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  1. for some reason the color commands format seems to have changed - the way you have it in your above post is exactly how i have it and it used to it no longer works...any ideas if this is a bug or if something has changed it the last update or 2 ? please help, TYIA
  2. ok - stupid question i know BUUUUT --- i used to have (in my speach bubbles) text, backroundcolor and bordercolor all different---and it worked like this: <color blue><bgcolor red><border green> .... recently played that char after MANY moons and a free issue update or 2 or 3 or........anyway long story short the color commands no longer work and i simply cannot find new ones anywhere...any help ? // TYIA !
  3. where can i go to read the 'histories' of ingame NPC heros ?
    im very interested in knowing how/why satesman, mynx, synapse, ect came to be the superpowered heros they are today....

    this lateset SCOOP only serve to tease with a history on MYNX...where is it ??

    PS - i can be emaild at
    plz, plz, PLZ put ' COH FORUM ' in the subject line so it wont be automaticly routed to the spam folder