch, Rain of Fire, Freezing Rain, Caltrops, Teleport Foe, etc. For example: [control+lbutton "powexecname tar patch"] allows you to activate and target the tar patch wherever your mouse arrow is when you click the left button. This elimnates the need to either click twice with the mouse (once on the power tray icon and a second time for targeting) or press a button and then target with the mouse.
Mastermind Quickload files
shift+lbutton "powexecname Summon Demonlings"
ctrl+lbutton "powexecname Summon Demons"
alt+lbutton "powexecname Summon Demon Prince"
shift+subtract "petcomall at def"
subtract "petcomall at ag"
numlock "petcomall stay"
rbutton "petcomall goto"
insert "tell $name, +ACC to $target$$inspexecpettarget uncanny insight$$inspexecpettarget keen insight$$inspexecpettarget insight$$targetcustomnext mypet"
delete "tell $name, +DAM to $target$$inspexecpettarget righteous rage$$inspexecpettarget focused rage$$inspexecpettarget enrage$$targetcustomnext mypet"
ctrl+insert "tell $name, +ACC$$inspexecname uncanny insight$$inspexecname keen insight$$inspexecname insight"
ctrl+delete "tell $name, +DAM$$inspexecname righteous rage$$inspexecname focused rage$$inspexecname enrage"
shift+lbutton "powexecname soldiers"
ctrl+lbutton "powexecname spec ops"
alt+lbutton "powexecname commando"
shift+subtract "petcomall at def"
subtract "petcomall at ag"
numlock "petcomall stay"
rbutton "petcomall goto"
insert "tell $name, +ACC to $target$$inspexecpettarget uncanny insight$$inspexecpettarget keen insight$$inspexecpettarget insight$$targetcustomnext mypet"
delete "tell $name, +DAM to $target$$inspexecpettarget righteous rage$$inspexecpettarget focused rage$$inspexecpettarget enrage$$targetcustomnext mypet"
ctrl+insert "tell $name, +ACC$$inspexecname uncanny insight$$inspexecname keen insight$$inspexecname insight"
ctrl+delete "tell $name, +DAM$$inspexecname righteous rage$$inspexecname focused rage$$inspexecname enrage"
shift+lbutton "powexecname zombie horde"
ctrl+lbutton "powexecname grave knight"
alt+lbutton "powexecname lich"
shift+subtract "petcomall at def"
subtract "petcomall at ag"
numlock "petcomall stay"
rbutton "petcomall goto"
insert "tell $name, +ACC to $target$$inspexecpettarget uncanny insight$$inspexecpettarget keen insight$$inspexecpettarget insight$$targetcustomnext mypet"
delete "tell $name, +DAM to $target$$inspexecpettarget righteous rage$$inspexecpettarget focused rage$$inspexecpettarget enrage$$targetcustomnext mypet"
ctrl+insert "tell $name, +ACC$$inspexecname uncanny insight$$inspexecname keen insight$$inspexecname insight"
ctrl+delete "tell $name, +DAM$$inspexecname righteous rage$$inspexecname focused rage$$inspexecname enrage"
shift+lbutton "powexecname call genin"
ctrl+lbutton "powexecname call jounin"
alt+lbutton "powexecname oni"
shift+subtract "petcomall at def"
subtract "petcomall at ag"
numlock "petcomall stay"
rbutton "petcomall goto"
insert "tell $name, +ACC to $target$$inspexecpettarget uncanny insight$$inspexecpettarget keen insight$$inspexecpettarget insight$$targetcustomnext mypet"
delete "tell $name, +DAM to $target$$inspexecpettarget righteous rage$$inspexecpettarget focused rage$$inspexecpettarget enrage$$targetcustomnext mypet"
ctrl+insert "tell $name, +ACC$$inspexecname uncanny insight$$inspexecname keen insight$$inspexecname insight"
ctrl+delete "tell $name, +DAM$$inspexecname righteous rage$$inspexecname focused rage$$inspexecname enrage"
shift+lbutton "powexecname battle drones"
ctrl+lbutton "powexecname protector bots"
alt+lbutton "powexecname assault bot"
shift+subtract "petcomall at def"
subtract "petcomall at ag"
numlock "petcomall stay"
rbutton "petcomall goto"
insert "tell $name, +ACC to $target$$inspexecpettarget uncanny insight$$inspexecpettarget keen insight$$inspexecpettarget insight$$targetcustomnext mypet"
delete "tell $name, +DAM to $target$$inspexecpettarget righteous rage$$inspexecpettarget focused rage$$inspexecpettarget enrage$$targetcustomnext mypet"
ctrl+insert "tell $name, +ACC$$inspexecname uncanny insight$$inspexecname keen insight$$inspexecname insight"
ctrl+delete "tell $name, +DAM$$inspexecname righteous rage$$inspexecname focused rage$$inspexecname enrage"
shift+lbutton "powexecname call thugs"
ctrl+lbutton "powexecname call enforcer"
alt+lbutton "powexecname call bruiser"
shift+subtract "petcomall at def"
subtract "petcomall at ag"
numlock "petcomall stay"
rbutton "petcomall goto"
insert "tell $name, +ACC to $target$$inspexecpettarget uncanny insight$$inspexecpettarget keen insight$$inspexecpettarget insight$$targetcustomnext mypet"
delete "tell $name, +DAM to $target$$inspexecpettarget righteous rage$$inspexecpettarget focused rage$$inspexecpettarget enrage$$targetcustomnext mypet"
ctrl+insert "tell $name, +ACC$$inspexecname uncanny insight$$inspexecname keen insight$$inspexecname insight"
ctrl+delete "tell $name, +DAM$$inspexecname righteous rage$$inspexecname focused rage$$inspexecname enrage"
Turning On or Off Multiple Toggle Powers
numlock "+ $$powexectoggleon Temp Invulnerability$$powexectoggleon Invincibility$$powexectoggleon Assault$$powexectoggleon Tactics$$powexectoggleon Maneuvers$$powexectoggleon Weave$$powexectoggleon Unyielding"
shift+numlock "powexectoggleoff Temp Invulnerability$$powexectoggleoff Invincibility$$powexectoggleoff Assault$$powexectoggleoff Tactics$$powexectoggleoff Maneuvers$$powexectoggleoff Weave$$powexectoggleon Sprint$$powexectoggleoff Unyielding$$powexectoggleoff Tough"
Pressing and releasing numlock will turn on the listed powers from right to left. The first press and release will turn on Unyielding and queue Weave. As Weave is finished activating, another press and release will activate Manuevers and queue Tactics. Repeat until all toggles are on. This is useful just in case some, but not all, of a character's toggles are shut off. Keep pressing numlock and the game will skip powers that are already on, and queue or turn on powers that are off.
Using powexectoggleoff will allow you to turn off any number of powers, up to the maximum character length of a command line, with only one keypress.
Cycling Through Different Sayings When Using a Power
Create multiple text files, for example : taunt1.txt, taunt2.txt, taunt3.txt, taunt4.txt and taunt5.txt. In each file, fill in a template such as
[trigger] "say [string]$$powexecname [power]$$bindloadfile [dir\path\filename]" with your custom settings for what you want to say, what power you want to use, where your bind files are, etc. The name of the file that bindloadfile calls should be taunt x+1.txt of the file you are working in.
For Example:
t "say Get over here!$$powexecname Taunt$$bindloadfile c:\kb\taunt2.txt"
t "say You're next.$$powexecname Taunt$$bindloadfile c:\kb\taunt3.txt"
t "say Who wants some?$$powexecname Taunt$$bindloadfile c:\kb\taunt4.txt"
t "say C'mere, ya pansy.$$powexecname Taunt$$bindloadfile c:\kb\taunt5.txt"
t "say Let's see what you've got.$$powexecname Taunt$$bindloadfile c:\kb\taunt1.txt"
Notice that the last file in the sequence names the first file to restart the loop again.
