Slash Commands, Binds, & Macros, Oh My!




The command you're looking for is powexecname [power].

An example of what you want might be:

button4 "powexecname Aura of Confusion"

Pressing button4 toggles it on if it's off or off if it's on.

If I read your message more carefully, it almost sounds like you are interested in binding a mouse-click to a key press or making a macro that acts like a mouse-click.

Unfortunately, afaik, you can't do this. For quite some time a few years ago I tried to figure out a way to 'reassign' the joystick triggers, so I could access 'more keys' for keybinding. DirectX isn't set up to allow this.

Does this help?

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Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



That helps perfectly. I wanted to bind Hurricane to the mouse button, so I'd have quicker control of it.

Be Well!



how do i target my controller pet and cast speed boost on it i had it on ly lvl 50 troller but forgot the command.. any help is appreciated.



Hey, is it possible to make a macro that allows me to use [Call Thugs] then [Call Enforcers] and then [Call Bruiser]?

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