The Champion Name Watch




"Roman?" Isn't that "Namor" backwards. . .?



Looking for a natural WP/SS tanker name...




Looking for a natural WP/SS tanker name...


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Sorry. Missed the request. What kind of name do you like?



Sorry. Missed the request. What kind of name do you like?

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Heheh, no worries. I "found" one.



Names I have to trade on Champ:

All American Man

I am willing to trade all of them. For what? I have no idea but you never know until you ask.
So ask.

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Still have all of the above.
Only now (since I'm really not playing on Champ ever) I'll give em away. Just send me a pm or tell in game @BigDaddyDream.
They are collecting dust and someone should be having fun with them here.



I'll sell Jyggylag for 500 million CoV infamy (I put CoV becaue I can't recall whether it is influence or infamy red side lol, think it must be infamy).

I am seriously doubting that anyone would even take the name if I offered to pay them some infamy LoL although I do know of one who seemed really enthusiastic on the name - perhaps you are lurking here... waiting... - anyhoo it's high just because ..... heck i don't even no why i posted here LoL i'm going.....



Looking for Itachi, have made Itachi-san, Itachii, Itachi., I want the orginal!

Global is @Itachi, so just msg meh or post if you want to trade.

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Uhhhh, WHAT?!?

This must be some form of BLASPHEMY!!!

I swear you have it.... or am i quoting an old post lol

EDIT: No wait.... come to think about it I don't think i've actually ever seen Itachi lol...... no... think it's just been P A I N E, A G O N Y, Eternal Hellstorm and Burn Patient. So the original has been in hiding then.......... too ashamed to reveal his imposterism lol



Need a name for an elec/kin corr female.

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Kinetic Shock (???)

EDIT: Now i'm going



Need a name for an elec/kin corr female.

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Kinetic Shock (???)

More than likely taken already.

EDIT: Now i'm going

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Looking for Captain Steel. Would give quite a bit to have it. Send PM if you are willing to trade it.



Would like the name "Vigilante Justice" if someone would like to trade or whatever.



I'm looking for Bulwark, if anyone's got it

My DeviantArt
Extraplanar 50 Mind/Kin
Argos the Beast 50 Stone/Stone
Everblaze 50 Fire/SS
Falcon's Fury 50 Kat/Inv
Heirloom 50 BS/DA



To be honest, I'm surprised this thread hasn't taken off.

Ain't some of you folks out there "name camping", and willing to trade for the perfect name?



I WANT ITACHI! I mean damn, even on forums I have to have some variant of Itachi... Itachii, pft.



To be honest, I'm surprised this thread hasn't taken off.

Ain't some of you folks out there "name camping", and willing to trade for the perfect name?

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I'm still looking for Demon Keeper, but I think the fellow who has it stopped playing. I've sent e-mails, global tells, etc. with no reply.



I thought this thread would be used more, too.

How about if I auction off the name Odin to the highest bidder?

I still have a few great ones up for possible trade:

1) Odin
2) Star
3) Gemini

Let's get this thread going....




the only name i ever wanted i got a while ago - gog
and it was from the name re ups - since the person was gone for a long time and now i go for apparently any variation of it lol -



I've got a bunch of names I'd be willing to give up for a possible trade. I'd prefer simple, one word names but I'm flexible.

1) Major
2) Space
3) Unit
4) Stars
5) Grey
6) Spy
7) Cricket
8) Valiant

And I would love to trade for Star
Let me know if there's something here you like Star_Fire




There is:

1) Grey
2) Spy

I will send ya an email.




The only name I have that is pretty nifty and goes good with just about any AT is:

Fractured Dawn

I chose that name and have been recycling it numerous times before I realized it is on every board in front of an movie theatre in Paragon City. Can't miss it.

Midnight Show
Rise of the Council: The Broken Column
Fractured Dawn

I may be inclined to give it up. Depends on what I'm offered.



I've had 'Fletcher' on my friends list since I registered and haven never seen him in-game. Seeings as to how I really like the TA powerset AND my real-life name is Fletcher, I'm very interested in acquiring that one for myself.



I've had 'Fletcher' on my friends list since I registered and haven never seen him in-game. Seeings as to how I really like the TA powerset AND my real-life name is Fletcher, I'm very interested in acquiring that one for myself.

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Have you tried sending him a global message? That way, if he ever logs on, he'll know that you'd like the name.

(To get his global, just /ignore Fletcher and you'll automatically ignore his global, then you can /unignore him.)



I've had 'Fletcher' on my friends list since I registered and haven never seen him in-game. Seeings as to how I really like the TA powerset AND my real-life name is Fletcher, I'm very interested in acquiring that one for myself.

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(To get his global, just /ignore Fletcher and you'll automatically ignore his global, then you can /unignore him.)

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Or, just type /getglobalname NAME; and that will tell you (most of the time).




I've had 'Fletcher' on my friends list since I registered and haven never seen him in-game. Seeings as to how I really like the TA powerset AND my real-life name is Fletcher, I'm very interested in acquiring that one for myself.

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(To get his global, just /ignore Fletcher and you'll automatically ignore his global, then you can /unignore him.)

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Or, just type /getglobalname NAME; and that will tell you (most of the time).


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I like my way.

*grumbles something about being shown up*