In the game, load any one of these files using the "/bindloadfile c:\kb\taunt1.txt" command. It is recommended if you do intend to cycle through sayings for any power, you have AT LEAST 10 different sayings, preferably more.
Changing Your Costume Using Powers as Special Effects
k "cc 0"
shift+k "+ $$say Let's get Frozen!$$powexectoggleon Chilling Embrace$$bindloadfile c:\kb\costume1a.txt"
control+k "+ $$say Bring Forth the Dancing Sword of Flame!$$powexectoggleon Stealth$$bindloadfile c:\kb\costume1a.txt"
alt+k "+ $$say Beware the Flying Shards of Ice!!!$$powexectoggleon Whirlwind$$bindloadfile c:\kb\costume1a.txt"
shift+k " $$say Who wants Slushies?$$sgmodeset 1$$cc 1$$powexectoggleon Frozen Armor$$bindloadfile c:\kb\costume1.txt"
control+k " $$cc 2$$powexcname Fire Sword Circle$$bindloadfile c:\kb\costume1.txt"
alt+k " $$cc 3$$powexectoggleon Icicles$$powexctoggleoff Whirlwind$$bindloadfile c:\kb\costume1.txt"
Kheldian Binds
subtract "powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$gototray 1$$powexectoggleon Shining Shield"
add "powexectoggleon Bright Nova$$gototray 3"
numpadenter "powexectoggleon White Dwarf$$gototray 4$$bind shift+lbutton powexecname White Dwarf Step"
numpad0 "powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$gototray 1$$powexectoggleon Quantum Flight"
This last bind switches from any form to human, switches to tray 1 and turns on Quantum Flight.
subtract "powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexectoggleoff
Black Dwarf$$gototray 1$$powexectoggleon Gravity Shield$$bind shift+lbutton powexecname shadow step"
add "powexectoggleon Dark Nova$$gototray 3"
numpadenter "powexectoggleon Black Dwarf$$gototray 4$$bind shift+lbutton powexecname Black Dwarf Step"
numpad0 "powexectoggleoff Dark Nova$$powexectoggleoff Black Dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$powexectoggleon Nebulous Form$$bind shift+lbutton powexecname shadow step"
This last bind switches from any form to human, switches to tray 1 and activates Nebulous Form. Also binds human form teleport to shift+lbutton.
If you wish to use movement binds designed for other archetypes, the names for the equivilent Kheldian transport powers are: Recall Friend = Shadow Recall, Teleport Foe = Starless Step, Teleport = Shadow Step, White Dwarf Teleport = White Dwarf Step, Black Dwarf Teleport = Black Dwarf Step, Hover = Combat Flight, Fly = Energy Flight, Group Fly = Group Energy Flight & Super Jump = Nebulous Form.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
Note: This is an older list from quite a few issues ago and is missing many slash commands currently available in game. Also, some of these commands no longer work.
Arena Commands
/ai [name]
Invite player to join your arena event. (Synonym: arenainvite)
Create a new named arena event.
Destroy an existing arena event.
/arenainvite [name]
Invite player to join your arena event. (Synonym: ai)
Join an arena event.
Get your arena stats.
Requests the arena kiosk from the server.
Binding and Macro Commands
/bind [trigger] [command]
Binds a key to a command - 'bind m map' will set m to toggle the map.
Will list all keybinds.
Reads a list of keybinds from <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
/bindloadfile [file location/file name]
Reads a list of keybinds from a specified file.
Saves all keybinds to <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
/bindsavefile [file location/file name]
Saves all keybinds to specified location and file.
/macro [macroname] [command]
Add a macro to first empty slot.
/macroslot [#] [macroname] [command]
Add a macro to provided slot.
Bug Reporting Commands
/bug [msg]
Report a bug. Enter a short description of any length.
Gathers debug info, prints it and copies it into the clipboard.
Do not default to error reporting window on crash.
Add user petition (stuck, cheated, etc.) to the database.
/profilerrecord [file path/file name]
Record client profiler information to specified file.
Stop recording profiler information.
Chat Commands
/ac [msg]
Send message to arena channel. (Synonym: arena)
/afk [msg]
Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message).
/arena [msg]
Send message to arena channel. (Synonym: ac)
/auction [msg]
Send message to request channel. (Synonym: req, request, sell)
Start a reply for client.
/b [msg]
Send message to entire map. (Synonym: broadcast, y, yell)
/beginchat [string]
Starts chat-entry mode with given string.
/broadcast [msg]
Send message to entire map. (Synonym: b, y, yell)
/c [msg]
Sends a message to the coalition channel.
Cycles through the default chat channels.
/chatset [channel]
Sets the channel to the given string.
/chatoptions [#]
Toggles chat options for specified window (0-4).
/coalition [msg]
Send message to coalition channel. (Synonym: c)
/copychat [tab]
Copy the entire chat history from specified chat tab into the clipboard.
/e [string]
Emotes a text string. (Synonym: em, emote, me)
/em [string]
Emotes a text string. (Synonym: e, emote, me)
/emote [string]
Emotes a text string. (Synonym: e, em, me)
/f [msg]
Send a message to friends channel.
/g [msg]
Send message to group channel. (Synonym: group, t, team)
/group [msg]
Send message to group channel. (Synonym: g, t, team)
/l [msg]
Send message to your area. (Synonym: local)
/local [msg]
Send message to your area. (Synonym: l)
/logchat [x]
Toggle chat logging.
/me [string]
Emotes a text string. (Synonym: e, em, emote)
/p [name], [msg]
Send a message to only one player. (Synonym: private, t, tell, whisper)
/private [name], [msg]
Send a message to only one player. (Synonym: p, t, tell, whisper)
Pops up the quickchat menu.
/r [msg]
Reply to last received private message. (Synonym: reply)
/reply [msg]
Reply to last received private message. (Synonym: r)
/req [msg]
Send message to request channel. (Synonym: auction, request, sell)
/request [msg]
Send message to request channel. (Synonym: auction, req, sell)
/s [msg]
Sends the given text on the current chat channel. (Synonym: say)
/say [msg]
Sends the given text on the current chat channel. (Synonym: s)
/sell [msg]
Send message to request channel. (Synonym: auction, req, request)
/send [channel] [msg]
Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges.
/sg [msg]
Send message to super group channel. (Synonym: supergroup)
Starts chat-entry mode with slash.
Starts chat-entry mode.
/supergroup [msg]
Send message to super group channel. (Synonym: sg)
/t [name], [msg]
Send a message to only one player. (Synonym: p, private, tell, whisper)
Cycle forward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
Cycle backwards through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
/tabnext [#]
Cycle forward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4).
/tabprev [#]
Cycle backward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4).
/tabselect [tab]
Select the given chat tab. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
Make the previously active chat tab the new active tab. Used to flip between two tabs.
/team [msg]
Send message to group channel. (Synonym: g, group, t)
/tell [name], [msg]
Send a message to only one player. (Synonym: p, private, t, whisper)
/whisper [name], [msg]
Send a message to only one player. (Synonym: p, private, t, tell)
/y [msg]
Send message to entire map. (Synonym: b, broadcast, yell)
/yell [msg]
Send message to entire map. (Synonym: b, broadcast, y)
Costume Commands
/cc [#]
Change costume. (Synonym: costume_change)
/costumechange [#]
Change costume. (Synonym: cc)
Demo & Screenshot Commands
/demorecord [file name]
Begin recording a demo.
Stop demo record/play.
Enables special e3 2004 screenshot mode.
Save a .jpg format screenshot.
Save a .tga format screenshot.
/screenshotui [x]\
Enables or disables the ui for screenshots (1=ui on, 0=ui off)
Email Commands
/emaildelete [#]
Delete message [message number].
