New concept! tell me what you think




This is a character that came out from Project Reaver's backstory. I still haven't decided on the alias name or the project name, but here we go.

Crey Industries still hadn't given up on trying to recreate Project Reaver's nanomachines after the previous test subject destroyed almost all the research data. They first needed guinea pigs and found them by buying out a local psychiatric hospital. They had many failed tests and deaths until they came upon a man that was suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Although Crey couldn't figure out why, the nanomachines worked perfectly with the man, despite being identical to the failed experiments. The man's body also changed to match his current personality's mental image, which filled the scientists with much intrigue.

Having succeeded, Crey immediately started trying brainwash the patient into the perfect assassin. However, they only succeeded in shattering the subject's mind into more personalities. Crey then tried to eliminate each personality individually but when they tried to harm one of the female personalities, they met with a monster. The patient's body changed into what resembled a werewolf and escaped from the facility with unnatural strength and ferocity.

The patient woke up in cave with a new personality, that contained fragments of his true memories and his original self-image. He remembered being called Keith, although he couldn't remember where it that memory came from. He also heard several different voices in his head and they all seemed so familiar and important to him but he couldn't figure out why. He finally took in his surrounding for the first time and noticed he was wearing nothing but a broken metal bracelet that said the words "<Project Name> - 32". Keith left the cave and later found out about his various abilities and his personalities. Keith decided to stick to the underground job and use the name "<Character Name>" name as his alias in his job dealings to avoid being captured by Crey agents.

[u]The Personalities:[u]
<ul type="square">[*] Keith - Male personality is that of a confused average man. His entire personality is always in the middleground and is the only one that can communicate with all the other personalities. He can tap into the powers of the other personalities but they are significantly weaker.[*] Wesley - Male personality that is of a hardened soldier whose only satisfaction is the battlefield. Enjoys the thrill of the hunt and takes pleasure in murdering strong individuals. His powers are heightened senses and reflexes, as well as a vast knowledge of military skills and tactics.[*] Agro - Wolf personality that is extremely violent and protective of the female personalities and Laurence. Usually only manifests when they are in danger. His power is an enhanced metaphoris, which automatically transforms him into a half-wolf half-man beast with super strength and speed.[*] Laurence - Male personality that is genius at everything he does and is a kind soul. The only downside is that he is very weak-willed and physically paralyzed from the waist down. His powers are his superior intellect and an ability to control technology by touching it.[*] Veronica - Female personality that is extremely dominant, manipulative, and violent. She enjoys inflicting both physical and emotional pain on others and will hurt or kill anyone who gets in the way of what she wants. She has memories of being rapped as a child and brutally torturing and killing her assailant a year later. Her power is the ability to produce electricity from her body.[*] Alison - Female personality that is a kind pacifist. She has memories of constantly being abused throughout her life and has grown accustom to it. She believes that love can save even the most corrupted heart. Her power is the ability to regenerate from any wound, even from death.[*] Victor - Male personality is extremely shy and takes a great interest in women. He is also extremely fearful of any kind of conflict and holds guilty memories of the lost love of his life. His power is the ability to become invisible and see in the dark.[*] The Reaver - The Reaver personality is the artificial assassin personality that Crey placed into the patient. This personality has never been tapped into but all the other personalities know it is there and are greatly afraid of it. Has complete mastery over the powers granted through the nanomachines and only knows how to kill. Looks very similar to the super-villain, Project Reaver.[/list]



So the other personalities, they are just 'self image' of what that person would be like? Or was the original 'host' capable of such things.

I love the idea!

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So the other personalities, they are just 'self image' of what that person would be like? Or was the original 'host' capable of such things.

I love the idea!

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Whenever another personality takes over that personality's self-image causes the body to change to match it (subconscious control of the nanomachines). The original host had no powers to speak of before the nanomachines were injected into him. The reason why the nanomachines only work for him and Reaver lie in a connected childhood experience, which I don't want to go into detail about at this time.




