Heroes for Charity
Would other people who wish to assist in this effort please make cross posting onto the forums of the other servers.
Titano INV/SS 50
Ground Elec/Elec/Elec 50
Automatos, Empathy Defender, 38
Umbrio, DM/DA, 32
Lone Amish, INV/EM Tank, 25
Ergon, Kin/Elec 14
Falstaff, WP/EM Tank, 14
A leader of B.O.S.S.
I think getting the PERC to look into posting this under the "Events" boards would definitely help out, don't think they had that committee last year (or maybe it wasn't popular, not sure) but they're here this year!
What to our Champion PERC reps think? Is it possible?


I'll do some research and get back to you.
PM coming for you Titano about a related idea for early next year.
"A Hero is sworn to valor, his heart knows only virtue, her blade defends the helpless, his might upholds the weak, her word speaks only truth, his wrath undoes the wicked, her compassion comforts the oppressed, his charity helps the needy..."
Thank you for visiting the 2007 Holiday Charity for the virtual comic book superheroes that play City of Heroes. Our goal is to raise funds to help America's Second Harvest provide food for those in need. Our online heroes fight for truth, justice, and inspire the city with our deeds. But there is more to being a hero than wearing a cape, defeating villians and leaping a tall building in a single bound. People hurt and suffer in this world and part of being a hero is showing compassion toward other people. This season you can become a real hero by helping fight and solve hunger that many people experience daily during the year.
The charity is an annual event run by the B.O.S.S. Supergroup for the entire City of Heroes community and the sole benefit of America's Second Harvest. In 2005, the charity event raised more than $500 in support of Hurricane Katrina victums via Salvation Army. In 2006, the charity event raised more than $2000 in support of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This year, we have expanded our communication of the charity to the entire City of Heroes community and hope to raise $10,000 to fight and solve hunger relief.
The website of America's Second Harvest is www.secondharvest.org and you can learn about this organization, the current methods for fighting hunger, and how there are many ways to contribute toward the solvable problem of hunger. America's Second Harvest converts more than 98% of the total financial and product donations into tangible support to those who are in need.
Visit Heroes for Charity to make a contribution to the fundraising efforts.
"Our compassion comforts the oppressed, our charity helps the needy..."
Many thanks for your support
Leaders of B.O.S.S.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you so much for involving the community with such a worthy effort. I thought I would tag on to your charity with a charity effort that Cuppa Jo has been doing internally which is: Child's Play we recently send off some COV/COH signed stuff for the charity auction. Let me know if there is anything I can personally help you do for raising awareness among the community, by me posting here this post will get cataloged in our Community Digest.
If you get together in game let me know the details and I can see what I can do about getting a Dev presence there.
Awesome, Ex!
Titano did this last year also (maybe prior to last year as well?) and he posts this on the SG forums and posted it here last year as well but things like this get buried quickly sometimes.
T and his wife are really great peeps
...Cuppa works on things internally there?...does that mean we're getting Cuppa back? (Just kidding, of course!)


I hope the OP doesn't take offense, but since this IS a charity with borders, the following is the Canadian version of the same:
Canadian Association of Food Banks
I agree, Dinah. The virtual realm of CoH/CoV covers the entire real world. Helping hunger relief is a worldwide effort.
Titano INV/SS 50
Ground Elec/Elec/Elec 50
Automatos, Empathy Defender, 38
Umbrio, DM/DA, 32
Lone Amish, INV/EM Tank, 25
Ergon, Kin/Elec 14
Falstaff, WP/EM Tank, 14
A leader of B.O.S.S.
Very spiffy hearing that NCSoft is helping out Child's Play. I look forward at seeing what is up for auction.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Very cool. You have my support!
Titano, let me know if I as Detective or as The Defuser can do anything to help.
Checking out the site now.
Great work!
We're clearly on our way with $200 already collected!
Please pass around this forum topic to the other server forums to get their involvement.
Titano INV/SS 50
Ground Elec/Elec/Elec 50
Automatos, Empathy Defender, 38
Umbrio, DM/DA, 32
Lone Amish, INV/EM Tank, 25
Ergon, Kin/Elec 14
Falstaff, WP/EM Tank, 14
A leader of B.O.S.S.
Titano-- just popped in and saw this stickied... I am going to post this on freedom boards... good luck and good show!
"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man
Silence!!! I kill you!
Thank you to everyone who has given. The event will conclude on January 1, 2008.
Titano INV/SS 50
Ground Elec/Elec/Elec 50
Automatos, Empathy Defender, 38
Umbrio, DM/DA, 32
Lone Amish, INV/EM Tank, 25
Ergon, Kin/Elec 14
Falstaff, WP/EM Tank, 14
A leader of B.O.S.S.
Last day for donations is tomorrow.
Thank you,
Titano INV/SS 50
Ground Elec/Elec/Elec 50
Automatos, Empathy Defender, 38
Umbrio, DM/DA, 32
Lone Amish, INV/EM Tank, 25
Ergon, Kin/Elec 14
Falstaff, WP/EM Tank, 14
A leader of B.O.S.S.
Doh i missed this. Lemme know if another thingy begins (my workplace now blocks this site boooo!).
Maybe you could try a charity PL?
The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!

"A Hero is sworn to valor, his heart knows only virtue, her blade defends the helpless, his might upholds the weak, her word speaks only truth, his wrath undoes the wicked, her compassion comforts the oppressed, his charity helps the needy..."
Thank you for visiting the 2007 Holiday Charity for the virtual comic book superheroes that play City of Heroes. Our goal is to raise funds to help America's Second Harvest provide food for those in need. Our online heroes fight for truth, justice, and inspire the city with our deeds. But there is more to being a hero than wearing a cape, defeating villians and leaping a tall building in a single bound. People hurt and suffer in this world and part of being a hero is showing compassion toward other people. This season you can become a real hero by helping fight and solve hunger that many people experience daily during the year.
The charity is an annual event run by the B.O.S.S. Supergroup for the entire City of Heroes community and the sole benefit of America's Second Harvest. In 2005, the charity event raised more than $500 in support of Hurricane Katrina victums via Salvation Army. In 2006, the charity event raised more than $2000 in support of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This year, we have expanded our communication of the charity to the entire City of Heroes community and hope to raise $10,000 to fight and solve hunger.
The website of America's Second Harvest is www.secondharvest.org and you can learn about this organization, the current methods for fighting hunger, and how there are many ways to contribute toward the solvable problem of hunger. America's Second Harvest converts more than 98% of the total financial and product donations into tangible support to those who are in need.
Visit Heroes for Charity to make a contribution to the fundraising efforts.
"Our compassion comforts the oppressed, our charity helps the needy..."
Many thanks for your support
Leaders of B.O.S.S.
Titano INV/SS 50
Ground Elec/Elec/Elec 50
Automatos, Empathy Defender, 38
Umbrio, DM/DA, 32
Lone Amish, INV/EM Tank, 25
Ergon, Kin/Elec 14
Falstaff, WP/EM Tank, 14
A leader of B.O.S.S.