Request email headers.
/emailread [#]
Request message [message number].
/emailsend [name] [subject] [msg]
Send message [player names] [subject] [body].
Friends & Ignore List Commands
/estrange [name]
Remove player from friend list. (Synonym: unfriend)
/friend [name]
Add player to friend list.
/ignore [name]
Ignore user.
Displays a list of ignored users.
/unfriend [name]
Remove player from friend list. (Synonym: estrange)
/unignore [name]
Unignore user.
Global Chat Commands
/chancreate [channel]
Create a new chat channel.
/chandesc [channel] [string]
Set the channel's description.
/chaninvite [channel] [name]
Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel.
/chaninvitegf [channel]
Invite your entire global friends list to a chat channel. Syntax: chaninvitegf <CHANNEL NAME>
Toggle the channel invite menu.
/chaninvitesg [channel] [x]
Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command. You must specify the minimum rank to invite: 0 - invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders) 1 - invite captains and leaders only 2 - invite leaders only Syntax: chaninvitesg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK> (Synonym: ginvitesg)
/chaninviteteam [channel]
Invite your entire team or taskforce to a chat channel. Syntax: chaninviteteam <CHANNEL NAME>
/chanjoin [channel]
Join an existing chat channel.
/chanleave [channel]
Leave a chat channel.
/chanmembers [channel]
List all members of channel.
/chanmode [channel] [options]
Changes default access rights for new user who joins the channel. Valid Options: -join: kicks user from channel, +send / -send: gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel, +operator / -operator: gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel
/chanmotd [channel] [string]
Set the channel's Message Of The Day, which is sent to everyone that joins the channel.
/chansend [channel] [msg]
Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges. (Synonym: send)
/chanusermode [channel] [name] [options]
Sets user permissions for specified user on channel. You must have operator status to set permissions. Valid Options: -join: kicks user from channel, +send / -send: gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel, +operator / -operator: gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel
/changehandle [name]
Change your global user name, if allowed.
/chatbeta [x]
Allow your client to participate in the Chat Server Beta Testing. Specify '1' to allow, '0' to disable
/gfriend [name]
Add a player to your global friends list.
/gfriends [x]
Display all members of your global friends list.
/gfriendplayer [name]
Add player to global friends list via their player name.
Make yourself invisible to your global friends.
/ginvite [channel] [name]
Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel Syntax: ginvite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME> (Synonym: chaninvite)
/ginvitesg [channel] [x]
Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command. You must specify the minimum rank to invite: 0 - invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders) 1 - invite captains and leaders only 2 - invite leaders only Syntax: ginvitesg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK> (Synonym: chaninvitesg)
/gunfriend [name]
Remove a player from your global friends list.
/gunfriendplayer [name]
Remove player from global friends list via player name.
Make yourself visible to your global friends.
Display your chat handle.
List all channels that you belong to.
Graphical Commands
/cursorcache [x]
Enable cursor cache for smoother cursor changes.
Disables 2D sprite drawing.
Sets video mode to fullscreen.
/lodbias [#]
Multiplier to LOD distances for entities. 0.5 = switch twice as near, 2.0 means switch twice as far (so things will show up at a closer or farther distance).
/maxfps [#]
Changes frames per second, where # is the new rate.
Scale factor for mouse look.
/screen [#] [#]
Sets X and Y screen dimensions. Should be constrained to 640x480,1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, etc.
/shadowvol [x]
Controls whether or not shadow volumes are drawn.
/showfps [x]
Show current framerate (1 = on, 0 = off).
/ss [x]
Controls whether or not simple shadows are drawn.
Stops rendering when the game is not the foreground application.
/visscale [#]
Controls draw distance. 1.0=default
Inspiration Commands
/inspexecname [inspiration]
Activate an inspiration by name.
/inspexecslot [#]
Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
/inspexectray [#] [#]
Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column.
/inspirationSlot [#]
Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
Misc. Commands
Prints out all commands available.
/comment [string]
Set search comment.
Get current position. (Synonym: loc)
/hide [x]
Hide from other users.
Toggle looking for group status.
/lfgset [x]
Set looking for group status.
Get current position. (Synonym: getpos)
/neterrorcorrection [x]
/netgraph [x]
Displays network connection information.
Quits game to the desktop.
Activate medicom unit for emergency medical transport.
Leave mission map once completed.
Initiates the respecification process for a free respec given.
/settitle [badge]
Set badge title.
Edit the text layout for translatable textures.
Stop hiding from other users.
Tells you mission name, map name and location.
Print who's on this map.
Movement Commands
/autorun [x]
Toggles autorun.
Move backwards.
Enables click-to-move. (Synonym: ctm)
Enables click-to-move. (Synonym: clicktomove)
Click-to-move toggle button.
Move down (if flying).
/follow [x]
Set follow mode, 1 = follow selected target, 0 = stop following
Move forward.
Move forward. Enable autorun after 2 seconds.
Strafe left.
/mousepitchmode [x]
Set mouse pitch mode.
Disable jump auto-repeat.
Strafe right.
/speedturn [#]
Set the number of degrees for rotateleft/right.
Try to get unstuck.
Rotate left a fixed number of degrees.
Rotate right a fixed number of degrees.
Jump or fly up.
Pet Commands
Power Execution Commands
Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power.
/powexecaltslot [#]
Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray.
/powexecalt2slot [#]
Executes the given power slot from the tertiary tray.
/powexecauto [power]
Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already).
/powexecname [power]
Executes a power with the given name.
/powexecslot [#]
Executes the given power slot from the current tray.
/powexectoggleoff [power]
Toggles a given power off. If its already off, does nothing.
/powexectoggleon [power]
Toggles a given power on. If its already on, does nothing.
/powexectray [#] [#]
Executes a power in the given slot and tray.
Cancels the queued power.
Sidekicking Commands
/ex [name]
Invite player to be your exemplar. (Synonym: exemplar, rsk, sidekick, sk)
/exemplar [name]
Invite player to be your exemplar. (Synonym: ex, rsk, sidekick, sk)
/rsk [name]
Invite player to be your exemplar. (Synonym: ex, exemplar, sidekick, sk)
/sidekick [name]
Invite player to be your sidekick. (Synonym: ex, exemplar, rsk, sk)
Accept an invitation to be a sidekick.
Decline an invitation to be a sidekick.
/sk [name]
Invite player to be your sidekick. (Synonym: ex, exemplar, rsk, sidekick)
No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar). (Synonym: unexemplar, unrsk, unsidekick, unsk)
No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar). (Synonym: unex, unrsk, unsidekick, unsk)
No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar). (Synonym: unex, unexemplar, unsk, unsidekick)
No longer mentor (or be a sidekick). (Synonym: unex, unexemplar, unrsk, unsk)
No longer mentor (or be a sidekick). (Synonym: unex, unexemplar, unrsk, unsidekick)
Supergroup Commands
/ci [name]
Invites a player's supergroup to form a coalition. You must be the leader of your supergroup to do this. Sends the invitation to the leader of [name]'s supergroup that has been online the longest. A supergroup can be in a coalition with a maximum of 10 other supergroups. (Synonym: coalition_invite)
/coalitioninvite [name]
Invites a player's supergroup to form a coalition. You must be the leader of your supergroup to do this. Sends the invitation to the leader of [name]'s supergroup that has been online the longest. A supergroup can be in a coalition with a maximum of 10 other supergroups. (Synonym: ci)
Invite player's supergroup to join coalition. (Synonym: ci)
/coalitionmintalkrank [rank]
Set the minimum rank of members of a coalition Supergroup who your Supergroup can hear.
Stop your Supergroup from sending coalition chat to an ally Supergroup.
/coalitionsgmintalkrank [rank]
Set the minimum rank of members of your Supergroup who can use coalition chat.