Really, really cool idea Turbo.



Okay I want to round out the number of personalities to nine (currently eight), but I'm having a hard time coming up with the last one. Here is some ideas have jumbled through my head about it:
<ul type="square">[*] maybe some personality that one of his hospital doctors or a mysterious person put into his head to try and mend or protect him. I was tossing this idea around for a good while until I realized I already had this in the personality of Keith. However maybe there is something salvageable from this idea[*] Another idea I had was personality of a savior or hero in his life. This personality would be the only one holding back The Reaver and would manifest to save people of interest. There is a lot of ways I could do this and is personally my favorite, so I'm just leaving it as an open question for now.[*] Another idea was to have an obscured gender personality that doesn't have it's own self-image and merely mimic the images of others in order to survive. This chamelion would most likely spawn from feelings of having to conform to society in order to survive, and because of this it's personality would be constantly changing to that of its environment as well. However, there is no good way for me to adabt this to the story and make it interesting since the only thing it knows how to do is mimic. The more I think about this idea the more I tend to hate it...[*] A female personality that's a reflection of a mother figure...dunno maybe have a deep relationship with Keith and probably gets mentally killed by The Reaver leading to a conflict to Keith and The Reaver. Who knows how that would end, probably with The Reaver killing Keith and all the other personalities being unleashed upon the monster in a desperate act of survival or maybe Keith would win in the end with some unexplainable form of inner strength.[*] Final idea I had was a mute male child personality, that is completely mysterious and the only personality that The Reaver is fearful of. Once again a very broad area I could go here as far as story and is ironic that a slayer of men and women is afraid of a child.[/list]
Once again tell me what you guys think here.



Interesting concept there.

If you combine the gist of a few of your other ideas for the 9th, it might be a psychologist. Could be interestiing.

Now you just gotta get then to give us enough costume slots so you can dress them all differently.

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Interesting concept there.

If you combine the gist of a few of your other ideas for the 9th, it might be a psychologist. Could be interestiing.

Now you just gotta get then to give us enough costume slots so you can dress them all differently.

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Oh I like that idea, a guiding spirit (or advisor) personality.

As far as costume slots, they'll probably all be separate characters on the character select and all of them aren't going to get used. Keith is definitely going to get used though as the "Anti-Reaver" to Project Reaver. Wesley will probably end up being used as AR/Traps Corruptor too.



Cept you can't change the body height after you make your char. You can only adjust the legs which gives you about a foot of play. Shame really, but tis the limitations of the game at the moment.

Also, yay for split personalities. Mel is a split personality char, but her dominant side is pretty much always in control. The original comes out every once in a while, most notably when she's battling heroes in Siren's. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
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So the other personalities, they are just 'self image' of what that person would be like? Or was the original 'host' capable of such things.

I love the idea!

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Whenever another personality takes over that personality's self-image causes the body to change to match it (subconscious control of the nanomachines). The original host had no powers to speak of before the nanomachines were injected into him. The reason why the nanomachines only work for him and Reaver lie in a connected childhood experience, which I don't want to go into detail about at this time.

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Very cool, I like it.

One of my original characters from back in the day (Teen Spirit) is similar to this, except the other personalities aren't hers and she got that way via magic rather than technology. One of my newer characters is a shape-shifter (Polly Morph) who can assume any other female appearance. (Limited by the game engine, of course.)

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okay the 9th personality:
Janice - A female personality that seems like a very normal person and yet her pressence seems more out of place than the rest. She is constantly giving Keith advise on how to "Control" the other personalities and keeps pushing him to have a deeper relationship with Alisson and Laurence. She is also the only personality that The Reaver seems to fear. Wesley and Veronica for some reason feel threatened by her and feel that she needs to be rubbed out. Keith knows she knows this and yet it seems that she isn't the least bit concerned towards them and their plot. Keith assumes she has some kind of power like the others but can't seem to tap into it or even know what it is.

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This is great turbo. I love it