/demote [name]
Demote supergroup member one rank.
/nameCaptain [string]
Renames the 'Captain' supergroup rank.
/nameLeader [string]
Renames the 'Leader' supergroup rank.
/nameMember [string]
Renames the 'Member' supergroup rank.
/promote [name]
Promote supergroup member one rank.
Start a supergroup.
/sgi [name]
Invite player to join supergroup. (Synonym: sginvite)
/sginvite [name]
Invite player to join supergroup. (Synonym: sgi)
/sgk [name]
Kick player from supergroup. (Synonym: sgkick)
/sgkick [name]
Kick player from supergroup. (Synonym: sgk)
Leave your current supergroup.
Toggle supergroup mode.
/sgmodeset [x]
Set supergroup mode.
Sets supergroup costume parameters.
/sgSetMOTD [string]
Sets supergroup MOTD.
/sgSetMotto [string]
Sets supergroup motto.
Display supergroup info in chat window.
Targeting Commands
/assist [name]
Change your current target to selected allies target.
Targets the farthest enemy.
Targets the nearest enemy.
Cycles through visible targetable enemies in near to far order.
Cycles through visible targetable enemies in far to near order.
Targets the farthest friend. A friend is any friendly player or pet, not just teammates.
Targets the nearest friend.
Cycles through visible targetable friends in near to far order.
Cycles through visible targetable friends in far to near order.
Cycles through targetable enemies.
Cycles through targetable enemies (in reverse).
Unselects currently selected thing.
Team Commands
/buffs [x]
Toggle team buff display.
/i [name]
Invite player to join team. (Synonym: invite)
/invite [name]
Invite player to join team. (Synonym: i)
/k [name]
Kick player from team. (Synonym: kick)
/kick [name]
Kick player from team. (Synonym: k)
Leave your current team up.
/makeleader [name]
Change the team leader. (Synonym: ml)
/ml [name]
Change the team leader. (Synonym: makeleader)
Accepts an invitation to a team.
Declines an invitation to a team.
Kicks a character without warning from team.
Quits team without warning.
/teamselect [#]
Select team member.
/teamtask [string]
Give the user the specified souvenir clue.
Trade Commands
/trade [name]
Invite player to trade.
Accepts an offer to trade.
Declines an offer to trade.
Tray Management Commands
/alttray [x]
Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed.
/alttraysticky [x]
Toggle the secondary tray.
Toggle the tertiary tray while a key is being pressed.
/gototray [#]
Go to specified tray number.
/gototrayalt [#]
Go to specified tray number in the secondary tray.
/gototrayalt2 [#]
Go to specified tray number in the teritary tray.
/gototraystray [#] [#]
Go to specified tray number in the specified showing tray slot. Syntax: gototraystray <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <TRAY NUM between 1 and 10>
Go to next tray.
Go to next secondary tray.
Go to next tertiary tray.
/nexttraystray [#] [#]
Go to next trays tray slot. Syntax: nexttraystray <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <SLOT NUM between 1 and 10>
Go to previous tray.
Go to previous secondary tray.
Go to previous tertiary tray.
/prevtraystray [#]
Go to previous trays tray slot.
/traysticky [#] [x]
Set the sticky-state of the specified tray. Syntax: traysticky <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <0 for non sticky, sticky otherwise>
Viewing Commands
/camdist [#]
Sets the distance in feet that the third person camera pulls back behind the player.
Adjusts the camera distance relative to the current camera distance. Reads mousewheel for input.
Camreset is bound to the PageDown key (default) to reset the camera behind the player.
Camrotate is bound to the PageUp key to allow controlled camera rotation around the player. This command should not be invoked through the console.
/canlook [x]
Whether the player can use the mouse to look around.
/first [x]
Toggles between first and third person camera. (Synonym: third)
Pitch camera down.
Pitch camera up.
Invert meaning of mouseY for mouselook.
/mouselook [x]
Command key for mouselook.
/third [x]
Toggles between first and third person camera. (Synonym: first)
Zoom camera in.
Zoom camera out.
Window Commands
/chat [x]
Toggles the chat window. (Synonym: toggle chat, window_toggle chat)
/contextmenu [#]
Activate a context menu slot.
Answer dialog with button matching provided text.
Answer OK, No, or Cancel to current dialog.
Answer OK, Yes, or Accept to current dialog.
/fl [x]
Display friend list. (Synonym: friendlist)
/friendlist [x]
Display friend list. (Synonym: fl)
/hideprimarychat [x]
Toggle primary chat window text messages.
/kiosk home
Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk. (Assuming you are close enough.)
Opens the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
/infotab [tab name]
Opens the specified tab of the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
Opens the info window for yourself.
/infoselftab [tab name]
Opens the specified tab of the info window for yourself.
Brings up interact menu.
Go to the enhancement management screen.
Toggles the map window. (Synonym: toggle map, window_toggle map)
/maximize [window]
Maximizes the named window.
/menu [x]
Toggles the menu. (Synonym: toggle menu, window_toggle menu)
/nav [x]
Toggles the navigation window. (Synonym: toggle nav, window_toggle nav)
/popmenu [menu]
Pops up the named menu at the current mouse location.
/powers [x]
Toggles the power inventory. (Synonym: toggle powers, window_toggle powers)
/sea [x]
Displays a searchable list of characters with their name, archetype, level, zone and looking for group status. (Synonym: search)
/search [x]
Displays a searchable list of characters with their name, archetype, level, zone and looking for group status. (Synonym: sea)
/show [window]
Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: window_show)
/target [x]
Toggles the target window. (Synonym: toggle target, window_toggle target)
/toggle [window] [x]
Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: window_toggle)
/tray [x]
Toggles the tray window. (Synonym: toggle tray, window_toggle tray)
/windowcolor [R] [G] [B [T]
Changes the window colors. RGBT should each be replaced with a number from 0-255. R=Red, G=Green, B=Blue and T=Transparancy
/windowhide [window]
Forces the given window to be hidden.
Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults.
Change a single window scale.
/windowshow [window]
Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: show)
/windowtoggle [window] [x]
Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: toggle)
/windowcolor [R] [G] [B [T]
Changes the window colors. RGBT should each be replaced with a number from 0-255. R=Red, G=Green, B=Blue and T=Transparancy

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
Some of these slash commands my no longer be valid. This list also from some time ago and is missing slash commands added to the game since the list was compiled.
/ac [msg]
Send message to arena channel. (Synonym: arena)
/afk [msg]
Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message).
/ai [name]
Invite player to join your arena event. (Synonym: arenainvite)
/alttray [x]
Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed.
/alttraysticky [x]
Toggle the secondary tray.
Toggle the tertiary tray while a key is being pressed.
/arena [msg]
Send message to arena channel. (Synonym: ac)
Create a new named arena event.
Destroy an existing arena event.
/arenainvite [name]
Invite player to join your arena event. (Synonym: ai)
Join an arena event.
/assist [name]
Change your current target to selected allies target.
/auction [msg]
Send message to request channel. (Synonym: req, request, sell)
Start a reply for client.
/autorun [x]
Toggles autorun.
/b [msg]
Send message to entire map. (Synonym: broadcast, y, yell)
Move backwards.
/beginchat [string]
Starts chat-entry mode with given string.
/bind [trigger] [command]
Binds a key to a command - 'bind m map' will set m to toggle the map.
Will list all keybinds.
Reads a list of keybinds from <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
/bindloadfile [file location/file name]
Reads a list of keybinds from a specified file.
Saves all keybinds to <INSTALL DIR>/keybinds.txt.
/bindsavefile [file location/file name]
Saves all keybinds to specified location and file.
/broadcast [msg]
Send message to entire map. (Synonym: b, y, yell)
/buffs [x]
Toggle team buff display.
/bug [msg]
Report a bug. Enter a short description of any length.
/c [msg]
Sends a message to the coalition channel.
/camdist [#]
Sets the distance in feet that the third person camera pulls back behind the player.
Adjusts the camera distance relative to the current camera distance. Reads mousewheel for input.
Camreset is bound to the PageDown key (default) to reset the camera behind the player.
Camrotate is bound to the PageUp key to allow controlled camera rotation around the player. This command should not be invoked through the console.
/canlook [x]
Whether the player can use the mouse to look around.
/cc [#]
Change costume. (Synonym: costume_change)
/chancreate [channel]
Create a new chat channel.
/chandesc [channel] [string]
Set the channel's description.
/chaninvite [channel] [name]
Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel.
/chaninvitegf [channel]
Invite your entire global friends list to a chat channel. Syntax: chaninvitegf <CHANNEL NAME>
Toggle the channel invite menu.
/chaninvitesg [channel] [x]
Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command. You must specify the minimum rank to invite: 0 - invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders) 1 - invite captains and leaders only 2 - invite leaders only Syntax: chaninvitesg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK> (Synonym: ginvitesg)
/chaninviteteam [channel]
Invite your entire team or taskforce to a chat channel. Syntax: chaninviteteam <CHANNEL NAME>
/chanjoin [channel]
Join an existing chat channel.
/chanleave [channel]
Leave a chat channel.
/chanmembers [channel]
List all members of channel.
/chanmode [channel] [options]
Changes default access rights for new user who joins the channel. Valid Options: -join: kicks user from channel, +send / -send: gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel, +operator / -operator: gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel
/chanmotd [channel] [string]
Set the channel's Message Of The Day, which is sent to everyone that joins the channel.
/chansend [channel] [msg]
Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges. (Synonym: send)
/chanusermode [channel] [name] [options]
Sets user permissions for specified user on channel. You must have operator status to set permissions. Valid Options: -join: kicks user from channel, +send / -send: gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel, +operator / -operator: gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel
/changehandle [name]
Change your global user name, if allowed.
/chat [x]
Toggles the chat window. (Synonym: toggle chat, window_toggle chat)
Cycles through the default chat channels.
/chatset [channel]
Sets the channel to the given string.
/chatbeta [x]
Allow your client to participate in the Chat Server Beta Testing. Specify '1' to allow, '0' to disable
/chatoptions [#]
Toggles chat options for specified window (0-4).
/ci [name]
Invites a player's supergroup to form a coalition. You must be the leader of your supergroup to do this. Sends the invitation to the leader of [name]'s supergroup that has been online the longest. A supergroup can be in a coalition with a maximum of 10 other supergroups. (Synonym: coalition_invite)
Enables click-to-move. (Synonym: ctm)
Prints out all commands available.
/coalition [msg]
Send message to coalition channel. (Synonym: c)
/coalitioncancel [supergroup]
Cancel coalition with a supergroup.
/coalitioninvite [name]
Invites a player's supergroup to form a coalition. You must be the leader of your supergroup to do this. Sends the invitation to the leader of [name]'s supergroup that has been online the longest. A supergroup can be in a coalition with a maximum of 10 other supergroups. (Synonym: ci)
/coalitionmintalkrank [rank]
Set the minimum rank of members of a coalition Supergroup who your Supergroup can hear.
Stop your Supergroup from sending coalition chat to an ally Supergroup.
/coalitionsgmintalkrank [rank]
Set the minimum rank of members of your Supergroup who can use coalition chat.
/comment [string]
Set search comment.
/contextmenu [#]
Activate a context menu slot.
/copychat [tab]
Copy the entire chat history from specified chat tab into the clipboard.
Gathers debug info, prints it and copies it into the clipboard.
/costumechange [#]
Change costume. (Synonym: cc)
Enables click-to-move. (Synonym: clicktomove)
/ctmtoggle [x]
Click-to-move toggle button.
/cursorcache [x]
Enable cursor cache for smoother cursor changes.
/demorecord [file name]
Begin recording a demo.
Stop demo record/play.
/demote [name]
Demote supergroup member one rank.
Answer dialog with button matching provided text.
Answer OK, No, or Cancel to current dialog.
Answer OK, Yes, or Accept to current dialog.
Disables 2D sprite drawing.
Move down (if flying).
/e [string]
Emotes a text string. (Synonym: em, emote, me)
Enables special e3 2004 screenshot mode.
/em [string]
Emotes a text string. (Synonym: e, emote, me)
/emaildelete [#]
Delete message [message number].
Request email headers.
/emailread [#]
Request message [message number].
/emailsend [name] [subject] [msg]
Send message [player names] [subject] [body].
/emote [string]
Emotes a text string. (Synonym: e, em, me)
/estrange [name]
Remove player from friend list. (Synonym: unfriend)
/ex [name]
Invite player to be your exemplar. (Synonym: exemplar, rsk, sidekick, sk)
/exemplar [name]
Invite player to be your exemplar. (Synonym: ex, rsk, sidekick, sk)
/f [msg]
Talk to friends channel.
/first [x]
Toggles between first and third person camera. (Synonym: third)
/fl [x]
Display friend list. (Synonym: friendlist)
/follow [x]
Set follow mode, 1 = follow selected target, 0 = stop following
Move forward.
Move forward. Enable autorun after 2 seconds.
/friend [name]
Add player to friend list.
/friendlist [x]
Display friend list. (Synonym: fl)
Sets video mode to fullscreen.
/g [msg]
Send message to group channel. (Synonym: group, t, team)
Get your arena stats.
Get current position. (Synonym: loc)
/gfriend [name]
Add a player to your global friends list.
/gfriends [x]
Display all members of your global friends list.
/gfriendplayer [name]
Add player to global friends list via their player name.
Make yourself invisible to your global friends.
/ginvite [channel] [name]
Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel Syntax: ginvite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME> (Synonym: chaninvite)
/ginvitesg [channel] [x]
Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command. You must specify the minimum rank to invite: 0 - invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders) 1 - invite captains and leaders only 2 - invite leaders only Syntax: ginvitesg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK> (Synonym: chaninvitesg)
/gototray [#]
Go to specified tray number.
/gototrayalt [#]
Go to specified tray number in the secondary tray.
/gototrayalt2 [#]
Go to specified tray number in the teritary tray.
/gototraystray [#] [#]
Go to specified tray number in the specified showing tray slot. Syntax: gototraystray <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <TRAY NUM between 1 and 10>
/group [msg]
Send message to group channel. (Synonym: g, t, team)
/gunfriend [name]
Remove a player from your global friends list.
/gunfriendplayer [name]
Remove player from global friends list via player name.
Make yourself visible to your global friends.
/hide [x]
Hide from other users.
/hideprimarychat [x]
Toggle primary chat window text messages.
/i [name]
Invite player to join team. (Synonym: invite)
/ignore [name]
Ignore user.
Displays a list of ignored users.
Opens the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
/infotab [tab name]
Opens the specified tab of the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target).
Opens the info window for yourself.
/infoselftab [tab name]
Opens the specified tab of the info window for yourself.
/inspexecname [inspiration]
Activate an inspiration by name.
/inspexecslot [#]
Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
/inspexectray [#] [#]
Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column.
/inspirationSlot [#]
Activate an inspiration slot in the first row.
/invite [name]
Invite player to join team. (Synonym: i)
/k [name]
Kick player from team. (Synonym: kick)
/kick [name]
Kick player from team. (Synonym: k)
/kiosk home
Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk. (Assuming you are close enough.)
/l [msg]
Send message to your area. (Synonym: local)
Leave your current team up.
Strafe left.
Toggle looking for group status.
/lfgset [x]
Set looking for group status.
Get current position. (Synonym: getpos)
/local [msg]
Send message to your area. (Synonym: l)
/lodbias [#]
Multiplier to LOD distances for entities. 0.5 = switch twice as near, 2.0 means switch twice as far (so things will show up at a closer or farther distance).
/logchat [x]
Toggle chat logging.
Pitch camera down.
Pitch camera up.
Brings up interact menu.
/macro [macroname] [command]
Add a macro to first empty slot.
/macroslot [#] [macroname] [command]
Add a macro to provided slot.
/makeleader [name]
Change the team leader. (Synonym: ml)
Go to the enhancement management screen.
Toggles the map window. (Synonym: toggle map, window_toggle map)
/maxfps [#]
Changes frames per second, where # is the new rate.
/maximize [window]
Maximizes the named window.
/me [string]
Emotes a text string. (Synonym: e, em, emote)
/menu [x]
Toggles the menu. (Synonym: toggle menu, window_toggle menu)
/ml [name]
Change the team leader. (Synonym: makeleader)
Invert meaning of mouseY for mouselook.
/mouselook [x]
Command key for mouselook.
Scale factor for mouse look.
Set mouse pitch mode.
Display your chat handle.
/nameCaptain [string]
Renames the 'Captain' supergroup rank.
/nameLeader [string]
Renames the 'Leader' supergroup rank.
/nameMember [string]
Renames the 'Member' supergroup rank.
/nav [x]
Toggles the navigation window. (Synonym: toggle nav, window_toggle nav)
/neterrorcorrection [x]
/netgraph [x]
Displays network connection information.
Go to next tray.
Go to next secondary tray.
Go to next tertiary tray.
/nexttraystray [#] [#]
Go to next trays tray slot. Syntax: nexttraystray <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <SLOT NUM between 1 and 10>
Disable jump auto-repeat.
Do not default to error reporting window on crash.
/p [name], [msg]
Send a message to only one player. (Synonym: private, t, tell, whisper)
Add user petition (stuck, cheated, etc.) to the database.
/popmenu [menu]
Pops up the named menu at the current mouse location.
/powers [x]
Toggles the power inventory. (Synonym: toggle powers, window_toggle powers)
Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power.
/powexecaltslot [#]
Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray.
/powexecalt2slot [#]
Executes the given power slot from the tertiary tray.
/powexecauto [power]
Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already).
/powexecname [power]
Executes a power with the given name.
/powexecslot [#]
Executes the given power slot from the current tray.
/powexectoggleoff [power]
Toggles a given power off. If its already off, does nothing.
/powexectoggleon [power]
Toggles a given power on. If its already on, does nothing.
/powexectray [#] [#]
Executes a power in the given slot and tray.
Cancels the queued power.
Go to previous tray.
Go to previous secondary tray.
Go to previous tertiary tray.
/prevtraystray [#]
Go to previous trays tray slot.
/private [name], [msg]
Send a message to only one player. (Synonym: p, t, tell, whisper)
/profilerrecord [file path/file name]
Record client profiler information to specified file.
Stop recording profiler information.
/promote [name]
Promote supergroup member one rank.
Pops up the quickchat menu.
Quits game to the desktop.
/r [msg]
Reply to last received private message. (Synonym: reply)
Activate medicom unit for emergency medical transport.
Requests the arena kiosk from the server.
/reply [msg]
Reply to last received private message. (Synonym: r)
/req [msg]
Send message to request channel. (Synonym: auction, request, sell)
/request [msg]
Send message to request channel. (Synonym: auction, req, sell)
Leave mission map once completed.
Initiates the respecification process for a free respec given.
Strafe right.
/rsk [name]
Invite player to be your exemplar. (Synonym: ex, exemplar, sidekick, sk)
/s [msg]
Sends the given text on the current chat channel. (Synonym: say)
/say [msg]
Sends the given text on the current chat channel. (Synonym: s)
/screen [#] [#]
Sets X and Y screen dimensions. Should be constrained to 640x480,1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, etc
Save a .jpg format screenshot.
Save a .tga format screenshot.
/screenshotui [x]
Enables or disables the ui for screenshots (1=ui on, 0=ui off)
/sea [x]
Displays a searchable list of characters with their name, archetype, level, zone and looking for group status. (Synonym: search)
/search [x]
Displays a searchable list of characters with their name, archetype, level, zone and looking for group status. (Synonym: sea)
/sell [msg]
Send message to request channel. (Synonym: auction, req, request)
/send [channel] [msg]
Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send priviledges.
/settitle [badge]
Set badge title.
/shadowvol [x]
Controls whether or not shadow volumes are drawn.
/show [window]
Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: window_show)
/showfps [x]
Show current framerate (1 = on, 0 = off).
/sg [msg]
Send message to super group channel. (Synonym: supergroup)
Start a supergroup.
/sgi [name]
Invite player to join supergroup. (Synonym: sginvite)
/sginvite [name]
Invite player to join supergroup. (Synonym: sgi)
/sgk [name]
Kick player from supergroup. (Synonym: sgkick)
/sgkick [name]
Kick player from supergroup. (Synonym: sgk)
Leave your current supergroup.
Toggle supergroup mode.
/sgmodeset [x]
Set supergroup mode.
Sets supergroup costume parameters.
/sgSetMOTD [string]
Sets supergroup MOTD.
/sgSetMotto [string]
Sets supergroup motto.
Display supergroup info in chat window.
Starts chat-entry mode with slash.
/sidekick [name]
Invite player to be your sidekick. (Synonym: ex, exemplar, rsk, sk)
Accept an invitation to be a sidekick.
Decline an invitation to be a sidekick.
/sk [name]
Invite player to be your sidekick. (Synonym: ex, exemplar, rsk, sidekick)
/speedturn [#]
Set the number of degrees for rotateleft/right.
/ss [x]
Controls whether or not simple shadows are drawn.
Starts chat-entry mode.
Stops rendering when the game is not the foreground application.
Try to get unstuck.
/supergroup [msg]
Send message to super group channel. (Synonym: sg)
/t [name], [msg]
Send a message to only one player. (Synonym: p, private, tell, whisper)
Cycle forward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
Cycle backwards through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
/tabnext [#]
Cycle forward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4).
/tabprev [#]
Cycle backward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4).
/tabselect [tab]
Select the given chat tab. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
Make the previously active chat tab the new active tab. Used to flip between two tabs.
/target [x]
Toggles the target window. (Synonym: toggle target, window_toggle target)
Targets the farthest enemy.
Targets the nearest enemy.
Cycles through visible targetable enemies in near to far order.
Cycles through visible targetable enemies in far to near order.
Targets the farthest friend. A friend is any friendly player or pet, not just teammates.
Targets the nearest friend.
Cycles through visible targetable friends in near to far order.
Cycles through visible targetable friends in far to near order.
/team [msg]
Send message to group channel. (Synonym: g, group, t)
Accepts an invitation to a team.
Declines an invitation to a team.
Kicks a character without warning from team.
Quits team without warning.
/teamselect [#]
Select team member.
/teamtask [string]
Give the user the specified souvenir clue.
/tell [name], [msg]
Send a message to only one player. (Synonym: p, private, t, whisper)
Edit the text layout for translatable textures.
/third [x]
Toggles between first and third person camera. (Synonym: first)
/toggle [window] [x]
Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: window_toggle)
Cycles through targetable enemies.
Cycles through targetable enemies (in reverse).
/trade [name]
Invite player to trade.
Accepts an offer to trade.
Declines an offer to trade.
/tray [x]
Toggles the tray window. (Synonym: toggle tray, window_toggle tray)
/traysticky [#] [x]
Set the sticky-state of the specified tray. Syntax: traysticky <SHOWING TRAY NUM> <0 for non sticky, sticky otherwise>
Rotate left a fixed number of degrees.
Rotate right a fixed number of degrees.
No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar). (Synonym: unexemplar, unrsk, unsidekick, unsk)
No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar). (Synonym: unex, unrsk, unsidekick, unsk)
/unfriend [name]
Remove player from friend list. (Synonym: estrange)
Stop hiding from other users.
/unignore [name]
Unignore user.
No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar). (Synonym: unex, unexemplar, unsk, unsidekick)
Unselects currently selected thing.
No longer mentor (or be a sidekick). (Synonym: unex, unexemplar, unrsk, unsk)
No longer mentor (or be a sidekick). (Synonym: unex, unexemplar, unrsk, unsidekick)
Jump or fly up.
/visscale [#]
Controls draw distance. 1.0=default
List all channels that you belong to.
Tells you mission name, map name and location.
/whisper [name], [msg]
Send a message to only one player. (Synonym: p, private, t, tell)
Print who's on this map.
/windowcolor [R] [G] [B [T]
Changes the window colors. RGBT should each be replaced with a number from 0-255. R=Red, G=Green, B=Blue and T=Transparancy
/windowhide [window]
Forces the given window to be hidden.
Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults.
Change a single window scale.
/windowshow [window]
Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: show)
/windowtoggle [window] [x]
Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: toggle)
/windowcolor [R] [G] [B [T]
Changes the window colors. RGBT should each be replaced with a number from 0-255. R=Red, G=Green, B=Blue and T=Transparancy
/y [msg]
Send message to entire map. (Synonym: b, broadcast, yell)
/yell [msg]
Send message to entire map. (Synonym: b, broadcast, y)
Zoom camera in.
Zoom camera out.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
Why do nickname binds not work anymore in CoH? Well..I should say, it works one way for some but not everyone.
Here is 2 we use:
/bind enter beginchat *Name*
/bind enter beginchat /sg *Name*
2 Spaces after the second star on both. When this is used, it lights up the text box as usual, but the typing line does not show up. And it wont let you type unless you click in the box.
What is going on and how can you fix it?
for some reason the color commands format seems to have changed - the way you have it in your above post is exactly how i have it and it used to it no longer works...any ideas if this is a bug or if something has changed it the last update or 2 ? please help, TYIA
Wow, that is a lot of /'n. Nice guide thanks!
The chat modifiers broke an issue or two ago. I fixed my files to have the full <scale 1>, rather than just <sc 1> and that worked.
Then we got another issue release. Now some of them work when fully spelled out. Some of them don't. I suspect, but don't hold me to this, that the problems are related to the global chat channels randomly changing colors.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
Hello I was wondering if I could get some help with this bind. I am trying to put colored text to a change costume bind. I got the text no problem, but I can't seem to figure out how to add the color as this is getting a bit complex to me.
/bind numpad0 "emote text.$$cce 1 cclightning"
I am looking for Yellow text with a black background.
Hello I was wondering if I could get some help with this bind. I am trying to put colored text to a change costume bind. I got the text no problem, but I can't seem to figure out how to add the color as this is getting a bit complex to me.
/bind numpad0 "emote text.$$cce 1 cclightning" I am looking for Yellow text with a black background. Thanks |
That would be the format to use. However, I'm not sure if the chat modifiers work with the emote command (no funky colored thought-bubbles).

/bind numpad0 "say <color yellow><bgcolor black>text.$$cce 1 cclightning"
The above should work and put [text] in whatever channel is currently the default. Say could be exchanged for local, broadcast or arena if you always wanted to say something in a certain channel.
The forum migration a few years ago messed up the formating some of this guide. I'll try and get back into the posts and correct the symbols that were eaten by the current forum software.


Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
/bind numpad0 "emote <color yellow><bgcolor black>text.$$cce 1 cclightning"
That would be the format to use. However, I'm not sure if the chat modifiers work with the emote command (no funky colored thought-bubbles). ![]() /bind numpad0 "say <color yellow><bgcolor black>text.$$cce 1 cclightning" The above should work and put [text] in whatever channel is currently the default. Say could be exchanged for local, broadcast or arena if you always wanted to say something in a certain channel. The forum migration a few years ago messed up the formating some of this guide. I'll try and get back into the posts and correct the symbols that were eaten by the current forum software. ![]() |
I went through the posts and fixed some symbols that were borked by the forum migration a few years ago. I also changed some formatting to bold and put in italics some text for better readability.
I also added a few binds and changes that I'm using in the current release of the game, such as mastermind summoning files and inspiration combination commands.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
I went through the posts and fixed some symbols that were borked by the forum migration a few years ago. I also changed some formatting to bold and put in italics some text for better readability.
I also added a few binds and changes that I'm using in the current release of the game, such as mastermind summoning files and inspiration combination commands. |
Is there a bind command that will let you target a teammate by name? I play with the same group all the time and would like to target each teammate by name, instead by position with the team_select [#] command.
Any help would be appreciated.
Darth Keiv DM/Reg, Crack'ed Justice BS/Reg, Crack'ling Cage Fire/Rad,
Crack'ed Earth SS/Stone, Crack'ed Brawler DM/WP, Crack'ed Legend Axe/WP,
Crack'ed Current SS/Elec,Crack'ed Ice Ice/Kin, Crack'ed Cacophony Son/Son,
Crack'ed Widow SOA, Crack'ed Bully Thugs/Dark, Broil-O Fire/Kin, iCrack'ed DB/WP. should get you started on the right road.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
shift+delete "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine break_free enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage"
Will that change all of of my inspirations into reds? This is like reading aramaic. I just want a command to make all my insp into red ones something like /makeallskittlesintoredskittles.exe/somethingemoticons
thanks for the answer to my question. It's not an ideal solution, but it works in most cases. /Target_custom_next Teammate [name] doesn't work with the power recall friend since the teammate has to be nearby. The slash command /team_select [#], works great if you just want to select teammates by position. I wish they had the slash command /team_select [name]. Oh well.
Darth Keiv DM/Reg, Crack'ed Justice BS/Reg, Crack'ling Cage Fire/Rad,
Crack'ed Earth SS/Stone, Crack'ed Brawler DM/WP, Crack'ed Legend Axe/WP,
Crack'ed Current SS/Elec,Crack'ed Ice Ice/Kin, Crack'ed Cacophony Son/Son,
Crack'ed Widow SOA, Crack'ed Bully Thugs/Dark, Broil-O Fire/Kin, iCrack'ed DB/WP.
There is /assist_name [name] that changes your target to the named character's target by the documentation. I've never played with this command to see if it actually changes your target to that character so you can buff them, etc.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA
shift+delete "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine break_free enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage"
Will that change all of of my inspirations into reds? This is like reading aramaic. I just want a command to make all my insp into red ones something like /makeallskittlesintoredskittles.exe/somethingemoticons |
shift+delete "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine "catch a breath" enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine "break free" enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage"
Copy and paste that into your chat window and you should be set!
That looks pretty much right except for one minor flaw, your Catch a breath and break free will need quotes around them, and won't need the _ in them so....
shift+delete "inspcombine insight enrage$$inspcombine luck enrage$$inspcombine "catch a breath" enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage$$inspcombine "break free" enrage$$inspcombine awaken enrage" Copy and paste that into your chat window and you should be set! |
Btw that will only combine your tier 1 insps (small ones) into reds. Storyteller doesn't appear to have binds listed for the other tiers, but they are in the inspiration maker guide in my sig if you want them.
The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]
Well, I swear I've read this all forwards and backwards and can't quite find what I'm looking for.
I'd like to bind a toggle to my mouse Button4, such that a click of the button toggles it on, or off, depending on the current state. So, I click it on, but then I want it off, so I click again. Later, I've clicked it on, but I get mezzed, which toggles the power off, so I get un-mezzed and click and the toggle turns on.
It appears that I can bind Button4 to a tray-slot and have this effect, but I want to use this with multiple characters, who may Not all have their trays set up the same. So it would be simpler to just call the power by name... Can I do this?
Be Well!
I've had this sitting on my hard drive far too long and I feel guilty for not sharing it sooner.
This guide owes its inspiration (and some of it's text) to Curveball and his "THE WHOLLY UNOFFICIAL AND FAIRLY INCOMPLETE GUIDE TO /BIND Version 1.1" It would also be negligent to not acknowledge all of the contributors to all of the posts on the City of Heroes boards that deal with binds.
This guide gives you the very basic tools to create and customize your own system of binds or macros using slash commands.
Slash Commands
A slash command is a series of keystrokes that you type into the command line of the chat window beginning with a /. Slash commands tell the game what you are trying to do. Without using key shortcuts or the mouse, you can play almost the entire game just by typing commands. Any underscore in a slash command may be omitted without changing the usage of the command, for example bindloadfile works the same as bind_load_file.
Parsing a Slash Command
Slash commands require that you parse (format) your command very specifically. Typically a command consists of the instruction followed by a number of arguments. An argument tells the game what to do with the instruction you just gave it (turn it on, turn it off, name the macro this, activate this tray slot, etc.).
Common Arguments
[x] a toggle number: 0=off, 1=on, 2=on for all servers
[#] a number, usually within a defined range
[msg] a communication
[name] a character's name
[string] any alphanumeric sequence
[trigger] a keystroke or a combination of keystrokes using a chord key
[command] a slash command
[channel] a chat channel name
[inspiration] an inspiration's proper name
[window] a specific window such as map, chat, etc.
[power] a power's proper name
[badge] a badge's name
[tab] a tab name of your character's
$$ allows combining of commands.
+ executes command once or until trigger is released.
- ends command
++ triggers a command repeatedly until interrupted.
0 Sets toggle to off state
1 Sets toggle to on state
2 Sets toggle to on state for all servers during this login session. (for use in commands such as /showfps, /netgraph, etc.)
At times you will want use a command that will require the use of information that changes. That information may be different depending on which character you're playing (and you want to create set bindings common to all of your characters). City of Heroes currently supports several variables that you can use as placeholders, which will be substituted with the actual information.
$archetype , your archetype
$class , your archetype
$battlecry , your battlecry
$level , your level
$name , your name
$origin , your origin$supergroup , your supergroup
$side , your side (displays "Hero" or "Villain" Hero, Vigilante and Resistance display Hero. Villain, Rogue and Loyalist display Villain)
$heshe or $Heshe , substitutes "he" or "she" depending on gender (capitalized will cap the substitution)
$himher or $Himher , same as above, using "him" or "her"
$hisher or $Hisher , same as above, using "his" or "her"
$sirmam or $Sirmam , same as above, using "sir" or "ma'am"
$target , the name of your target
The last variable, $target, acts as a placeholder for the name of any OTHER character you are currently selecting, whether that character is another hero, a civilian, or a villian.
Executing Multiple Slash Commands
By using $$ between each command, you can link a series of commands to one keystroke. Think of $$ meaning "and then" to the game. For example, if you wanted to advertise that you were looking for team you could type "/broadcast Level 10 Tanker looking for group." and then type "/request Level 10 Tanker looking for group." and then turn on your seek team button. But you could also type this: "/broadcast Level 10 Tanker looking for group.$$request Level 10 Tanker looking for group." With one command you've sent a message to the broadcast channel and the request channel. Note the absence of a slash in the second part of the command.
It is not possible to execute more than one power/inspiration at a time using $$. However, you can execute a power and set up a power to auto-fire in one bind, making it seems as if you are activating two powers with one keystroke. An example of this would be /powexec_auto X$$powexec_name X. This command would activate the second power and then when finished activate the first power over and over again as soon as it is recharged.
Note when using multiple commands, the game reads them from backwards to forwards. When conflicting commands are present, it will active the command nearest to the end. For example:
/tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color yellow>+ACC$$inspexec_name insight$$inspexec_name keen insight$$inspexec_name uncanny insight
will activate the largest type of accuracy inspiration present in inventory. If there is no large present, it will activate a medium. If there is no medium present, it will activate a small. This command
/tell $name, <scale .6><bgcolor black><color green>+HP$$inspexec_name resurgence$$inspexec_name dramatic improvement$$inspexec_name respite
will do the reverse activating the small inspiration, then the meduim if no small, then the large if no small or medium is present.
There are other methods to execute even more commands seemingly at the same time using bindings to load other bind files using /bind_load_file (see Toggle Binds) and using the + operator to activate part of a command on a key-press and other parts of the command on key-release (see The + Operator).
/bind is a slash command that can trigger other slash commands. Binding is the act of tying a slash command to a keystroke, mouse click, button push or combination of keystrokes and mouse-clicks or button pushes. Every key on the keyboard, every button on the mouse and every control or movement on a controller or joystick has a name that the game recognizes. Find the names of all of these keys, buttons and controls (known collectively as triggers) in Trigger Names. City of Heroes comes with a set of predefined, default, in-game navigation and control commands. It is possible to change the default bindings and create your own binds with knowledge of the slash commands. All known slash commands at the time of writing are listed alphabetically in Slash Commands A-Z and by function in Slash Commands by Function.
To create a binding in the game, use the command /bind [trigger] [command]. An example would be /bind m map, which tells the game to display or hide the map when the m button is pressed. Multiple commands can be strung together using $$, as explained above.
It is also possible to bind commands to a combination of key-presses using chord keys. The chord keys are shift, alt and control. Using chord keys it is possible to have up to 4 different commands tied to one key. For example, 'w' my execute forward movement, 'shift+w' may tell your current channel "Waiting..." and active the newspaper animated emote, 'ctrl+w' may active the global chat channel members window and 'alt+w' may turn sprint off. When you are setting up a chord key and trigger key combination you separate them with the "+" symbol. This tells the game that you are using both keys together. When binding chord keys, always list the chord key first in a bind. w+shift will be understood as w, unless shift comes first.
Instead of entering each bind into the command line, it is possible to create a text file out of the game with your binds and then load all your bindings at once. See Slash Commands by Function under Binding and Macro Commands for the commands used to save and load. Note when creating this file you should give each bind its own line and omit /bind command before each bind. An example of what this file might look like is:
q "say <scale 1.25>$target, You Want Some Of This???$$emote taunt2"
w "say Waiting...$$emote newspaper"
e "say Every Hero should have their own Theme Music!$$emote boombox"
r "autoreply"
t "say Thank you$$emote thanks"
y "say <bgcolor green><border green><color white>Yes$$emote nod"
Spacing is important in binds. First of all, binds (and all commands) are limited to a total of 255 characters in length. For lengthier binds, omitting spaces means more room for commands. Secondly, binds with improper spacing do not work. The binds 'd powexecname dullpain' and 'd powexecname dull pain ' both do not work because there is no power called 'dullpain' or 'dull pain '. 'd powexecname dull pain' activates dull pain when d is pressed. Third, when using the bindload/bindsave type commands, the game does not like paths that include spaces. For example, the path c:\city of heroes\binds\ won't work because of the space between "city" and "of" and the space between "of" and "heroes". When you have to use these commands, use directories without spaces when possible and keep directory folder names under 8 characters.
A macro is a custom icon button on your power tray that you create. Macros follow the same rules for formatting as slash commands. /macro is very similar to /bind. You are, in effect, binding a command to an object instead of a trigger. Almost everything you can do with a bind, you can do with a macro. The main difference is that /bind uses objects that already exist (keys on your keyboard) as the trigger, whereas /macro creates the trigger and then associates the command to it. The trigger it creates is a new icon that sits on the first empty slot on your power bar. Think of a macro as an additional 'key' that you have created. These icons can be activated with a mouse click, or can be bound to keys if you use the /powexec_tray slash command to identify which tray and which slot in that tray the icon is sitting in.
Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA